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How Do U Cure Blue Balls?


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the reason it's called blueballs is because your balls actually will turn a shade of blue.

what it is is all the blood rushin to your dick just sits there, since there really isnt much to move the blood (other than jerkin it or havin sex) and the oxygen in the blood gets used up, so it turns from red to blue.

the pain is from ur cock/balls basically not getting enough oxygen, kinda like with sickle cell anemia where the blood cells change shape and clog a vein/artery and you feel pain pretty much everywhere below the clog, cuz the cells are not getting any oxygen

at least that's my understanding of it.

someone asked the biology teacher in high school a long time ago, and no it wasnt me

still remember one of the girls, when the teacher said that semen has a high sugar content, she asked him why it tasted salty, and he said thats cuz its hitting the back of your mouth where the salt taste receptors are instead of the front where the sugar taste receptors are

she ran outta the room crying cuz she was so embarassed

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it does happen, but the thing is most guys play it up a bit to try and get laid. it's not really all that common, as most guys dont stay CONTINUOUSLY aroused long enough, and the blood doesnt have enough time to be depleted of oxygen

i've only had it a few times, and it was almost always when i hadnt got laid for a while and was really horny, and she'd just sort of tease and nothin else for an hour or two.

if a guy says he's got blue balls, take a look... if they're actually blue he's tellin the truth :P

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