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A Little Info For You!

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If you haven't heard the news as of yet, I decided to leave my Saturday night party at World. This was purely a business decision based on many incidents that transpired between the promoters and myself. This is very unfortunate because I was not planning on leaving World, but they left me no choice in the matter. I have always said that in order to have a successful party you need to have great teamwork. By that I mean everyone should always work "together" in making the party the best it can be. In particular the promoters and the DJ should have a close working relationship sharing the expertise they have from each of their fields. Clearly in this case that type of teamwork was non-existed. Promotional decisions were made without communication. I found out about upcoming promotions from flyers and from 3rd party. Being the resident dj, I feel that I should be made aware of all promotions. Like I mentioned before I had no intension of leaving this party especially now that times are tough due to the trade center disaster. If anything I was very willing to work closely with everyone involved and do whatever is necessary to bring the party back to a normal level. Instead they completely kept me out of the loop, which I find very disrespectful. I hope this clears up some confusion and some rumors out there.

Ok, now to the good stuff!!!! Starting this and every Saturday my dear friend Jason Ojeda and myself will be playing together at a new party called King (located on 42nd btwn 7th & 8th). The space is not too big and not too small and the sound system will be amazing. Expect nothing but a great time, as Jason and I are truly thrilled to be playing together. We are hoping that all of Jason's following from CPI and my amazing Tempts crowd can come together and find a great new party to go to in the city every Saturday night. Looking forward to seeing all of you!

Denny Tsettos

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DENNY - Thanks for the info. Sorry to hear that you have had to deal with the same unprofessionalism that all the other struggling, yet to make it DJ's deal with every day and week.

However it sounds like your new party is set to successful. I hope it is.


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Sounds good, but some questions?

What time does it stay open to?

Dress code?

How about the line, do you need a girl for every guy?

Are you in Jason going to rotate every week on who starts and who closes?

I think this is great, I heard Jason at Abyss and at the LL, he's really good, you both should make a great team. He is to LI and CPI's what you are to SH and Tempts.

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You have come TOO far to be disrespected like that... As a resident you should feel comfortable and secure, always being included (FIRST TO KNOW.. NOT LAST) on decisions made by the club. That's not asking for much but it obviously wasn't happening at World. I am glad to see that you have done something about it and decided to move on! I wish you and Jason nothing but the best of luck with the new party!! I am sure it will be a success!

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Originally posted by saynotodrama


You have come TOO far to be disrespected like that... As a resident you should feel comfortable and secure, always being included (FIRST TO KNOW.. NOT LAST) on decisions made by the club. That's not asking for much but it obviously wasn't happening at World. I am glad to see that you have done something about it and decided to move on! I wish you and Jason nothing but the best of luck with the new party!! I am sure it will be a success!

I totally agree w/sayno- all your parties have been nothing but successful and I wish you the best of luck as well.

We'll all be there w/bells!!

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Originally posted by misssf

We'll all be there w/bells!!



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I personally think you are better off. No offense...but I think that lay-out in World SUCKS and I have a better sound system in my car. :blank:

Just a few questions...

What's the closing time and what is the dress code??? Also, is Jason Ojeda with you every week??? :huh:

Other than that, good luck and I can't wait to hear you both!!! :letsgo:

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Originally posted by ch0sen0ne



LOL- I have to say that was pretty funny, did you ever think of going into comedy??

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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good luck!

World was getting lame anyway! Its always nice to look forward to something new!

As for the sound sytem I agree with Bumparella-but then again what to do you expect from a wrestling cafe?

I'll be there soon enough

.and yes for all my fans I will be signing autographs there as well!!:D

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Way to go, good to hear that someone stood up to the people that operate like that in this biz, Sorry you had to deal with that bullshit, it happens to all of us. Let me know more info about the party, industry guest list etc, I would definitely like to check it out, I'm working on a couple of things one in North Jersey, to be announced soon, you guys are more than welcome, I just heard Jason at Bunka a couple of weeks ago, great set, and your sets at tempts, well I told you what I thought, they were great. good luck.

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Originally posted by sin-sational


Since your old school like me I'll let you be the first on line-but what will you give me in exchange!

I believe in the barter system baby!!

give to get!!!!!!:tongue:

Sure sounds cool....

i can also include my autograph & my "WannabeADj Cd"

is that cool????????????????

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First of all......the party at World will continue to be the best in the city with or without denny "cheeseball nj superstar". His music at the world has caused the same thing week after week.....it puts us to sleep. I don't know about you nj clubgoers...but keep him if you think he's that good. My friends and i have personally been in the scene for a while now...and have a decent ear for music...and found nothing extraordinary or exciting about his nights. He has yet to show NY any type of energy that he creates in nj. and as far as his letter is concerned....if he was THAT GOOD he would still have his job at the world. For anyone concerned his new "residency" it is BB Kings, not KINGS and it is a restaurant. Make sure you start your night early, as i'm sure the food will be on denny. And Denny, as for you personally....no need to knock a good party just because you arent a part of it. wah wah...grow up you little bitch.

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Originally posted by realitygirl

First of all......the party at World will continue to be the best in the city with or without denny "cheeseball nj superstar". His music at the world has caused the same thing week after week.....it puts us to sleep. I don't know about you nj clubgoers...but keep him if you think he's that good. My friends and i have personally been in the scene for a while now...and have a decent ear for music...and found nothing extraordinary or exciting about his nights. He has yet to show NY any type of energy that he creates in nj. and as far as his letter is concerned....if he was THAT GOOD he would still have his job at the world. For anyone concerned his new "residency" it is BB Kings, not KINGS and it is a restaurant. Make sure you start your night early, as i'm sure the food will be on denny. And Denny, as for you personally....no need to knock a good party just because you arent a part of it. wah wah...grow up you little bitch.

Boooo. You wouldn't know a good DJ if he kicked you in the mouth. Denny is there for the crowd and he never disappoints. Keep it up Denny there are some of us who know how good you are. TEMPTATIONS MEMORIAL DAY 2002-----IT'S COMING

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Originally posted by realitygirl

First of all......the party at World will continue to be the best in the city with or without denny "cheeseball nj superstar". His music at the world has caused the same thing week after week.....it puts us to sleep. I don't know about you nj clubgoers...but keep him if you think he's that good. My friends and i have personally been in the scene for a while now...and have a decent ear for music...and found nothing extraordinary or exciting about his nights. He has yet to show NY any type of energy that he creates in nj. and as far as his letter is concerned....if he was THAT GOOD he would still have his job at the world. For anyone concerned his new "residency" it is BB Kings, not KINGS and it is a restaurant. Make sure you start your night early, as i'm sure the food will be on denny. And Denny, as for you personally....no need to knock a good party just because you arent a part of it. wah wah...grow up you little bitch.

I dont think your right!!! If he realy Wanted to he can TEACH THE JERSEY CROWD A LESSON..HE HASNT YET!!!!

And if he hadnt played the Wackness you are refering too he wouldnt Pack the places where he plays..

I wish he would play more serious MUZIK sometimes..but if he doesnt please the CROWD he has no WORK!!!

all Jersey DJ go threw the same mess...


but if he feed you his COCK you might eat It wouldnt YOU????????

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Originally posted by realitygirl

First of all......the party at World will continue to be the best in the city with or without denny "cheeseball nj superstar". His music at the world has caused the same thing week after week.....it puts us to sleep. I don't know about you nj clubgoers...but keep him if you think he's that good. My friends and i have personally been in the scene for a while now...and have a decent ear for music...and found nothing extraordinary or exciting about his nights. He has yet to show NY any type of energy that he creates in nj. and as far as his letter is concerned....if he was THAT GOOD he would still have his job at the world. For anyone concerned his new "residency" it is BB Kings, not KINGS and it is a restaurant. Make sure you start your night early, as i'm sure the food will be on denny. And Denny, as for you personally....no need to knock a good party just because you arent a part of it. wah wah...grow up you little bitch.

Hey Faggot, if you were in the scene for a while now, then you would have know what World was like last year-- Thanks to Denny Tsettos--- Wherever he goes will be good, he brings people (EXIT, TEMPTS, ABYSS, SPECIAL APPEARANCES-JOEYS AND IMAGE) So since you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about, go hang out on the dance floor at World by yourself and dont show your ugly ass at KINGS. :D

And by the way moron, the World is also a resturant, so whats your point?????:laugh:

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Originally posted by xxsplashxx

Hey Faggot, if you were in the scene for a while now, then you would have know what World was like last year-- Thanks to Denny Tsettos--- Wherever he goes will be good, he brings people (EXIT, TEMPTS, ABYSS, SPECIAL APPEARANCES-JOEYS AND IMAGE) So since you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about, go hang out on the dance floor at World by yourself and dont show your ugly ass at KINGS. :D

And by the way moron, the World is also a resturant, so whats your point?????:laugh:

ditto! but i already stated my opinion on the other thread!!!!

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