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I understand us nocturnal creatures are a minority, but...

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...why don't more people go clubbing on a regular basis?

I understand that a keg party is more of a relaxed atmosphere and I totally respect it, but some people are just flakes and tend to stay local on Saturday nights. I think it's cool sometimes, but not all the time. The way I see it, the people who tend to stay local with the same people in the same places doing the same thing seem to be flakey and unadventurous.

If I could talk to them, I would say that there are sooooo many people to meet and learn from, so why avoid it?

What do you think?

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Originally posted by highmay

...why don't more people go clubbing on a regular basis?

I understand that a keg party is more of a relaxed atmosphere and I totally respect it, but some people are just flakes and tend to stay local on Saturday nights. I think it's cool sometimes, but not all the time. The way I see it, the people who tend to stay local with the same people in the same places doing the same thing seem to be flakey and unadventurous.

If I could talk to them, I would say that there are sooooo many people to meet and learn from, so why avoid it?

What do you think?

this has been a constant problem for me. some of it is that those people are not adventurous, but other times its because they simply dont like the music. i know for us that may seem hard to beleive, but there are lots of people who are content sitting at home or going to the bar and listening to limp bizkit and destiny's child ::shudder:::shake:

another problem is that quite a few people assume that everyone does drugs at nightclubs, and then the stigma of "i dont want to do drugs and you have to be on drugs to enjoy the music" develops. :rolleyes: if one more person tells me that, i think i might just:blown:

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Originally posted by highmay

...why don't more people go clubbing on a regular basis?

I understand that a keg party is more of a relaxed atmosphere and I totally respect it, but some people are just flakes and tend to stay local on Saturday nights. I think it's cool sometimes, but not all the time. The way I see it, the people who tend to stay local with the same people in the same places doing the same thing seem to be flakey and unadventurous.

If I could talk to them, I would say that there are sooooo many people to meet and learn from, so why avoid it?

What do you think?

Clubbing seen through my friend's eyes is like the ultimate social loo-out. It's all about some random music in the background and dress up and people dancing like crap and sittin' there with drinks and muttering and hooking up and somehow it gets into sex. This a lot of people can do at a bar and whatnot and i suspect that this may be the reason why people don't bother going clubbing. Not to mention the drug factor that bigpoppa thrown in.

You can't really convince 'em it's all about the music unless you drag them there and show them but then you have to get it right...

if they go and hear some stinkbomber DJ spin at a club where meatheads keep grabbing at you and drugs makes up of 85% of every breath you take (example being Exit, over and over again), then this will just reinforce their attitudes and drive them back to bars. Cuz hey, why blow cash going to a club when you can listen to shitty music and drink for free at a bar?

And besides, some people just care about the swigs anyhow...

I understand your sentiment completely MFHM (can I call you that from now on? :D ) but a world seen through different eyes is what it is.....

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Highmay I really can not relate because there really are too many good places to go to in an evening that I fnd myself now going to 3 venues an evening. Now are you talking about SUPER CLUBS or just clubs in genereal. Are lounges and clubs with live bands included??? I think they should be. I really hope to start bringing live band performances to the Boards attention. There is actually one coming up that I think everyone would like.

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well im reffering to anything that would constitute as quality nightlife, ie designated party spots, live bands, broadway plays...anything that constitues a hieghtened social event...so yes, lounges and live bands are included...

a local bar, your nearest park, or your stoop on a saturday night, to me, is boring and doesnt have spice to it...the people who engage in the aformentioned activities seem bland and unexiting....basically, its not life to me....SO WHY ARE PEOPLE LIKE THAT??

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my friends are the same way....i cant stand it...the other day they saw my mom and my mom asked why i dont go out with them...to bars and stuff and there response was like mike thinks its to crowded...so i called them and said i dont go to bars casue its to crowded i go casue they suck and they are boring...if im gonna sit around and drink id rather hit up a phat lounge in the city where i know im gonna have fun....not bogarts where i will see the same boring people i try to get away from....

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I've told my friend many times when she asks me if I want to go somewhere in Jersey (for those of you who live here....Metro, Doc's, Abyss) I say if I'm going to go out I'm going somewhere that has quality djs even if I go sober damn some of these NJ clubs (I'm sure there are bad ones in NYC too) must have open bar to numb the pain of the cheesy music lol

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listen this is the way i feel sometimes im in the mood to just lay back wit a drink and chill wit my homies but somtimes just wanna get out and PPAAAAARRRTTTYYYY i meen there are more drugs and boos at partys so practicaly i would go there for sex and at a club you go there for a good tyme :afro::bounce:

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You've totally described the infuriating situation here at G-town. No one goes out. It's because 1) keg parties are cheap, it's free beer and whatnot, vs. $5 bottles of water in the clubs 2) They'd rather go somewhere they can easily stumble home from 3) The girls are afraid of guys harassing them (at least this is a GU issue) and all in all it makes me want to kick someone! Maybe everyone. I don't know. And sadly enough I mention something about house music and the general population goes "Oh, you mean like, Alice DeeJay?" :blown::puke::worry: :worry2: :flame::cry:

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I say let those people stay at the bars if they are going to be ignorant to new scenes.

I don't have anything against the beerguzzling bar crowd, but if people want to generalize our scene as an ascape so we have a place to do drugs and get sexual, then let them stay where they are.

If I want to go and have a couple of drinks and not really go out all night, I'll go to a bar. Other than that, I'll listen to music and mingle.

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Alterego here (BarVybe that is, since my login STILL doesn't work!)

Well, i had two things happened:

First - i made a whole huge bunch of new friends who like clubbing.

Second - i converted about half of my old friends to doing what we all wish we could do all the time

As it turns out, both the old non-converts, the converts and the new friends all like a drink or two at a lounge or bar before heading out to clubland, so i get to hang out with all of them!! How cool is that? I'm a lucky SOB, I know.

Basically the stay in a bar all night and get really shitty drunk days are few and far between for me, but i'll do that at a lounge, or hit the bars for a couple hours before heading out. Seems to work out alright. shrug. grin.

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Originally posted by highmay

...why don't more people go clubbing on a regular basis?

I understand that a keg party is more of a relaxed atmosphere and I totally respect it, but some people are just flakes and tend to stay local on Saturday nights. I think it's cool sometimes, but not all the time. The way I see it, the people who tend to stay local with the same people in the same places doing the same thing seem to be flakey and unadventurous.

If I could talk to them, I would say that there are sooooo many people to meet and learn from, so why avoid it?

What do you think?

. . . This is a difficult one to address . . so many reasons for going out at night, so many different people trying to find their fix . . I think it goes a little something like this . . . Most human beings equate nightlife with the quest to get laid. . Now, don't get me wrong, there aint ANYTHING wrong with that pursuit, its just, the scene as we know it (and want it to be) is NOT in line with that pursuit . . . .

. . . We all want the clubs to be like that "perfect vision" we picture in our heads (which I've tried to explain in other posts, but then again, how does one describe that which cannot be put into words . . . ). . . .Whole lots of different types of people all bustin' loose to the groove . . . Unfortunately most people don't have the desire to create an environment like that . . ALOT (. . .dare I say most . . . ) people don't want a heterogenous environment around them . . Look at the suburbs. . They want SAFETY in what is KNOWN to them. .

. . . A perfect example, on a smaller scale, is a small bar/pseudo-club in White Plains that I had the displeasure of visiting called the Thirsty Turtle. . .

. . Before I go any farther let me just state, again for the record, that establishments which have either A) Disgruntled/downtrodden animals or B) Irish Leprechaun folklore in their names tend to, more often than not, Sizzza . . . Sizzza . . SUCCCK!

. . But back to the Turtle . . . If you listen to their radio spots, what you will perceive of this place will go something like this :

1). . Thursday Nights, live entertainment with the latest local bands. .

2). . . Friday Nights, no attitude dance party. .come one come all and shake it loose . . (LOL. . .)

3) . . . Saturday Nights, live bands and drink specials . .

. . I've been to this establishment on both a Thursday and a Friday night . . and I can say that the SAME STANDARD ISSUE NIGHTTARDS attend both days . . .

I mean, I was surrounded by 200 of the same guy and 200 of the same girl. . And let me tell you, being one of . . oh I'd say, 5 dark people in the bunch was interesting to say the least . . So . . lets take another look at the above itemized list and modify it with the reality of the situation

1) . . Thursday Nights : Live entertainment, drown in a sea of boozed out trendies who are too busy checking THEMSELVES out to notice that the "Local" band that's been hired for the night is covering CURRENT hits being played on LIR . .

2) . . Friday Nights : No Attitude Dance Party, drown in a sea of COKED AND BOOZED (. .eww. . added bonus) out Trendies who are too busy checking out the walking (immitation) Kenneth Cole poster in the corner cause they know he has the yay to keep the "psychadelic cowboy hats are cool!" fantasy going . .

3) . . Saturday Nights : See Thursday . . repeat . . .

Does that sound like appealing nightlife to you? The answer is NO . . but only to people like us . . . For the majority of night crawlers, the goal is to get INTO a situation like that because it represents SAFETY. . . You feel comfortable around people who are somewhat like yourself, however the problem with the homogeny THEY seek is that they're basing all of it on clothing style, physique and race (to somewhat of an extent) rather than seeking out what type of PEOPLE the other nightcrawlers are. . and that, as any hardcore can tell you, is the surest way to have a dull party . .

A very good majority of people in this world don't want "adventurous". . they want to be in their own world with people who will be exactly like them . . Our scene, in it's true sense is one where we don't care what kind of person you are as long as you aren't:




That's it, no other requirements, because if you remove these two nasty human traits, all you're left with is a friendly human being who will be OPEN to other types of people. . And through that openness will come a greater understanding of the world . . . .



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