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Ok, I shouldn't really be saying anything, first off cause I am friends with Dee, and second I myself have posted way more stupid shit than she has, but fucken come on now, can you say fucken ridiculous, ALL of you, not just D, have absolutley nothing better to do than to feed her ego, I mean seriously, I always thought the message board was a place to find out whats going on during the weekend, not to bash someone that you don't like....


my 2 cents.....



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The drama board really is where all this belongs...

I'm not bashing anyone, but the whole thing was beginning to turn into sort of a guilty-pleasure reading...I mean, I don't know enough about D to say anything, but Highmay's comments were getting kinda hilarious...

Get it to the Drama board... all there is to it...

Good call, Scotty...

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I want to reitterate myself and make it clear that I am not on any sides here, I couldn't agree with you more Marcella, but take it to the drama board, this is why we have one, my god, The New York forum is for events going on in New York, the Sex Forum is for pervs, hehe, and the Drama forum is for stupid petty bullshit that no one really cares about, i'm done on this topic, what's everyone doing tonight??


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Originally posted by scottyskribz57

I want to reitterate myself and make it clear that I am not on any sides here, I couldn't agree with you more Marcella, but take it to the drama board, this is why we have one, my god, The New York forum is for events going on in New York, the Sex Forum is for pervs, hehe, and the Drama forum is for stupid petty bullshit that no one really cares about, i'm done on this topic, what's everyone doing tonight??


was gonna see vicious but now i have no plans..what are u doing kid????
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Originally posted by scottyskribz57

I want to reitterate myself and make it clear that I am not on any sides here, I couldn't agree with you more Marcella, but take it to the drama board, this is why we have one, my god, The New York forum is for events going on in New York, the Sex Forum is for pervs, hehe, and the Drama forum is for stupid petty bullshit that no one really cares about, i'm done on this topic, what's everyone doing tonight??


Hey you forgot about the substance board!!!!!!!!

Your tired from DT huh?? I am too, but I am going to drag my ass there after we hit this place Glass. You should go to Vinyl

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Originally posted by scottyskribz57

I want to reitterate myself and make it clear that I am not on any sides here, I couldn't agree with you more Marcella, but take it to the drama board, this is why we have one, my god, The New York forum is for events going on in New York, the Sex Forum is for pervs, hehe, and the Drama forum is for stupid petty bullshit that no one really cares about, i'm done on this topic, what's everyone doing tonight??


are you calling me a perv? ;)

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Originally posted by scottyskribz57

I want to reitterate myself and make it clear that I am not on any sides here, I couldn't agree with you more Marcella, but take it to the drama board, this is why we have one, my god, The New York forum is for events going on in New York, the Sex Forum is for pervs, hehe, and the Drama forum is for stupid petty bullshit that no one really cares about, i'm done on this topic, what's everyone doing tonight??


Quite frankly Scotty, this board has turned to shit b/c of ignorant retarded comments made like sexybabyd (I'm not saying ALL of them stem from sexybabyd) .. Someone would post a pic and instead of embracing a new member, she'd bash them, or lil assinine comments here and there.. She's getting what she deserves.. I understand that she is only 17 but being that you're on the board posting all day long, you'd think she'd have more discretion on what she WRITES.. come on now..

she is more than welcomed to stay IMO, but she needs to grow up a lil, that's all.. It's a cruel world out there, and if she can't even get along with people here, I'd hate to see her after her high school graduation....

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Ok, this is sooooo funny, Marcela I agree with you 100%, and I thought that I tried to make it clear in this post that I was impartial to either side becuase i am friends with D, but I also think that she posts stupid things sometimes, but apparently SHE didn't understand the point that I was trying to make, so now she says we are no longer friend, oh no :cry::cry:, :sarcasmatit'sfinest:


This is exactly what I was talking about to begin with,


Now with that said and done, let's get back to the real world and see what people have planned for tonight....hehe


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