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Dump Draper


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Tony Draper, Tiesto, or Tony fuckin' Soprano, if you have nothing nice to say about a particular DJ or Producer or anyone, keep your mouth shut...

Talk about who you really love and enjoy, not about those you hate, because the ones you hate on, are higher up on the scene then you(anyone for that matter), so just STFU already.

.. bad or not


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i was at Exit last time in may and I have to say that Draper makes his sets too monotoneous. With all due respect for him, the only SONG he played was "Silence" by Delerium. Everything else was the same beat-and-noise stuff... not that I don't like it, it's exactly the opposite, but in my opinion he needs to diversify his choice of the tracks he plays... that's how I do it, I keep myself within certain style, but I try not to play the same noisy stuff for six hours... after all, how many times can you drop Derb or Blow The Speakers with so much more music being available out there?

The other thing is, if I pay 35 bucks to get in I expect a DJ to show off some skill from time to time... I watched Draper play for 90% of my time at Exit and, sorry to say this, but for the admission price I'd like to see somebody actually SPIN, not pop the CD in the player... seems to me like Draper gets mp3s online, burns the CDs out and not giving his fellow artists credit they deserve... if I had his pay I'd be all over NYC record stores buying vinyl... i guess some so-called "DJs" do it only for the money...


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Well well, we have characters on the board who have attitude... but Bounce, you have some sense and seem more mature than the other peasants.

1) I didn't say Tony Draper was a God

2) I didn't say GO! GO! GO LISTEN TO DRAPER!

3) My point was, Tony Draper or anyone in life, if it bothers you then do the following

a. dont go hear that dj

b. dont spread negativity

c. let him do his thing, and let the people who do enjoy him, enjoy him.

and this is coming from someone who now attends sets of Carl Cox, Sasha and Digweed(who will be at Vinyl very soon), Danny Tenaglia, and various world re-known Dj's.

and by the way "Smokesum", exactly, go smoke some weed or some shit, because your brains are obviously deteriorating at each pull of the blunt... now if you have something mature, and something more worth listening to, ill be more than open ears.

Bounce, you are right, he does play exactly the way you stated, but thank you for being above the "norm" level, and stating an honest, but yet mature opinion :)

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First off, I give credit to every DJ in this industry (especially you JustinH, since you are incredibly skilled in determining a person's intelligence based on one trivial little post.)

No where in the actual post is Draper's name mentioned. I'll admit that maybe it was a little immature to use that heading..so what, every other post I see on this board is a criticism of some sort. I guess I forgot that we live in a modern day utopia where there is no negativity and people compliment each other and we are all wonderful, happy people :) . The truth of the matter is it isn't negativity, its criticism (so what if its not constructive). When I see post after post after post about goin to Exit at the same time when we have DJ's like DT, JP, Tiesto--this weekend ; etc. and no one EVER talks about goin to see them, it leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth, and I resort to posts with headings like this one. But you know what, its a never ending cycle and you nor me can do anything about it. Instead of using your time to try and silence people's opinions, maybe you can use it wisely and practice your mixing (not saying your bad---cause I never heard you spin).

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Originally posted by djustinh

and by the way "Smokesum", exactly, go smoke some weed or some shit, because your brains are obviously deteriorating at each pull of the blunt... now if you have something mature, and something more worth listening to, ill be more than open ears.

damn...my man took it too far with that one!


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all there is is uneccesary drama on this board. everyone can like what dj or music they want to like and everyone can have their opinion....let's just remember that none of it should be argued over as if it were a life or death issue. cuz guess what? it ain't. i know what i like (though i must admit it isn't draper), and that's good enuf for me. move on ppl........ :mad:

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Originally posted by smokesum

First off, I give credit to every DJ in this industry (especially you JustinH, since you are incredibly skilled in determining a person's intelligence based on one trivial little post.)

No where in the actual post is Draper's name mentioned. I'll admit that maybe it was a little immature to use that heading..so what, every other post I see on this board is a criticism of some sort. I guess I forgot that we live in a modern day utopia where there is no negativity and people compliment each other and we are all wonderful, happy people :) . The truth of the matter is it isn't negativity, its criticism (so what if its not constructive). When I see post after post after post about goin to Exit at the same time when we have DJ's like DT, JP, Tiesto--this weekend ; etc. and no one EVER talks about goin to see them, it leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth, and I resort to posts with headings like this one. But you know what, its a never ending cycle and you nor me can do anything about it. Instead of using your time to try and silence people's opinions, maybe you can use it wisely and practice your mixing (not saying your bad---cause I never heard you spin).

but u said dump draper:confused:

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