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What does everyone here do for a living?

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I'm curious, seems like the majority of people here on this board go out VERY frequently, especially during the weekdays. How do you pull this off? There's only so many sick days...

Afternoon jobs, trust fun babies, unemployed, drug dealer, porn star?

And for those who are still students, how do you afford to go out so often? Don't you have school bills?

Just curious.


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Originally posted by romy20

i just go to school for now but gotta get a job soon lol

i dont really spend that much money now when i go out on weekend but if i do need some i ask my mommy lol

yeah i know im a bum haha

but hopefully ill have a job soon lol

Same as her...I'm in school. But I did work in a law firm and also in marketing... time to get a job now though its been a while.. lol

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i am a student, but i have a kick ass scholarship

basically, i get paid$$ to go to school

when i was home i worked as well. now i have to go through the hell of finding a new job when i get back:(

its not like i'm going out that oftyen here anyway:(


if anyone knows of any p/t or internships beginning in late december, lemme know!:D

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I am a computer nerd :square: I am a tech support agent for a communications/web company (basically run around fixing there comps, web sites, alot of stupid ish) I also do billing reports for my company. Lookin to get back to school soon, but i am still 19 and not really in a rush. I like pissing all my money in clubs and other activtieslate. :bounce:


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senior in college.. taking a semester off..

I go out every wknd by way of Trust fund, Rich friends that are willing to pay or my well to do boyfriend. -another bunch of East Side trust fund kids.

Get into the scene and you start to met a lot of people and in the end you know club owners and go to party afterhours at their lofts...and that is free as well as everything else there. :hat:

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I've been unemployed for the past eight months after the advertising market took a crash. I'm in no rush to work a day job again so hopefully I can sell some songs pretty soon. All I've been doing lately is DJing and working on my own tunes and selling a few of my cds here and there. As far as money for going out, I've got some savings from my last job, but I mainly only go to joints where I get in for free and the manager hooks me up with drink tickets.

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Student, work a lot in computer labs as an assistant. I basically get paid to chat online and do my research papers.But people are idiots and don't have a clue about computers, sadly,so I get annoyed a lot there.Damn.Only 2 weeks more and I'm never working again.

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I just got a job this past monday :bounce: at a law office, and i'm also going to hofstra in the morning for a paralegal class.

I try to go out at LEAST once a week, but Dang, missed Deep Dish tonight :mad:

i just try to stay away from pricey things unless they're worth it (YES, Snoop Dog at Hammerstein last month WAS :smoke: )

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Well since I asked the question, I should answer it. I'm a few years out of college, and I'm a independant technology consultant, so I contract here and there, good money overall. I go out usually every fri and sat, I rarely party during the week like I used to since I have to wake up early in the morning.


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hey bigpoppanils, I might know of some sales/marketing and/or Internet-based software development Internships that are available immediately (or starting in Dec) through next semester. PM me for more info (or anyone else who might be interested).

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