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DT can't hold Tiesto's jock


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First of all would like to thank Spacious for the password and getting in free last night.

Secondly, Tiesto absolutely killed it last night. His set made DT's set look and sound like a bigger pile of shit than i thought it was. Tiesto was losing his mind up there, he was throwing records down to the crowd, giving autographs from the booth, and dancing and jumping around. By far was the best night I have ever had at Space. Also, he played a 5 hour set this time.

Finally, for all of you people who hate Space and have all these problems and have to dance in line to get in SORRY BOUT CHA. Get a life, and quit popping pills every 10 minutes!!!!!!

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Originally posted by johnny13

First of all would like to thank Spacious for the password and getting in free last night.

Secondly, Tiesto absolutely killed it last night. His set made DT's set look and sound like a bigger pile of shit than i thought it was. Tiesto was losing his mind up there, he was throwing records down to the crowd, giving autographs from the booth, and dancing and jumping around. By far was the best night I have ever had at Space. Also, he played a 5 hour set this time.

Finally, for all of you people who hate Space and have all these problems and have to dance in line to get in SORRY BOUT CHA. Get a life, and quit popping pills every 10 minutes!!!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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wow, hearing that from such a credible source makes me wanna throw away my gu17 and gu10 right out the window and get all of tiesto's magik mixes.

right on dood!

there's a way to come on a public msg board and say how good tiesto was for u last night, but to say that DT's set was a pile of shit shows u have no class nor respect for someone who has done so much for the scene. i poop on you.

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Do you expect intellectual discourse from this primate? :) Look at his track record. We should perhaps put him on exhibit in Metrozoo and have Jane Goodall do a study on him.

Tiësto and Danny are two different styles, one cannot really be compared to the other. It's like saying "Haha my B-2 bomber kicks your Chevy Nova's ass!"

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Originally posted by johnny13

Secondly, Tiesto absolutely killed it last night. His set made DT's set look and sound like a bigger pile of shit than i thought it was.

That was the funniest shit I've heard all day. Tiesto better than Danny Tenaglia? :laugh: two different styles, two different dj's, two different levels .... DT is the man, learn to respect Johnny boy

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apples & oranges.....apples & oranges. But anyway I always find it funny how everyone comes online after a set they've heard, proclaiming breathlessly "oh my god it's the greatest set I've ever heard!!!!" LOL I think a lot of people in the club scene have very short memories...hmmm i wonder why???

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DT is a fruit, there's no need to compare him to Tiesto. DT's vibe is gay, his scene is gay, and the reason you people suck him off so much is because your all gay. It's too bad that though your unable to talk because there's a dick in your mouth, you fags can still type in your gay comments.

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Originally posted by dgat

DT is a fruit, there's no need to compare him to Tiesto. DT's vibe is gay, his scene is gay, and the reason you people suck him off so much is because your all gay. It's too bad that though your unable to talk because there's a dick in your mouth, you fags can still type in your gay comments.

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

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Originally posted by dgat

DT is a fruit, there's no need to compare him to Tiesto. DT's vibe is gay, his scene is gay, and the reason you people suck him off so much is because your all gay. It's too bad that though your unable to talk because there's a dick in your mouth, you fags can still type in your gay comments.

I see we have another asshole on the board.

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Well it has been proven that people that are homophobic, and also people that gaybash have tendencies of being closes homosexuals. Well Dgat i'm very sure of my sexuality so i don't mind going to DT and dancing with my friends and seeing all those homosexuals around me, i would preffer hanging out with them than with you any day, at least they aren't close minded SOBs, and to you johnny if u hear tiesto's old live mixes and his new ones he is playing darkers stuff than trance i think he is a great Dj but there is no way he can compare to Tenaglia. Tenaglia could control his crowd the man is a god. Digweed looks up to Tenaglia how about that. Well like a lot of you said. Apples and Oragnes. But hopefully we don't get this homophobes in the board anymore, and if they where any smarter they would know that a big part of the clubbing community are those "fags".

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Johnny13, your a fuckin joke. Bet you've been clubbing about a whole 2 months now, and it shows. Tiesto is not worthy of sniffing Dannys CK underwear after a 17 hour set!!!

And dgat, "dt's vibe is gay":laugh:, Its not gay buddy, its knowing what clubland wants to hear 2 years before we do...LEARN! you former george acosta fan!

Just had take these 2 minutes to let you new jack's know that,,,,,,wankers.

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Hey guys, in my opinion......I think you shouldn't even engage in typing with some of these people that are here to only present a negative attitude......By engaging, you are stooping down to that level.......I think this board needs a major cleansing if you know what I mean.......I think that by ignoring some shit, you will eventually just eliminate the shit........my 2 cents...

BTW...thanks to FX for bringing back that classic pic!

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