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*ultra* @ SPA rules


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let's face it >>>

the non-stylish crowd hates the velvet rope. unlike them, the gliteratti gather once a week @ SPA to celebrate the sophistication of NYC club/fashion scene.

armani-suits & chelsea a&f muscleheads are simply not allowed - ultra is the triumph of the non-mainstream style/culture (which however generates the mainstream 2 or 3 years after, when banana republic and a|x decide to produce pathetic reproductions of the glam/trash devised/designed for clubs like SPA). so forget about DKNY and cK, put on your favourite 80's shirt, high heels (a must for the ladies), and hide your gaze behind gucci sunglasses.

obligatory drink: strawberry continental

dance style: anything but j-lo-lookalike

favourite phrase: "oh, i'm sorry, i didn't see you!"

favourite emoticon: :-===------------------




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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, d&g is ok as well...just stay away from cK, LOL. for getting into SPA one needs a very different fashion concept than looking the same every season (ie wearing j crew and looking *preppy* or a&f and looking *jockish-duh*) or making two-season-late mainstream-targeted copies of euro labels (cK, DKNY and all the rest of the so-called upscale nyc designers). [alexander mcqueen rules!]. stay away from armani as well - he just recycles his clothes since 1990s.....


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i fuckin hate armani, and CK for that matter....well i was gonna wear this entirely jean outfit (except for the shirt), but people said no jeans were allowed (god they say they want u trendy but they really mean dressy/trendy)...so it looks like im sticking with these grey wool pants w/my black prada shoes and im not sure what shirt yet....and this black jacket (zips up) with a semi high neck but not too high

and my signature D&G glasses of course....o how i luv them....or i have this bcbg t-shirt with all this funky writing on the front...o decisions decisions LOL

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i went there in jeans and got in. it's the armani-post-work-kinda-guys who don't get in. i see you're quite a fashionista, so don't worry. get a fake euro accent for extra points at the door, LOL.

and of course do let me/us know whether you had fun.


ps try the 'cosmopolitan' - it's a great drink

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Originally posted by zlatang


i went there in jeans and got in. it's the armani-post-work-kinda-guys who don't get in. i see you're quite a fashionista, so don't worry. get a fake euro accent for extra points at the door, LOL.

and of course do let me/us know whether you had fun.


ps try the 'cosmopolitan' - it's a great drink

omg can i really wear jeans....i have like this pretty cool DIESEL jeans dark blue and they are faded green in the front and then i can wear that BCBG t-shirt that i like so much....it has all this funky red writing on the front....and my jean jacket o what on outfit it will be LOL

and as for the european thing my name is very european...Etienne...so im not going to have a problem with that!

maybe i will bring a change of clothes just in case!:rolleyes::D:rolleyes::D

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hey r>>>

well the thing is i never had a problem to get in there + i'm male, lol, so i can only tell you what i saw inside.

everything that's whacky goes, but don't misunderstand this - no rave fashion! *camp-ish ellegance* is the key word for SPA i think. though it sounds apsurd, in fact it's not: it means you shouldn't look like an upper-east mid-20s secretary who thinks she has some class because she wears "fashion items that never go out of fashion." there just isn't such a fashion item - fashion is all about change, but it's also about repetition.

hence, a nice new-romantic retro-80s look with a touch of goth style is ok. (look at nena and kim wilde videos). also, retro-abba-esque also goes. to be on the edge you need some black clothes and a touch of hippie style (the latter i'd never wear, but tastes differ). kozak style is big, so if you have banana-shaped boots you rule. as for high heels, try to avoid thick platform heels. go for a stiletto instead. haha, this is quite a long reply, and i hope it'll help!

trust me, the guys at the door know what's stylish ;)

have fun and please report how it went (i can't make it alas)

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ur posts have made me change my outfit so many times.....i hate the traditional black pant look for guys.....its so old and boring....but thats what all the other clubs look for so thats what i wear...i cant wear my DIESEL jeans to other clubs because they dont look at jeans as being stylish, when in fact they most definetly can be.....im not talking about some ghetto fab jeans hanging off my ass...most def not...nice jeans that look a worn for that retro look and this jean jacket that has that has that worn look as well.....and my my bcbg shirt for a lil splash of funk!!!!

omg i like the outfit so much...but ur making me not wanna wear it cause im afraid that i wont get in......god i have never thought about an outfit this much...i always know that im going to get in...y am stressin this so much? WTF!? :confused::rolleyes:

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i think this is so funny how we are the only 2 in this thread...its like our own lil private chat room LOL....anyways....i think that im just gonna bring a change of clothes with me just in case they are dicks to me at the door:rolleyes: :rolleyes: ....im hoping that they wont b though...thanks for all ur info and i hope to see u out soon!:D

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I can't believe you wrote all that crap down.



Originally posted by zlatang

hey r>>>

well the thing is i never had a problem to get in there + i'm male, lol, so i can only tell you what i saw inside.

everything that's whacky goes, but don't misunderstand this - no rave fashion! *camp-ish ellegance* is the key word for SPA i think. though it sounds apsurd, in fact it's not: it means you shouldn't look like an upper-east mid-20s secretary who thinks she has some class because she wears "fashion items that never go out of fashion." there just isn't such a fashion item - fashion is all about change, but it's also about repetition.

hence, a nice new-romantic retro-80s look with a touch of goth style is ok. (look at nena and kim wilde videos). also, retro-abba-esque also goes. to be on the edge you need some black clothes and a touch of hippie style (the latter i'd never wear, but tastes differ). kozak style is big, so if you have banana-shaped boots you rule. as for high heels, try to avoid thick platform heels. go for a stiletto instead. haha, this is quite a long reply, and i hope it'll help!

trust me, the guys at the door know what's stylish ;)

have fun and please report how it went (i can't make it alas)

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mjr203 >>>

i am sooooooooooo sorry that you disapprove of our spa-thread, but i was merely answering a question a fellow-clubber asked.

and if it's all crap, as you said, why bother reading it at all? moreover, why bother posting a comment?

we can't all be stylish, you know. and if you're not aware of it, then just have a look at the mirror.


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  • 2 weeks later...

by the way, i went to SPA last thu and it was phantastic*. there was a fashion show and some turkish dancing...+ the best retro-house music i heard lately. the crowd was great.........

ps though it may appear otherwise, i am not a promoter for SPA, lol:D :D :D

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Originally posted by zlatang

by the way, i went to SPA last thu and it was phantastic*. there was a fashion show and some turkish dancing...+ the best retro-house music i heard lately. the crowd was great.........

ps though it may appear otherwise, i am not a promoter for SPA, lol:D :D :D

dude . . I want you do do me a favor. . . follow this link and read my reply to karch (It's long, you can't miss it) . .


. . . I think my sentiment accurately reflects what the true party people think of places like spa . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

dude . . I want you do do me a favor. . . follow this link and read my reply to karch (It's long, you can't miss it) . .


. . . I think my sentiment accurately reflects what the true party people think of places like spa . .

dear phuturephunk....>>>

i did you a favour! i read carefully your reply, but all i found were some funny moralising, almost religious statements...."YOU ruined something created in hopes of unity and love", "YOU and YOUR KIND are the destroyers of life," " YOU and YOUR KIND are sad cariacatures of the brilliance of creation, desperately seeking the seeing in your world of blindness ," etc.

gawd, you sound like a cyber-preacher! it almost made me shout: “oh, please, st. phuturepunk of nyc nightlife, come and show me the right way! lead me out of my trendy darkness and deliver me to the light of the real clubbing, the land of eternal fun and love, where the velvet ropes are replaced with genuine emotional ties that connect one human soul with another.â€

ok, if you want to start a cult of "natural" and "organic" clubbing go ahead, it's a big city. + no one forces you to go to the same clubs as WE do. you don't have to dress up and to bow to the gods of late-capitalist consumption, like WE do. you can just look your 'natural' self, go out in old-fashioned/shabby clothes (beware though, it may become trendy to wear shabby clothes, and there's a danger for your 'nonchalant' style) and without a hairstyle, and there'll always be a niche for you and your kind, at least i hope (because, it seems, i am more tolerant than you, after all).

but why, oh why, do we need all this negative energy when you probably hate going to SPA anyway? on the other hand, if you feel endangered by me and people alike me, and if you see this “evil trendy trend†conquering nyc nightlife, then maybe you are in the wrong, because you lost your touch with reality.

having said all this, i’d still like to take you to SPA and show you how all these ‘bad guys’ can be very nice even to an outsider like you. And one other thing: “naturalness is the most difficult of all the poses.â€



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