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Tips for cutting E hangover short.


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All right this is what i do , if anyone else can contribute from their expiriences it will be greately appreciated. I guess it applies for "heavy loaders" (5-10 pills a night) Well this works great for me :

1. After crazy mangled night, come home take a couple charcoal tablets. So you won't be bugging out for the rest of the day. Charcoal tablets are sold in a pharmacy near you, and are the great natural detoxifier, which stops your stomach from absorbing whatever shit you have left in your stomach. Charcoal is actually administered at emergency rooms as a first method to treat e overdose.

2. After 4-5 hours get some food, not too much something nutritional, so you can take your vitamins on a full stomach. I usually stick to 1000mg of Vitamin C. Although the greatest resource that is depleted from your body after E is magnesium. I have no explanation for this, but you should take my word for it, its from yeasr of research.

3. Did you crazy people forgot all about sleep.?? Thats right , got to get that serotonin level back up. I usually take 100mg of 5htp just before going to sleep. You can get it from GNC. and if you can't or don't want to, turkey and bananas are great natural source for that crap.

Follow these steps and you will feel wake up next mourning ...so fresh and so clean...clean. :laugh:

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1.5mg xanax + 1 prozac + 1 multivitamin + 8 hours sleep = only the slightest meloncolly the next day.

1 adderal in the morning and your 110% ;)

the Prozac to prevent all the reuptake of seratonin and the xanax to help you actually reach a deep sleep do make all the difference in the world.

The vitamin and lots of water keep away that liquor type hangover feeling that you get from sweating out all your electrolytes.

lots of 5htp over the next few days seems to help too.

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The advice is right . . But you're asking them to remember too much . . . LOL . . .

I can't even remember all that shit and I read the post 5 mins ago. . .how am I possibly going to when I'm all ate up?

After you come down, drink water, and take some aspirin. . .and a xanny bar if you have one :cool: Sleep for 6 hours or so and then go out and get something to eat.

Come home, drink some more water. . . Try to have sex :tongue: (ALOT of fun when she's 8 too . . ). . fall asleep. . .

That simple . .

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Shroomy's recipe almost to the milligram. I however would:

-20mg Prozac as soon as you know party is about to end (before you goto sleep)

-I go with 1mg Xanax as opposed to 1.5 or THE BAR (2mg) to prevent xanny hangover. Too much makes me foggy the next day. (then again it might be the 3 hits, 3 liqs, G and god knows what else that I consumed at after hours)

-MultiVitamin is a must...GNC MegaMan has all ya need! (take with food!)

-Shroomy, the one thing I would replace is Adderall with 20 mg Ritalin..much better IMO

Shroomy...too bad you're in FL...sounds like we;re on the same page...probably could tear shit up


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Originally posted by romy20

ok the xanax and proxac?? how can i take them if i cant get them, like they have to be prescribed rite??

dammit i want someee!!

whats ur secret to gettin them lol

find someone that can get it...........or fake some symptoms at your doctor's office. tell him you can sleep at night, you get nervous with all your tests/schoolwork/work whatever....... im sure you can get some xannies :D

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