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Love? Hype? or Boredom?


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... don't get me wrong, I love the club scene, I love the people involved(for the most part) etc.

But this board went from a "I love JP" and "I love Draper" board, and in about a week it converted to the "I Love Danny Tenaglia" Forum.


Im just confused.

Is it the love for pure progressive and deep sounds?

Is it that you are just bored of the regular NYC commercial scene?

Or is it, that it's just the new hype?


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How about this for an answer....

Last night I went to Ohm for Russ Reign. I would say, 60% of the night was classic stuff.....Africa, Hedgehog, Things To Come, etc..

in addition, most of the tools he used were classics too...This Joy Acapella, Relentless Keys, Deep Kemical, etc

so by the definition of most people on the board, you might say Russ sucked...I mean, he played OLD music all night and bla bla bla

NO WAY..he rocked the crowd, he messed with the music, he manipulated energy levels, and best of all, you could see him in the booth hopping up and down, slamming forward when tweaking the volume, etc....

i know for a fact that no one on this board is hyping Ohm, and only a few ever hype Russ up.....i think they should be;)

I agree with you justin, that hype is what its all about...if not, Djs would be getting paid better than promoters, and the smaller clubs would be as packed as the bigger ones....personally, i hate it when its packed, and id rather chill to GOOD music at a smaller venue


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Guest saleen351

This board plays follow the leader.................

NYC is going









hopefully 10 days in sobe will get me back into the scene....

and the Jp cocksmokers are still hear............

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did u ever think that maybe people are hearing tenaglia or whoever for the first time and liking him etc.!?! i mean i have my favorites and of course not-so favorites when it comes to dj's...but there are also some dj's i would like to hear and once i do ....maybe i will be a fan maybe i won't?! and yes...there are a lot of followers in this scene..people like who they like because that's what they hear is cool or that's the place the crowd is going! they simply regurgitate everything they hear or are told about a dj/venue...well i don't feel the need to go on. but some people are just expanding their tastes knowledge and what not.. and if u r a fan..be happy the dj is getting the recognition that he deserves! and justin...u used to be all about draper/exit and now u like to go hear a lot of different(and better) music!!:tongue: :tongue: j/k;)

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was all about Exit and Draper, cause that was my spot, and my boy, but after what happened with me and him, and how I got accused, I could give a hoot about his music. he is a good guy, but after what he accused me of, ill never stand up for him again on this board.

and i hate to break it to ya, the first 5 times we went to Tunnel, was on Saturdays, and who was rockin' the place DT for DTour.

And after my sets at Exit, every so often i would venture down to Hubert st. by myself to hear quality.

So all in all, ever since my first days of NYC clubbing, I have been hearing him.

and missy, STFU, I see you one day, and you dissapear, your like fuck'in osama bin laden, you speak and preach, then crawl back into your cave.

by the way your comign to Vegas for the conference with me!

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Originally posted by djustinh

was all about Exit and Draper, cause that was my spot, and my boy, but after what happened with me and him, and how I got accused, I could give a hoot about his music. he is a good guy, but after what he accused me of, ill never stand up for him again on this board.

and i hate to break it to ya, the first 5 times we went to Tunnel, was on Saturdays, and who was rockin' the place DT for DTour.

And after my sets at Exit, every so often i would venture down to Hubert st. by myself to hear quality.

So all in all, ever since my first days of NYC clubbing, I have been hearing him.

and missy, STFU, I see you one day, and you dissapear, your like fuck'in osama bin laden, you speak and preach, then crawl back into your cave.

by the way your comign to Vegas for the conference with me!

hahahaha!! fuck u!! lol....i love it!!!!!! it's so nice in my cave i don't like to leave to often!!! anyways....NO VEGAS...NO$$$$$ ...maybe i dunno!! LOL but calllllll meeeeee we need to chat!!!!! tell your mom what's up from the bitch! LOL

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Joey: ask Tony what happened, he might be able to elaborate. becuase quite frankly im confused and rather disturbed at what he accused me of.

Misk, Osama, i will send the message to my mother, who came in this morning at 8:30 in the morning to tell me the dance floor at Metro in the back fell through and collapsed. She is too cute.


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Hmm.. well I have a few things to say about this thread.

First of all, I think it would have to depend on the individual person as to whether he or she truly has a sudden love for Tenaglia or whether he or she is simply going along with all the hype. Like someone said, perhaps it is that people are now starting to go hear him, and they really do like his sets and stuff. However, the reverse is also true, there may simply be just bandwagon fans.

I, however, personally don't like Tenaglia, and I don't plan on becoming a fan anytime soon (if ever). So not everyone is about the hype. It just depends on the person.

I do have a question though concerning what you said about Draper. You said you were all about Draper and Exit.. so that means you were a fan of Draper's music at one point correct?

But then things happened between you two, and you aren't really friends anymore. Well that's fine, however, I don't understand how that could mean you're not all about Exit and his music anymore. I mean, if you guys got in a disagreement, wouldn't you hate him as a person? How can a fight with a DJ cause you to hate an entire style of club music (the Exit style). To me that just doesn't really make sense.

If your heart was really with Exit's style, just because you got in a fight with a DJ @ Exit doesn't mean that you should not give a shit about the music style that you supposedly once loved.

Not trying to say anything bad, I'm just curious as to what the hell Draper could have done to you to make you turn away from your old home.

Perhaps things just changed which is fine..

But then I would think you would understand why some people

are changing their tastes to Tenaglia.. perhaps for some of the same simple reasons you have :) :) :)

Things just changed...

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1) I never had a LOVE for hard house at Exit. I love hard beats, but not hard german bass line stuff with noisey synths. Did I play it for a crowd, yes, did I love it, yes, THEIR reaction, not the sounds.

2) Tony accused me of taking $100 to let someone in the booth to hang out. << cough cough BULLSHIT >> So there you have what I was accused of. A professional shouldn't of accused of something of that nature, let alone he knew that Exit security ran the door to the booth that night, and i also spun that night...

3) I was about Draper cause he was my boy, and he is a very down to earth guy.

BEGIN QUOTE - "was all about Exit and Draper, cause that was my spot, and my boy, but after what happened with me and him, and how I got accused, I could give a hoot about his music. he is a good guy, but after what he accused me of, ill never stand up for him again on this board." END QUOTE.

4) I never said I hated him as a person.

5) I never said I hated the Exit style.

6) My heart was never with "Exits Style", especially if you heard my sets from 5:30 till closing. It was what I wanted. and what I wanted to hear. and what I wanted my people to dance to.

7) and my style and love never "changed" to Danny.. Danny and Baez were my favorites, until Baez dissapeared, so now im back to hearing my Danny.

8) I tend not to post alot because people like you seem to want to twist things around, and attempt to make me look like an asshole. im sorry for starting yet another threat, that is leading to drama. you stay at exit, we'll stay at Vinyl.

.. see now im just mad. :mad:

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Originally posted by djustinh

I just re-read your post again. You completely twisted things around, or at least attempted to twist my statements around in question form.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You need to chill. I wasn't trying to twist things around to make you look like an asshole. You must have some heavy weight on your shoulders to get all defensive.

Notice a lot of my statements started with "if".

I was simply stating my curiousities because I wanted to know, just throwing out things here and there to hear your opinions on them.

I'm very interested in how people think.

You seem to care to much about what people think of you. Relax.

People like you and respect your opinions.

In the meantime, I think you misinterpreted a lot of what I wrote. Perhaps I didn't phrase my thoughts in the right way. A bad on my part.

However, I'm not here trying to twist around every little word you say. Trust me, I have better things to do than be a bitch like that. I will pay more close attention as to how I phrase things from now on in hopes not to OFFEND people like you.

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Originally posted by djustinh

I just re-read your post again. You completely twisted things around, or at least attempted to twist my statements around in question form.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You need to chill. I wasn't trying to twist things around to make you look like an asshole. You must have some heavy weight on your shoulders to get all defensive.

Notice a lot of my statements started with "if".

I was simply stating my curiousities because I wanted to know, just throwing out things here and there to hear your opinions on them.

I'm very interested in how people think.

You seem to care to much about what people think of you. Relax.

People like you and respect your opinions.

In the meantime, I think you misinterpreted a lot of what I wrote. Perhaps I didn't phrase my thoughts in the right way. A bad on my part.

However, I'm not here trying to twist around every little word you say. Trust me, I have better things to do than be a bitch like that. I will pay more close attention as to how I phrase things from now on in hopes not to OFFEND people like you.

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All I wanted to know is who really loved deep, dark and progressive side of house, or who was just starting to jump on the bandwagon.

I'm sorry I started this post.

and as far as what people think of me, yeah I am jumpy and quick to snap and analyze things, because unfortunately I have delt with more drama and accusations than the Clinton Administration in Watergate.:(

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Originally posted by djustinh

All I wanted to know is who really loved deep, dark and progressive side of house, or who was just starting to jump on the bandwagon.

I'm sorry I started this post.

and as far as what people think of me, yeah I am jumpy and quick to snap and analyze things, because unfortunately I have delt with more drama and accusations than the Clinton Administration in Watergate.:(

troublemaker!!! :tongue:

you know its all about tom stephan...........

ps: i am still feeling that track "eating chinese" from awhile ago :blank:

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Originally posted by djustinh

All I wanted to know is who really loved deep, dark and progressive side of house, or who was just starting to jump on the bandwagon.

I'm sorry I started this post.

and as far as what people think of me, yeah I am jumpy and quick to snap and analyze things, because unfortunately I have delt with more drama and accusations than the Clinton Administration in Watergate.:(

Hey Justin - no hard feelings - I was just posting some of my random thoughts on the subject because I was curious. :) :) :)

I think this is a very good post - it's interesting to think about because this type of scenario happens with lots of things not just club music (i.e. baseball)

It's hard to tell whether people really have a love for the particular thing or whether they convince themselves that they have a love for it just because everyone else is saying it.

However, I doubt any of the actual bandwagon fans are going to come out and openly admit it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Besides, the way things like this work is that the actual bandwagon fans a lot of times don't even realize they are jumping on. They think this or that really is the greatest - that is until something better comes along.

Right now it will be hard to sort through the fans because Tenaglia hype is pretty big right now. Just wait though, until someone else comes along (who knows, maybe it'll be you ;) ) and then you'll be able to see who still sticks with DT and who suddenly has a "new favorite DJ".

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Originally posted by djustinh

All I wanted to know is who really loved deep, dark and progressive side of house, or who was just starting to jump on the bandwagon.

nothing wrong with the bandwagon...if Tenaglia is as good as everyone says, than everyone should be a fan.....there is nothing that says the mainstream HAS to suck....as the saying goes "50 million elvis fans cant be wrong"

im not down with the idea that as soon as people know about something, its not "undergound" or cool anymore....whatever makes you happy:idea:


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