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NY NIGHTLIFE SUCKS!! I QUIT! (Mugz puts down the glowsticks and retires!)

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ok, just gotta point out one thing- the trendies suck, but trendy is a state of mind, they're not always identified by what they wear. while i believe that most cowboy-hat wearing clubgoers aren't "keeping it real," i have seen a couple of shiny shirts at clubplanet meetups ;) . let's just remember that not all books can be judged by their covers.

and i believe, too, that some things were better "back in the day," when things were "underground," but things evolve, and we do tend to romanticize the past when it becomes the past. for instance, i used to go to raves when they were underground in l.a., but that also meant that they got busted by the cops, that they were full by the time you got there, and that they were even busted by the time you paid for your map. and what about the djs who never even showed? it's easy to say "those were the days" when they're no longer available.

yeah, but i'm also being devil's advocate for food for thought. i'm bummed about a lot of what's going on in the scene, too. i'd like to enjoy my time out without bts (for the rave scene) and the phonies (everywhere). i hope for improvement in the future, too.

* and just a note, what's up with the screenname, wisdom? moving in on me? :tongue:

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let me guess you got beat up or got humiliated at some club?

Originally posted by mugwump


Can't deal with all the velvet rope bullshit..

The retarded GLAM shows..



The Coke heads thinking they are god's gifts to the scene..

(When most of them don't even have a fucking clue where

the scene came from and what they are listening to!)

Don't want..

over prized tiny cups of drinks..

Security that dosen't treat clients with respect..

Over packed dance floor sthat you can't dance to..

get thrown out because I dance with lights/sticks!


It's like every place I go to now wants to be a studio 54!


I'm done...

see ya round hooches and guidos..

I'm crawling back to the under ground...


see ya....

*drops sticks and walks off over packed dance floor

and out the door....:( :( :(

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i'm putting together a party for early 2002,

should be right up your alley.

$5 cover charge.. awesome music

guest djs all the time

i'm one of the djs.. i've spun @ twilo, exit, & limelight

and i agree with you 100% about the scene.

only, i've seen this decline happening for

the last 5 years... lived every minute of


i'm ready to do something about it.

if you think you want to help

email me: djbeta@yahoo.com

take care.


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Originally posted by exodust

awwww mugzy wugzy...

ney ney don't like to hear that kind of talk coming from you!!!

if you need to talk you know I'm here!!



thanks sweety..

you and Charlie have to forgive me for the lack of

attendance @ Jade..

was (am) really, reeeaaally


Hope I see you guys around soon..

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