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Clubbing Etiquette


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A friend and I were discussing what a buzz kill certain people can be to go out with. So we decided to make a list of clubbing rules. Then we realized we needed to break them down to on the dancefloor and off the dancefloor.

Here's the first four for on the dancefloor. More to come later when I have time. Feel free to add your own.

#1 If it isn't about the music, don't say it.

#2 If it takes more than one sentance, don't say it.

#3 If you just want to brag how you know the track, don't say it.

#4 If its negative in any way, don't say it.

For off the dancefloor

#1 Don't ask me to save your seat which happens to be the only available seat for three thousand people while you wander around for 45 minutes.

#2 Don't take my last sip of water, last cig, last [insert favorite substance here] etc...

#3 Don't make me take care of you.

#4 No I won't ask the ugly one to dance so you can talk to her cute friend. (i.e. falling on the grenade)

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Originally posted by shroomy

A friend and I were discussing what a buzz kill certain people can be to go out with. So we decided to make a list of clubbing rules. Then we realized we needed to break them down to on the dancefloor and off the dancefloor.

Here's the first four for on the dancefloor. More to come later when I have time. Feel free to add your own.

#1 If it isn't about the music, don't say it.

#2 If it takes more than one sentance, don't say it.

#3 If you just want to brag how you know the track, don't say it.

#4 If its negative in any way, don't say it.

For off the dancefloor

#1 Don't ask me to save your seat which happens to be the only available seat for three thousand people while you wander around for 45 minutes.

#2 Don't take my last sip of water, last cig, last [insert favorite substance here] etc...

#3 Don't make me take care of you.

#4 No I won't ask the ugly one to dance so you can talk to her cute friend. (i.e. falling on the grenade)

:laugh: :laugh:

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on the dancefloor :

A dancefloor is for dancing; if you want to stand around, move to the side.

Try to refrain from smoking on the dance floor. it could be hazardous, to your well being; if you burn someone.

on/off the dancefloor

Try to refrain from asking people countless times; if they’re"rolling".

Try to avoid going up to people, and asking them to "hook you up".

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good thread heres some more off the top of my head.


.....on my way out of the club DO NOT ask me to take your rolling ass home across town cuz you got so banged up you lost the people you were with. or they ditched you purposely. use those yellow cars up front ....pay them to take you home !!!


.....DO NOT sit at my table and just grab bottles and serve yourself drinks. Especially of your a guy. Now if your some bimbo with big knockers and MRs. Beyondo isnt around ASK cuz even sometimes im not in the mood for freeloading sluts.


....DO NOT hug me when your freaking all sweaty and tell me you loooove me just cuz you feel good cuz you just downed your 8th roll within the last 45 min.

.......from my single days......girls wait at least 2 fraking minutes before you ASK a guy for a drink......chances are he will offer it to you if you just shut your damn trap up.

....on a given night especially on special events dont hunt me down for bands, comps, or ask me to help you out cuz i might know a staffer at a particulur club.....take care of your own god damn problems.:blown::mad::finger: :bigfinger

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Funny Funny Stuff, lol, I really need to start going out here and meet this crazy bunch...

I dont know if this rule will apply here, although from talking to someone I hear the "blue room" at space can be compared to SF in NYC, so with that being said...

Do Not Constantly Ask for Bumps when you know someone has a jar, no K-Whores aloud. :eek:

:D :D

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DO NOT, under any circumstances substitute cigarettes for glowsticks. they are fire and if they touch you; it burns

when a "lady" is walking by; do not grab her ass or any other body part. how would you guys feel if someone grabbed your mothers ass? note: if you REALLY want to met someone; just say hello and be yourself

PLEASE do not call me babe or baby. i have a given name...use it!

just cause i have nails, doesnt mean i want to "pet" your gross hairy back :puke:

venting cause i've had a trying week. stac going to the gym now

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Originally posted by beyondo


.....DO NOT sit at my table and just grab bottles and serve yourself drinks. Especially of your a guy.


....DO NOT hug me when your freaking all sweaty and tell me you loooove me just cuz you feel good cuz you just downed your 8th roll within the last 45 min.

.......from my single days......girls wait at least 2 fraking minutes before you ASK a guy for a drink......chances are he will offer it to you if you just shut your damn trap up.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by djfrosty

Rule # 5 for either on/off the dancefloor. (particularly at Space)

Don't trust the darkness. The patio is your savior.

So true....:laugh: :laugh: It's happened to me, if ya know what i'm talking about..... You think someone is gorgeous in the blue and red room and you come to find out on the patio that they are hidious.... What to do, What to do??????? :rolleyes::confused:

:idea: :idea: Tell them you'll be right back, that you're going to the restroom, then run for your life and hope they don't see ya again... :knife::shake::worry:

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  • 2 years later...
Originally posted by shroomy

A friend and I were discussing what a buzz kill certain people can be to go out with. So we decided to make a list of clubbing rules. Then we realized we needed to break them down to on the dancefloor and off the dancefloor.

Here's the first four for on the dancefloor. More to come later when I have time. Feel free to add your own.

#1 If it isn't about the music, don't say it.

#2 If it takes more than one sentance, don't say it.

#3 If you just want to brag how you know the track, don't say it.

#4 If its negative in any way, don't say it.

For off the dancefloor

#1 Don't ask me to save your seat which happens to be the only available seat for three thousand people while you wander around for 45 minutes.

#2 Don't take my last sip of water, last cig, last [insert favorite substance here] etc...

#3 Don't make me take care of you.

#4 No I won't ask the ugly one to dance so you can talk to her cute friend. (i.e. falling on the grenade)

soooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking tru... should be added to my public drinking warning.

as follows;

[swf=http://www.professorcornbread.com/humor/movies/alcoholwarning.swf]width="500" height="500" [/swf]

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