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Everything you need to know about E


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Just stumbled on this board and read the article. good ish. There's a couple things I'm not clear on... I "experimented" with E on 4 occasions = 9 pills before I understood what I was doing. Never tested the pills or did research on the batch, etc and stopped becuase of the side effects. I know there's no way to completely reverse the damage, but doing something is better than nothing. I've experienced the typical despression thing, decreased ability to concentrate on tasks ("entry" level ADD :what: ), lack of desire to do anything, etc. It's been over a year since I stopped and I want to return to normal w/o using anti-depressant pills/something addictive. Suggestions please...


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Originally posted by luhchak

Just stumbled on this board and read the article. good ish. There's a couple things I'm not clear on... I "experimented" with E on 4 occasions = 9 pills before I understood what I was doing. Never tested the pills or did research on the batch, etc and stopped becuase of the side effects. I know there's no way to completely reverse the damage, but doing something is better than nothing. I've experienced the typical despression thing, decreased ability to concentrate on tasks ("entry" level ADD :what: ), lack of desire to do anything, etc. It's been over a year since I stopped and I want to return to normal w/o using anti-depressant pills/something addictive. Suggestions please...


ok, here is a step by step procedure on what to do . . . .

1. turn to your right.

2. start walking until you run into someone.

3. ask that person to slap you hard in the face.

4. remember to say thank you afterwards.


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Originally posted by kali-chromium

and mdma actually burns holes in your brain tissue. VISIBLE holes.. i'll try to find the pictures again

Blotchy brain scans of E users have become the ace card in public information campaigns. But not long after these blotchy brain scan images were release as scare tatics, the results were found to be based on experiments so fundamentally flawed that it actually risks underminding the credability of attempts to educate people about the risks of drugs. And this very fact that they still go forth using results from a flawed experiment is really more a matter of politics rather than science!

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ANyone who insists that MDMA is not neurotoxic is





Just because Ricaurte's SINGLE study was performed with methamphetamine instead of MDMA, this does nothing to discredit any of the other HUNDREDS of studies demonstrating the deleterious neurologic effects of MDMA in both humans and animals.

Even the user with no level of scientific or medical sophistication should be able to grasp this- after taking X (10,25,50, whatever) times, does it still feel the same way those first rolls did? Why not- PERMANENT NEUROLOGIC DAMAGE- don't feel bad, you're in good company, we all got it. The question for you is really, how much more MDMA (and damage) are you willing to do. Thats an answer you have to decide for yourself, we all pick our poison and deal with the consequences.

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Originally posted by luhchak

Just stumbled on this board and read the article. good ish. There's a couple things I'm not clear on... I "experimented" with E on 4 occasions = 9 pills before I understood what I was doing. Never tested the pills or did research on the batch, etc and stopped becuase of the side effects. I know there's no way to completely reverse the damage, but doing something is better than nothing. I've experienced the typical despression thing, decreased ability to concentrate on tasks ("entry" level ADD :what: ), lack of desire to do anything, etc. It's been over a year since I stopped and I want to return to normal w/o using anti-depressant pills/something addictive. Suggestions please...


your best bet is to take large amount's of 5HTP, research has shown upon immediate injestion and several week's of continued therapy it can increase your seratonin level's and give you that sense of "well being" back in your life I suggest getting 5htp with b6 and valerian root the combination actually increase's the seratonin replaced throughout hardcore partying and can get you through the post party crash that really suck's also large amount of preload creatine, and protein shake''s have shown the body's recovery time twice as fast........ also short term xanax therapy can help with panic and anxiety attack's I am a firm believer in all listed above because I have gone through these level's and have notced my recovery time's in the past when i did party to be much faster and lower level's of depression.

5htp usually come'as in does's of 50mg i have heard oh higher but never seen before

start with 400 mill a night(I say night because for some people it actually make's you sleepy) and continue this for several week's you will start notcing a difference a week after starting I shit you not this stuff really doe's work especially with a healthy diet. I wake up in the morning refreshed and with a positive attitude . This is the closest thing you are gonna find over the counter prozac,paxil but without all of the negative side effect's plus the duration it take's to start working

The reason people find that 5htp doe's not work for them is because they take way too small of a dose 50 mill does are made for individual's who are normal,healthy, individual's not party people who go out and deplete all of there normal seratonin in one weekend. I actually take as much as 600 mill a night without any side's effect's and find that if I consume this right after partying I avoid that huge crash we face for day's after partying..............................

Tried,tested,approved give it a shot

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Originally posted by drbabybutt

ANyone who insists that MDMA is not neurotoxic is





Just because Ricaurte's SINGLE study was performed with methamphetamine instead of MDMA, this does nothing to discredit any of the other HUNDREDS of studies demonstrating the deleterious neurologic effects of MDMA in both humans and animals.

Even the user with no level of scientific or medical sophistication should be able to grasp this- after taking X (10,25,50, whatever) times, does it still feel the same way those first rolls did? Why not- PERMANENT NEUROLOGIC DAMAGE- don't feel bad, you're in good company, we all got it. The question for you is really, how much more MDMA (and damage) are you willing to do. Thats an answer you have to decide for yourself, we all pick our poison and deal with the consequences.

The BRAIN also has the capability to recuperate from from various level of damage over some time , the Brain is very complex and we still don't know much about it .

You also forget to realize that the reason a person never acheives that "1st roll feeling" after 10,15,25th roll is because of a condition refered to as HABITUATION ( your body-brain got used to it ) and it isn't a Novelty , it doesn't really have any connection with PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE per se .

After nearly 4 years of Moderated usage , and in my final year of College w/ Med school in my horizon ......hmmm make your conclusion ,am i really Brain dead ? :blank::idea:

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Hayloo...i was reading the message boards and saw that some people take xanax with their E. What i do is take some when my journey is done...to help me sleep, i also drink two beers. It relieves my jaw pain. My question is this...When you take the xanax WITH the E....what happens? I've read good, but more bad...



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  • 3 weeks later...

that was a very good article, im fairly new to E and when i need to buy it, i must kno what to look for to see if its real. they gave some info in teh article, but i dunno if thats all i need to kno... maybe some one can e-mail me and tell me whats up with me :) it would be much appriciated.. but besides that very nice article! :)

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ok, here is a step by step procedure on what to do . . . .

1. turn to your right.

2. start walking until you run into someone.

3. ask that person to slap you hard in the face.

4. remember to say thank you afterwards.


Dude! that picture of kristin k is hott as hell!!!!!!

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