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Blind dates


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Kinda........I met this guy offline that I began talking to.We talked all the time on the phone also.He had my photo & I didn't have his.OMG what a bad mistake.

His breeth smelled nasty, way to tall for me, nasty looking.I wanted to screem the second I saw him & my friends kept on making fun of the fact how nasty he was!

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:mad: I went on one blind date as a favor to a friend.....let's just say I WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!! It was horrible. First off the guys showed up late.....like and hour and a half late....than the guy who was suppose to be my date was dressed like a total slob.... and I think maybe he said one word to me all night. I just looked at my friend and was like I want to leave NOW!!!! It was so bad. And get this the guy had the nerve to ask for my number....ya....I don't think so....:rolleyes:
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blind dates suck,

i went on one, and this girl look like EEEEEEEEEEEE-gore, bitch had a hunchback, crooked teeth, with yellow and black stains, had not just shit on her teeth, but a whole fucking plant including soil. she didnt believe in shaving, so i saw like mad shit under her arms ( she was wearing a tanktop, or was it a big ass t-shirt like xxxxxxxxl ), it was soo long i could have braided it, and made her armpit look like snoopdogg with a little bit of nelly all in one. fucking gross... she was soo nasty.... EwWWwwwWWwwWWwwwwWwww... i cant stress that anymore... the bitch looked like a 18 wheeler ran over her face filled with horse shoes. while gerbles were shitting on her face...

off i almost forgot.. her feet, they look slike she crewed on her big toe... all scissor chopped and shit...

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Well it wasn't *exactly* a blind date... But I met someone online, we started emailing, it was just generally lots of fun writing to each other. There was a flirty vibe, but we never said it was going to be an actual "date" when we finally met. He had seen one of my pix but I had not the first clue what he looked like.

Anyways, we finally met and it was like -holy shit! This boy was ten times better looking than I had even hoped! We were both kind of speechless that we had clicked as well as we'd hoped we would.

So- ya neva know!

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Originally posted by tastyt

Well it wasn't *exactly* a blind date... But I met someone online, we started emailing, it was just generally lots of fun writing to each other. There was a flirty vibe, but we never said it was going to be an actual "date" when we finally met. He had seen one of my pix but I had not the first clue what he looked like.

Anyways, we finally met and it was like -holy shit! This boy was ten times better looking than I had even hoped! We were both kind of speechless that we had clicked as well as we'd hoped we would.

So- ya neva know!

I have never been on one...But I know some people who met on the net, who wound up having a great time out together.....I dunno if that counts or not....

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I've gone on three believe it or not.....

The first one was good....My friends bro hooked me up with one of his friends that had just broken up with his girlfriend. I thought it was a bad move....sneaking in on the rebound....but it was actually ok....I was with him for almost 3 and a half years!!!

The second one....amazing!!!! I did it as a favor to a friend, and it ended up being a favor to me! Let's just say this....the booty was unlike any experience I have ever had!!!!

The third...not so great. It was actually someone from the board. I dunno what it was, but I think we both just weren't having such a great time. He seemed like a nice guy...but he was very quiet...and I felt like I had to do all the talking.....I HATE THAT...


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Originally posted by tastyt

Well it wasn't *exactly* a blind date... But I met someone online, we started emailing, it was just generally lots of fun writing to each other. There was a flirty vibe, but we never said it was going to be an actual "date" when we finally met. He had seen one of my pix but I had not the first clue what he looked like.

Anyways, we finally met and it was like -holy shit! This boy was ten times better looking than I had even hoped! We were both kind of speechless that we had clicked as well as we'd hoped we would.

So- ya neva know!


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ive had a couple but have now sworn off of them. the first girl i met said she was 5'7", 125 lbs...when i met her she was more like 4'7" and 225 lbs!!!! ewww!!!! i was nice and didnt run out of the bar...but then the sex talk started and i used the 'excuse me im going to the bathroom' routine and headed straight for my car!!!! an other one was actually very HOT!!! she was a former model. things were going good until at dinner i asked her about her ex bf, who she had mentioned A LOT in previous conversations....she then proceeded to break down in a crowded restaurant.... wanted to just run out of there!!!!! 3 others jumped all over me after less than an hour of meeting them...needless to say, they werent eactly relationship material...but i had fun nonetheless!!!! heheehe

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I went on once and the girl picked me up . I was like she is cute. she was like I'll drive. We went out and she just wanted to drive around all night. She drove like crazy and had worse road rage then a juice head. finally I was like I am hungry and we decided to go to a dinner. As soon as we sat down she started getting all weird and shaking her head and saying how much she liked gas stations. I was like fuck this and I said I had to go to the bathroom and I tried to call my friend.. NO RECPETION FUCK!! I ran out the fire exit and called from outside. The only time I was ever scared to be out with a girl. That was a close on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking Weirdos

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lol whiskey.

Especially if y'all just friends hanging out... and the girl expects you to pay! FUCK THAT... if its not a date, or shes not your girl dont EXPECT me to pay... when you expect it thats when I wont do shit for you... however under any other circumstances, I usually do...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

lol whiskey.

Especially if y'all just friends hanging out... and the girl expects you to pay! FUCK THAT... if its not a date, or shes not your girl dont EXPECT me to pay... when you expect it thats when I wont do shit for you... however under any other circumstances, I usually do...

lair~!... you tip like a jew... i saw you give a quater tip to the guy at the noodle shop...

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