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Earth@Exit...your bathrooms......


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LOL. i like exit but on our way to LL last fri i pointed out to my friend jessie.. Since renovation Exit is a nice club and everyone dresses up to go but the bathrooms are fucking nasty, LL and Tunnel is an ok club and everyone dresses in whatever, pretty scrubby but I have never been into a bathroom where there is shit all over the seat. i think thats so weird. dont get me wrong i love LL and Tunnel tho. Just thought that was kind of strange. =)

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Yeah..the dumbest idea in the world was to make those individual bathrooms..if u have to go to the bathroom you have to wait on a disorganized line that is in the way when you want to move around the club...

At the start of the night the bathrooms are clean and then you wait 10 years becaue people are having sex in there...then at the end the bathrooms are the nastiest places..last time i went, there was puke everywhere but the toilet..someone puked on the wall and on the floor..oh it was the nastiest....:mad: :mad: :mad:

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omg wtf shit on the toilet, piss on the floor, blood and puke ughh wtff is wrong with peolple. Like seriously wtf, do they do this on purpose, or are they that fucked up?

i mean it even amazes me how people cant even flush toilets, do u not do this in ur own house? ughh wtf

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Originally posted by realz

i thought Limelight had one of the cleanest bathrooms. lol

especially with the view of the people in front of u - if ur taking a shit that is.. (kind of bugged out)

haha omg speaking of the LL bathrooms, the first time i was there, i used one of those bathrooms and i was fucked up, and im sitting there on the toilet and look up and i see everyone, i was like omggg wtffff i was so embarassed haha

like i was kinda fucked up but stiill knew what was goin on and i was so embarassed to walk outta the bathroom haha

but then later i was told u cant see inside em haha

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LOL> main floor bathrooms are just as bad!!!! Plus its also COED most of the night. The seat covers dont do anything when there is piss, shit, blood and puke all over then.. Will the seat cover make you feel better? Not me! When i go in them i want to puke b/c its so nasty!!!!!!

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I haven't been to Exit on a Saturday since Earth opened, but at least on Friday I have to admit that the downstairs bathroom is usually okay. And its not coed.(yuck) YOur right about the throwup part cause last time I was there, girls were puking all over the bathroom. Then the guy with the big mop comes by and wipes it away. Uhhhhh public bathrooms are just nasty period!!

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Most club bathrooms are like that by 3am.. All the lightweight drinkers and inconsiderate bastards... I do know that Exit does have extremely well lit bathrooms, so u do get to see little more than youd like.. Most clubs bathrooms are kinda dim lighted from what I recall... NASTY SHIT THOUGH... literally!

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Originally posted by bebby6919

what do you mean the view of people in front of you??? B/c of the mirrors?? Im confused.. lol

The doors are see-thru from the inside, but you cant see in from the outside. Like the onesided mirrors in police stations, really cool for a bathroom.

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