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anyone feel too old for clubs?

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i think there will always be someone older and someone younger than me in a club. i hope that when i am older i will be able to go to clubs, but i feel like as soon as we really "grow up" we might look at the scene and feel like its a thing of the past.

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I am an "older clubber" (28), and the deal is that it's all about the music. Sometimes it's wierd for me to see older people (like late 30's) at clubs, because they look out of place. But, then again, I'm sure some younger people see me and think it's wierd too.

Bottom line, I enjoy clubbing, love the scene, music, dancing, etc., and I will do it until I stop liking it without really caring whether or not people think it's wierd. Hence, no, I do not feel to old for clubbing...

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to old to be to go out???

frankly...I think its the youngest people who shouldn't go out. Older people have actually done something with their life, have careers, made a little money....they are the ones who DESERVE to go out and have some fun...

what have 18 year olds done yet? nada!

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i love clubbin, but more so i love the music and goin nuts to it.. dancing is so much fun for me. I live on this stuff.. been listening since i was a little kid, i'm 23 and i know that i'll still be clubbin till i'm dead.. i wanna be one of those old people that you used to see at Tunnel...

i don't mind the little kids.. i sometimes mind when they swing they're elbows around but everyone does that. but other then that.. nothing.

i say let the kids come in, let the 16, the 17, and 18s come in, it's all about unity.. and if one gets on you're nerve.. push them into someone and get them kicked out.. hehehhe

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Originally posted by idrthrbclbng

I am an "older clubber" (28), and the deal is that it's all about the music. Sometimes it's wierd for me to see older people (like late 30's) at clubs, because they look out of place. But, then again, I'm sure some younger people see me and think it's wierd too.

Bottom line, I enjoy clubbing, love the scene, music, dancing, etc., and I will do it until I stop liking it without really caring whether or not people think it's wierd. Hence, no, I do not feel to old for clubbing...

I'm 27. And it really IS about the music. That's why i abhor places like Exit/SF where in general its more about the "scene". Especially from an asian vantage point where everyone there are little kids and wanna act all tough. If the music burns in your veins, you'll love it forever - until you're "forced" to give it up.

Its not a matter of age ( i guess it doesn't help that i look about 20) but .. its all a matter of enjoying yourself. If you're 30 years old ..walk in a club all stuck up with a stick up your ass ..not enjoying the music ..then yeah ..you WILL look out of place. but if you walk in .. and have a knock out time ... then you'll fit in just along with everyone else. That's why i love Vinyl so much. You can walk in with the most ghetto clothes on and no one will care. Very few people are there to impress others ..but are there only for the music.

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i went to sf couple months ago on a friday-teen nite to check out scott henry...bangin deejay...a little drama was goin on but all in all a good party...i lit up and passed the doobie around...i don't mind partyin with kids at all...maybe its got something to do with having a brother 7 years younger than me

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I am 25 and still go strong week in and week out. Its all about the music......And thats why I love Vinyl so much...I used to go to SF & Exit drop 5 bombs, do a jar.........but now I go to Vinyl every Friday, smoke a doob before I go in and let Danny take me on a trip..........6 hrs later I feel so much better...

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wow it's nice to see that many of us are in the same boat. I'll be 27 soon and I like to go to clubs now more than ever. Someone mentioned how it's OK for older peeps to party because they have accomplished something in life. I totally agree. I'm one of these people that took a few years off from clubbing, spent time building a career, got the whole messy GF thing out of the way, and now it feels good to be able to kick back and go out without worrying about being broke this weekend, having to work on sat or sunday morning, etc...

and it feels REALLY good when i meet some of you CP peeps and you tell me I still can pass for 20! :laugh:

it's all good...

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As i get older I notice that clubbing has become an overall better expericance.:)

I don't plan to stop attending clubs, I will have my baby club now until i am 5 months and then club after its born. :heart:

Of courrse i will be a lot more responsible.;)

I like to close my eyes and feel the vibe of the club..even during the week i still the vibe... :balloon::love: :hat2: :hat: :rainbow:

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