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Are you happy with your job?

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Ok, right now I don't have a job, I just go to school. I'm taking this one year course to be an ultrasound tech, I graduate in Feb.

Well what I'm goin to school for is ok for a few years, but not for the rest of my life. I'm 21 and I still don't know what I wanna do, like I have no clue at all!!!!

When I graduated highschool I figured that by now I would know, but I don't!!

And its getting kinda scarey cause Im afraid that I'll never figure it out:(

So what about you guys, do you know yet? and when did you figure it out? I mean I want to get up for work and look forward to it you know? Not be like "ughhh another work day"

I'm confused:confused: :(


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I haven't the faintest idea what I want to do with my life as well. I am 21, a senior in college with only 12 credits left, and I am lost.

When I originally started college my major was accounting with an English minor; this changed after the first year, and I began to focus more on English and American literature. I declared English as my major with the intention of continuing studies on a graduate level. Now, I am not sure whether I am going to Law school or grad school. I already took the LSAT, but I am not sure if what I am doing is the best thing. I was thinking of joining the military after college for the hell of it, but I am not sure it would help me. My major problem is I don't have a particular goal; if I had a goal, I could reasonably justify not joining the military because it would be an unnecessary roundabout way of pursuing my ultimate goal. I figure if I pursue law studies, I can go directly to law school and get it out of the way; more importantly, I could get into the market quicker (because I will be licensed to practice law). If I study Literature on a graduate level I might spend quite a bit of time breaking into the education field. And I am not sure that I want to teach literature, so what the fuck would I do with it? Once one breaks into such a field it takes quite a bit of time to gain any type of security, and such a job is highly sensitive to the fluctuations of the economy. If I get law school out of the way now, I can go back to grad school at a later date. It would be better than going to grad school first and then deciding to go to law school at a later date (which would be a pain in the ass).

I am most likely going to go to law school; it seems like a wise decision. Even though there is a part of me that believes I should do what I want to do, I should not give in to the temptation. What one wants to do is not always the wisest thing, and even though I may pursue literature with a deep dedication, I may find myself jobless. Although the same risks are involved with law, I am safer if I pursue it. Even if I never find a truly reputable firm to work with, I always have the option of opening my own practice. So either way, the license to practice law proves highly valuable, especially in this market.

By the way Romy, how is that ultrasound tech course? Is it good? What kind of things are they teaching you in the course, and from what you can see, how does that paricular field seem?

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well right now im in fuckin school for advertising....and im workin at Bloomingdale's and i hate it with a passion......i figured that once i graduated that i would get into advertising in the music industry........but now things have changed.................i have decided that im going to become a porn star.......this will be taking up most of my time so i will not b posting as often,,,,,,,i will miss u all.....but i can always be seen in my movies

( ))==========D(())


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

no but for real.....i wanna get into public relations in either music or fashion once i graduate this may...and thats for real!:D

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I'm an old fart by many of all of yas standards ..so i guess it can't hurt for the old man to share some of his wacked out wisdom.

Majority of people out there (me included) wake up everyone morning and we think exactly as you stated: " Ugh another work day.". The trick is finding something that you don't hate ..but you can tolerate .. and maybe like to a certain extent. I guess my point is that a career isn't meant to be fun. A career is exactly that ..a career. Something that provides you with enough money to live off of. Before you're married, you have to pretty much rely on yourself to find a decent job.

In my case, what i majored in in college pretty much dictated what i'd be doing now so it was fairly straight forward. But that's just where you start. In my case, i went from web programmer, took the GMATS, and now i'm playing a dual role overseeing Derivatives Trading and Web Development for Equities for an investment bank. In your case, you may start out as an ultrasound technician. After a few years experience, you may have an option of going back to school ..perhaps med school ..maybe nursing - whatever. But its a gradual process. Nothing is ever set in stone ..even when you get out of school. You're career as you call it is always dynamic thing - it always changes. If you start out at point A ..there are always promotions ..future education ...to get you to point B.

Keep in mind that my vantage point is coming from a corperate america type personality ..so my main purpose out of a career is money first, satisfaction second. It depends on what you want out of a career. I have friends who went into the performing arts because that's what they loved. I have the ultimate respect for them because they followed their heart ..not their head - regardless of how they'd live ..what they'd want. They want to be around what they love. Very similar to all the aspiring DJ's out there. I have some other friends who don't give a rats ass about their job ..but it pays ok money ..but they use it to do the things they love ..like playwriting etc.

Pssst ... easy way out - find the richest dood you can find :D heheheeh

Just my 2 cents ..hope this helps. But if you asked me where iwas at age 21 - i'd say i was half heartedly thinking about my career but spending full time taking 2 story funnels of beer and getting trashed.


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I'm a few years older than you romy20.

I don't love what I do, nor really like it. I hated what I majored in college (comp sci). I really wanted to be an English and History major. But I did what I did so I wouldn't have to worry about making money after college (ironic considering the technology market these days) I'm really good though at what I do, so I've been able to move into a position where I make pretty decent money and don't stress much anymore.

For the last few years I've just been earning money to save up. I'm still have NO idea what I want to do in life, but I know I don't want to keep doing what I do now. I plan to take my money, and take like a year off just trying to do what will make me happy and see if I can make something from it.

So don't stress about not knowing what you want to do, even if you're graduating college, it might take you years to figure it out, its part of life :-).

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romy i was once like you...

first i love my job, but i got here by chance, luck almost.

i went to college lke any normal 18yr old kid straight out of hs. i was stuck on physical therapy, well 2 C's in Chemistry later (a req that you need an A in) i decided, ok mabe not. That and the fact that my school cut my FA by 2/3rds i decided to come home and work, save some $. why waste my parents dough when i have no definite idea on what i want to do. But one thing i was determined to find a career that i would love, not just wake up and go to every morning but enjoy going to. My mom switched careers midway in life-- quit her job, went back to school and started all over again -- and honestly i didnt want to have do that. so i came home, and i worked and i thought about career possibilities. brainstorming i decided i wanted to do something with Sports bc i loved it so much and i thought it would be a great career and have fun.... so i wanted to be a sports info director. (i know this is not normal for a girl, but i was always a tomboy)

well, when i was home i was working at a retail store as an asst mgr. and then they promoted to a mgr for holiday. i hated working as a mgr but i my plan was to return to school that January for spring semester so thought if i could stick it out they would transfer me back to a store near there. well instead of transferring me, the offered me a position in there corporate office. after much debate, i accepted it. and i was introduced to the world of merchandising. i loved it and i decided i could definitely make a career of this. (who wouldnt enjoy shoppoing for a living? :) ) and here i am today. and honestly if i went back to school and did pursue a career in PR/Sports who would know if i actually would enjoy that bc i had never done it before you know. I got the experience first and then decided to pursue it -- and i did without a degree. :D

ok so after this long lil history (sorry i just carried away there)...

one thing i must say that 18 or even 21 for that matter is way too young to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life. my suggestion is to go out try new jobs/internships etc bc how you going to know what you want to do/love if you dont try it first?

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Graduated college and started working for a couple of law firms. It got to a point where I was doing most of the work in regards to writing briefs, motions, so forth, and the attorneys would just sign my work and submit the papers to court. I was like fuck that, I'm doing your job, maybe I should go to law school and get paid their salary.

So off to law school I went. And let me tell you what a miserable time. Tons and tons of reading, schoolwork that would kick my ass, competitive class settings, the list goes on and on. You only get one grade for a class based on your final exam, so you can imagine how much stress goes while studying fo finals.

Did a year 1/2 of law school before I came to the realization that I hated what I was studying and I didn't picture myself becoming an attorney. So I dropped out (leave of absence. officially) and went snowboarding for several months to chill out. THE best move I've made in my short life.

So to all you people who are saying, "I'm unhappy where I'm at, I wanna do something else, I want to travel..." GO DO IT! Life is too short to be stuck in a rut.

After snowboarding season was over, I came back to NYC and found a job in an investment bank on the bond trading desk. Now I enjoy going to work and love the fast paced action of the market. Oh yeah, I love the $$$. A total 360 from hating myself and my life while I was in law school. So, only go to law/grad school if you are sure that you want it. It's a big commitment, both mentally and financially (trust, my loans for law school were huge). And don't be nervous if you feel lost or are unsure of your career...only time and experience will lead you (hopefully) in the right direction. Of course, I could be wrong....it's just my opinion.

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I work for an advertising agency in the creative dept. Most of the time, I don't do much (like when u see me on posting sprees), but when there is an ad that needs to go out and deadlines r assigned...things get a lil crazy and long hours are in order...kinda sux, but all in all I can say I'm content...I'm also payed pretty well, so that helps. :tongue:

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some advice:

"Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family, Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit-crushing ga me shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life. "

I chose not to choose life, I chose something else.



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Well, I am only 19, but as of now I am pretty sure I will graduate and become a corporate lawyer....the courtoom stuff just annoys me. Lol....besides I love logic and analyzing stuff - it allows me the opportunity to express my views and argue their validity. But I think the recreational drug-use should stop if I want to keep my brain, lol.

As for the shitty job I have now, whatever. I do nothing and I get paid a fair amount, so it's all good. :cool:

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Originally posted by vodkaredbull

Hell I am happy with my job b/c I know I will be making mid 6 figures cause of it.. otherwise It sucks right now. Hey if you ask anyone out there if they make enough money I'll bet they say its never enough ... no matter who they are. the more you make the more you spend..

it's all about the benjamins.

more money, more problems.

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