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Just wanted to clear a few things so my name does not get that ruined.

1. Never did I want or ask to become a stripper. If you read that post I was askin just how to become a dancer NOT STRIP and I said that in my post.

2. Never did I come off saying I was better or better looking than anyone, thats not even how I am. If you go back and read a post XTCGIRLIE you yourself posted "Did anyone see me in EXIT in the white room, I was the girl dancing my ass off on the floor" You were the one that wanted to challege me in a dance battle at sound factory which you never showed up for and if im not mistaken you were supposed to "wipe the floor with me"

3. I don't do drugs when I go to clubs, I think the only 2 times that anyone from CP has seen me fucked up and even the ONLY 2 times ive ever been fucked up in a club in two years was when JV was at SF and the opening night of EXIT2

4. I will admit when I first came to this board I was childish, asking people if they saw me at EXIT...ok get over it, I stoped it.

5. How am I supposed to be nice to someone when they are constantly bashing me and being a dick to me. If anyone knew this I went up to Highmay at limelight one night and said hi and introduced myself to him, he looked at me gave me a dirty look shook my hand and ingored me. Ok im sorry if im respecting someone I think I should get the same respect back but if you treat me like shit I will treat you the same way you treat me. Golden Rule sweetie

6. Never have I ever ever said that Sound Factory fridays was "THE CLUB SCENE"...It's just something that I love to do on friday nights. And you know what, I have had my chance to go on saturdays but im waiting until im actaully older to go because I don't want to spoil myself. Ive been to the 21+ places and right now its not my thing, I like running around with my crowd right now its fun for me.

7. I was NEVER EVER kicked off the stage at Limelight for dancing, sorry that never happend.

8. I never follow the pack, when everyone started dissing on EXIT I didn't just go to SF because everyone else was going, I went because my BF is an SF head and he dragged me there, and I just ended up falling in love with it and going every friday night.

I just wanted to clear those things up. :D

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YOu are a complete fucken idiot go away already!!! And by the way see the sexy underage d post where I "CLEARED" everything up**This little girl want to lie about people too.. Well u were proved wrong again..Please just go away... I'm done w/u get a life little girl

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Ahhhhhh yeah u did get booted off the Stage and Highmay,Lizzy, Corbett, and I were laughing when u did. And funny enoughthe next week you were on here bitching about not getting paid by Thorin. Want me to get the thread???

Oh and I didn't get the answer to the challenge, ROXY or EXIT?? pick!

Anyone wanna come watch this?

No one is saying you think your better than anyone at least i am not but you think your hot shit and I hate to tell you that I know Trannies that look better than you. So stop bragging over nothing. If you think your that desireable than please come to ROXY or Exit on Sat and I will let the best judges THE QUEENS decide. Kevin Aucoin btw frequents ROXY sats so if you come down I am sure he will have no problem giving his opinion since this kinda shit is his job.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

8. I never follow the pack, when everyone started dissing on EXIT I didn't just go to SF because everyone else was going, I went because my BF is an SF head and he dragged me there, and I just ended up falling in love with it and going every friday night.

I just wanted to clear those things up. :D

well since we are clearing things up....."SF heads" don't go on FRIDAY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't post often, mostly just read the board.

Talk about "jumping on the band wagon." Do all you people really dislike yourselves that much, that to make yourselves feel *better* you have to keep putting this girl down.

Playa haterz make me laugh. "different strokes, for different folks." C'mon people if everyone was the same in this world it would be a very boring place.

Let tha girl live....... If she thinks she is *all that* than give her props for having self confidence. God knows most girls her age don't have ANY self confidence.

sexxybabyd: do not even stress these people. Most of em' would never say it to your face..They gotta hide behind a computer screen. The girls posting shit about you are prolly mad coz you are prettier than they are. I mean really, not one person can say that you are ugly.

If the worst they can say is, "she is a little girl, that thinks she is all that" just :laugh: laugh :laugh: it off mama, cause they are making themselves look mad dumb.

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

See shit like this pisses me off...you act like the only people who can be a clubber or enjoy the scene have to be 21.

who the hell said anything about being 21???! don't put words in my mouth!! i am simply stating the fact that the REAL party there is on SAT NIGHT! and anyone who goes to factory past or present knows this is the truth!! just making a point that it is funny when all the little kids who run around factory on friday's think they are FACTORY HEADS!!!!!!!! FYI....not everyone who goes on sat is really 21

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Originally posted by misk

just making a point that it is funny when all the little kids who run around factory on friday's think they are FACTORY HEADS!!!!!!!! FYI....not everyone who goes on sat is really 21

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by misk

who the hell said anything about being 21???! don't put words in my mouth!! i am simply stating the fact that the REAL party there is on SAT NIGHT! and anyone who goes to factory past or present knows this is the truth!! just making a point that it is funny when all the little kids who run around factory on friday's think they are FACTORY HEADS!!!!!!!! FYI....not everyone who goes on sat is really 21

Ok sorry for jumping down your throat...you do have a point and I guess I'm just a little touchy when it comes to age. I jumped to my own conclusion that you were only refferring to age. I guess I will have to wait another 2 years or get a fake to check out Sats.

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Originally posted by highmay

you konw...im pretty convinced this girl has a crush on me

Im really starting not to like you and it's only my first day here.

sexybabyd if you still read these posts I think you should come back, not to defend yourself just to do what you normally did. Don't listen to what these children say because you obviously show a much higher personality than these children ever will.

Please come back :D

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