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For the girls....


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Ok ladies, some guys (i.e., me) are a bit confused at times on how important how much $$ a guy make$ for you to consider going out with him.

I mean, I'm not talking like I'm selling newspapers on road intersections or washing windows while cars wait for the light to turn green...but unfortunately in field I'm in (social science reserach) a person doesn't see the big bucks until you get a fuckin' doctorate and shit, and after 20+ yconsecutive years in school I dunno if I want an adittional 5-7 more and be broke as hell meanwhile....yup you guessed why I'm asking this question: my ass just got dumped for this reason :(:mad2:

..oh well I guess I can always get an arranged marriage with some woman in a 3rd world country who would like to come to the US..... :D :D

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$ is a nice bonus, but that's fucked up if a girl only looks for that in a guy or dumps him b/c of it. If you're still living at home w/ your parents and not working or mooching off of your girlfriend, then it's a different story. But if you're working hard and doing what you want to do, then your sig. other should be happy and proud. Sorry, but your x sounds like a gold digger and you're better off w/o her. It's the 21st century, women should be able to pamper themselves and not depend on a man.

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Money is not really an issue with me as I can support myself nicely. I would like to have someone that can hold his own in the relationship and contribute his own share - I do not want to have to support my husband - spent too many years supporting my boyfriends and would like to have someone help out. I think that goals and ambition are the most important thing. You could be a garbage man, but the best one there is, love your job and be able to support yourself and I would have complete respect for that.

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First off money shouldn't be an issue. It is more or less what ur packin hehe..well as long as u can fuck and um have brains ur good to go.. I mean it abt looks, personality, and ofcourse the sensation in the bed room..Money to me is only a piece of paper, that we use to buy commoditys..Plus I am an independent chica so I make my own dough, sorry I don't need a man to suppost me thank you;)

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Hmmmm...maybe I should move up to NY!! :D :D

Well no ex- girlfriend has ever complained about bedroom performance, but as well she shouldnt be a gold digger and of course I'm not looking for a sugar mama or some one to take care of me...I guess its keep on looking...:)

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money is not really an issue. if i like a guy i dont care if he has money. if money gets in the way of us doing the things we want to do thats another story. i want a guy who can treat me good and i guess money is necessary in some ways. i also find it a turn on when i know a guy has worked hard to get where he is and is doing well financially. i think a guy would find that to be a turn on in a woman as well. ;)

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I definetly do not expect my man to be raking it in...but I must say his income did play a huge role in why we started having "issues".

At the time I was still in college and working part time. He had just come home from Greece for the summer and had no job. Needless to say, he took his sweet time finding one...and before you knew it his car was taken back.

So no ride, no money.....there's only so much we could do. Sitting around his apartment for months got to me after a while (his dad was even paying his rent). I definetly would have contributed, and did all I could...but I couldn't even support myself. After a few months he started to get all depressed and shit.....really weighed me down.

Things fizzled for a while, then re-kindled (now we're done). He just needed to get on track and there was nothing I was able to say or do to help him....

But now....it's a whole different story...My man must have a mind of his own, a good heart, and plenty of motivation. If you have all of that, you'll already be rich!

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Dont get me wrong here I think Apples and I are the most Money Hungry, Materialistic ppl here on the board, (cant help it in the fields were in) however heres what I say to you...

Its not the money its who's holding it that counts...

Personality goes a long long way... and Looks go just as far... if you have tons of money and your a dick, and you look like one as well youre not getting laid by shit unless you frequent hookers...

Now what i say to you, is that if girls dont like yoiu for the money you make obviously these arent the girls for you because ms. right wouldnt care about your financial situation or your baby sized penis... Sweet Surrender I think its called when Ppl overlook your imperfections and adore and love who you are not what you are, or what you make...

So with this New Found knowledge I say to Keep your head up, and dont worry, itll all fall into place when you least expect it...

Good Luck...

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I do look for a guy with a job and money. But not for me. I like to know that the guy can support his self at least as well as I can. He doesnt have to have the best job. As long as he can pay his bills and enjoy himself we are kool. Plus having a job shows responsibility which is very important.

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My reasoning would be that as long as a guy earns a decent living, and has more or less a plan of what he wants to achieve professionally, and of course he has a good personality, treats his GF and others around him well that should take care of it....plus x-tra brownie points if your good looking,and good in the sack....

Thanx for you input everybody, makes me feel better!


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As long as you can support yourself, I'd rather be with someone who has a respectable job rather than a lot of money. The field you're going into takes a lot of hard work and especially dedication; I think that's awesome. You'll find someone who's a little deeper than your last girl.

Good luck!

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