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the average clubber is worthless trash

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth


Although I don't quite agree with everything that you are saying, I have to admit that your statements are very well written. I am assuming you are a female with a name like "Deanna." As such, I would like to know if you have a nice body. Are you a slim girl, or slightly chubby? If so, big boned or merely loose meat?

If possible give me an accurate breakdown. Nothing turns me on more than a slim, beautiful girl who can write very well.

For some reason I wouldn't mind fucking you up the ass, Deanna; without protection.

You piece of fucking asshole and pussy, you.

See, now that's just completely uncalled for. Psychotics and sociopaths make statements like that, predators unfit for human society. Is that the impression you are trying to make?

What Deanna11 does is very similar to the Socratic method, albeit with statements rather than questions. She brings to light opposing perspectives, raising issues otherwise undiscussed. She challenges us to consider our actions and justifications for them, never expecting us to justify them to HER, but to contemplate and introspect. Wise beyond her years, indeed. The responses, for the most part, evidenced here prove that not to be the case for the sad lot of you.

"I know you are but what am I," "You have issues," and "Who the hell are you to preach" are wholly invalid arguments, showing callow and undeveloped people - emotionally, socially, and chemically. This woman never claimed to be free of "sin" nor to be superior in any way; yet the replies show such a defensiveness that they imply guilt of exactly that on the part of the posters.

As for the character, intellect, maturity, and appearance of this woman, well, let's just say this gayboy wouldn't dream of taking anyone else to the ballet. :rainbow:


p.s. I am as guilty of having "youthful indiscretions" as anyone else, and likely will be well into my dotage.

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Originally posted by deanna11

the activities are hedonistic, socially irresponsible, vain, often illegal and immoral, and obnoxious celebrations of what a person can do

of course people must have some value outside the club scene. how else would they support the activities?

i completely agree. but what is wrong w/ having a little fun on the weekends.

the world is so fucked up now. disease, crime, terrorism. people should not have to deal w/ these issues. clubbers are generally much healthier people because they get a chance to relieve stress. hedonism is what life should be about. we should devote ourselves to pleasure...especially while we're young and able to. perhaps clubbing IS "bettering yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress" for many people.

clubs and music have changed my life for the better. life seems to have MORE meaning to me now when i am able to go out and enjoy myself as much as i do in the clubs.

i dont know wat makes you think the way you do deanna. possibly its because you have turned out like the people in your description. but not all or even most of us have. only the people that ALLOW themselves to become that.

my 0.02c

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the true ingenuity behind this thread is that the threadstarter posted it not as a direct personal attack on any one person, but rather, as a provocative statement to stimulate discussion and to entertain the perverse.

yet, the lot of you retards reacted so personally to it that it only acts to reinforce the point of the post. me thinketh thou doth protest too much.

don't you simpletons know how to read beyond the letters of the alphabet as more than just mere words, but as ideas that demand reflection?

as much as i am arrogant for calling you simpletons, there exists a similar arrogance in claiming that one frequents clubs for 'the music' and where one's circle of friends revolves around 'the music', and where they all come together as one for "the music", and it's one great community, all in the name of "music".

know what? take away the music, and what the fuck have you got left? can you carry on a conversation with your "friend" outside the realm of music? do you chat up a storm while sipping chai at a coffeehouse with your "friend" or do you only meet up with them at clubs? do you take a drive upstate for the weekend for festivals & craft fairs, or do you only drive to D.C. to catch DJ XYZ?

unless you can do these things outside the realm of "music" and "clubbing" as well, your claim of "love for the music" serves only as a superficial and pretentious mask for what really lies beneath: "you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize"

maybe that's alright, because it's all in good fun, and a good time was had by all. but the point is, at least there was some reflection and recognition that the superficiality exists.

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Originally posted by ichi_gami

See, now that's just completely uncalled for. Psychotics and sociopaths make statements like that, predators unfit for human society. Is that the impression you are trying to make?

What Deanna11 does is very similar to the Socratic method, albeit with statements rather than questions. She brings to light opposing perspectives, raising issues otherwise undiscussed. She challenges us to consider our actions and justifications for them, never expecting us to justify them to HER, but to contemplate and introspect. Wise beyond her years, indeed. The responses, for the most part, evidenced here prove that not to be the case for the sad lot of you.

"I know you are but what am I," "You have issues," and "Who the hell are you to preach" are wholly invalid arguments, showing callow and undeveloped people - emotionally, socially, and chemically. This woman never claimed to be free of "sin" nor to be superior in any way; yet the replies show such a defensiveness that they imply guilt of exactly that on the part of the posters.

As for the character, intellect, maturity, and appearance of this woman, well, let's just say this gayboy wouldn't dream of taking anyone else to the ballet. :rainbow:


p.s. I am as guilty of having "youthful indiscretions" as anyone else, and likely will be well into my dotage.

Another job well done ichi

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i love you all. i really do. either in a familiar way (my ichi!) or in some way you may never know

i didn't write this to be elitist, nor personal. consider it more a sociological perspective. i have likened clubbing to extravagant luxury: this, many people consider an insult to those for whom extravagant luxury is unattainable

rustednutts knows me too well. what i wrote was inflammatory and insulting, but perhaps more people would have agreed with me if i used words with a different connotation: "the average clubber is society's vanguard: in constant pursuit of the highest level"

to whomever is pissed at me: aw, pobrebitch. why?

to whomever can justify themselves to me: great

to whomever realizes they don't need to justify themselves to me: there you go


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I would have no choice but to agree with most of what has been said in here regarding this Post. Most of the "average clubbers", lmao, are in here. Exit? SF? Centro? Lime? HAHHAHA...... Now, it's pretty well known that most of the "average clubbers" will eventually make their way into the more "for those who know" spots, and rest assured, when they do, they'll start on about how the "average clubber" is trash. Oh how quick we are to forget.

I'm sick of it all, i'm sick of the hating, the judging (although we must), the who is cooler than who, the name dropping, the juicehead drinking, pill popping, bump snortin', all of it. It's shit. And it's predominantly found in, yes, your "average" clubs, hosted by your average club trash. I tried for a while, the ignoring of the typical, expected vibes of the above mentioned, how-ever it reaches a point where i could no longer keep the vomit in my stomach. I just don't go, that's pretty simple aye?

But that's their life, that's who they are, that's who they know themselves to be, and i'm greatful for them and that. If they didn't do what it was that they do so well, how on Earth would i (WE) know what it was i (WE) DID NOT want to be like? Thank you for making things clear, thank you for doing what you do. Keep doing it, so i got somethin to think, and at times, laugh about. And that being said, I honestly can say, that i LOVE you all, whether you're a player, who manipulates girls to do what you want them to do, or you're a dealer, who sells potentially harmful (it's ALL harmful, no need to quote me on that one) shit to others, or you're one who smiles at everyone you make eye contact with, ugly or not, or you're the kid who runs around giving out free hugs and love, or you're the one who trips that kid, or you're the one who stares at people looking your girlfriends way, or you're the one who smiles reassuringly to someone who just spilt their beer all over you, or you're the one who started a fight because of it, or you're the one who writes mad long run-on-sentances, i LOVE YOU, and i always will.

Take the road less traveled, you'll find more. Smile more often. Say "hello" more often. You just might find a new friend you never thought you'd have. Thanks for listening, and i encourage your respons(es).

Be as positive as you can be, and you'll feel the effects of the high


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hahahha. "new to the Board" HAhahha.................just because i don't post, hardly qualifies me as "new", i've been a member since..........when?...........:finger: ................. :tongue: .................................do YOU dance? Feel the beat? Get down.

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Jesus, if I had only realized....

heres what i'm going to do to fix this...

1) Never leave work... i'm going to stay at my job 24/7

2) Bust out my calculous books

3) Masterbate like it was going out of style

4) Kill Myself, I'm just so worthless... I can't believe I ever wanted to just have fun for a night or 2 a week... .god I hate me!


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you are the looser who is threatened by good looking people showing off and getting fcuked up

why should we try and defend ourselves to you , as if you are rightious and we are immoral.

i wanna meet hot chicks not fat pigs like u probably must be if u have a problem with people showing off their bodies.

and you havent the faintest clue about the expense of clubbing!

if i have two hits of E it costs less than drinking like a pig at some bar , but if u prefer to goto the movies then i guess its a little cheaper, if u want to waste 2 hours of your life in some shit movie which is someone elses fantasy or reality.

besides if u were hot lookin u would never have to pay a dime you disgusting pig.

u need to get laid.

mail me back with your phone # ill give you the time of your life in some dark club

youll eat those words! ampngst other things



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Originally posted by mikemegame

you are the looser who is threatened by good looking people showing off and getting fcuked up

why should we try and defend ourselves to you , as if you are rightious and we are immoral.

i wanna meet hot chicks not fat pigs like u probably must be if u have a problem with people showing off their bodies.

and you havent the faintest clue about the expense of clubbing!

if i have two hits of E it costs less than drinking like a pig at some bar , but if u prefer to goto the movies then i guess its a little cheaper, if u want to waste 2 hours of your life in some shit movie which is someone elses fantasy or reality.

besides if u were hot lookin u would never have to pay a dime you disgusting pig.

u need to get laid.

mail me back with your phone # ill give you the time of your life in some dark club

youll eat those words! ampngst other things



*giggle* You are so far off, it's ridiculous... and you also prove her right. Another one trying to flaunt their psychopathic/sociopathic side in some futile attempt to either impress or intimidate. Instead, you bore.


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You can't judge anyone based on one aspect of their life. I enjoy clubbing but it isn't the defining characteristic of my life. Most people I know that go clubbing are just extrovertive go-getters. I myself am only 19 years old and I fully support myself and go to college. I don't go clubbing because I have to prove anything or am hiding anything, I go because it's fun. It's obvious that the person who is wrote this post is jealous of all of us clubbers who go to have fun. She is the poser hiding behind tight clothes and makeup wishing she had a real life. STOP HATING YOU LOSER!:mad I think that your just jealous because you wish you were like us and really can't be. In the end only you can make yourself happy so I advise that you do so.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

You can't judge anyone based on one aspect of their life. I enjoy clubbing but it isn't the defining characteristic of my life. Most people I know that go clubbing are just extrovertive go-getters. I myself am only 19 years old and I fully support myself and go to college. I don't go clubbing because I have to prove anything or am hiding anything, I go because it's fun. It's obvious that the person who is wrote this post is jealous of all of us clubbers who go to have fun. She is the poser hiding behind tight clothes and makeup wishing she had a real life. STOP HATING YOU LOSER!:mad I think that your just jealous because you wish you were like us and really can't be. In the end only you can make yourself happy so I advise that you do so.

*giggle* You are so far off, it's ridiculous... and you also prove her right. Another one trying to flaunt their psychopathic/sociopathic side in some futile attempt to either impress or intimidate. Instead, you bore.


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Originally posted by deanna11

you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?

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Originally posted by ichi_gami

*giggle* You are so far off, it's ridiculous... and you also prove her right. Another one trying to flaunt their psychopathic/sociopathic side in some futile attempt to either impress or intimidate. Instead, you bore.


...it would seem to me ichi that if your D did this as you said prior with a Socratic approach or as boahboy said, to stir shit up, than she most definitely does not need defending...this is for her to sit back and read and enjoy...let it go let it flow...her true self is out there listening, watching, laughing...if indeed she is what you guys are saying that i would retract my statements and yearn for an in depth conversation...it's been a few years since i had somebody give me a good mindfuck...

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That was quite the generalization. I consider myself a clubber, and I am also a college student. I have friends that aren't just clubber friends. Just because we're smart, doesn't mean we don't like to go out, and just because we go out doesn't mean we aren't intelligent. Someone obviously pissed you off because those comments are mean spirited and untrue. What an incredibly ignorant statement that was.


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