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They only gave me one burger on my Big Mac!


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WTF???!!! I just got back from McDonald's, and went to put ketchup on my Big Mac... and the bottom burger's missing! This is fucked up! And I'm just too damn lazy to get back up off my ass and go back there.

And on top of that... one guy wanted fries with no salt... and they didn't salt the rest of the batch!

I guess it's just an off day... sigh... at least they didn't give me a Diet Coke by accident...

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Originally posted by tastyt

And on top of that... one guy wanted fries with no salt... and they didn't salt the rest of the batch!

Oh man....that's the worst! I really gave it to a guy one time when he asked for that. Fuck that shit!!!:bigfinger

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Originally posted by nyc420

Oh man....that's the worst! I really gave it to a guy one time when he asked for that. Fuck that shit!!!:bigfinger

GeeZ, that bites, moon goodess... look at it this way- at least you're only getting half the calories:)

i make a point to check EVERYTHING i order, even if it means holding up the customers b4 me!

and what's up w/no salt on fries! i mean, unless he's a diabetic (is that the name?) i don't get having no salt on McDonald's Tasty Golden French Fries! Mmmmmmmmmmmm

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Originally posted by nyc420

Oh man....that's the worst! I really gave it to a guy one time when he asked for that. Fuck that shit!!!:bigfinger

Haha... no salt on the fries... why bother... that's like one time when I was in Starbucks and someone ordered a non-fat decaf latte... WTF's up with that!!?? :confused:

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Originally posted by q-ny

Speaking of which....why do people go to McDonalds, get a Big Mac, fries, Supersize it....AND GET DIET COKE?

Hmmm... file this under one of those great mysteries of life... some things we will just never understand...

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yeah I know tayst but I think that we should try and help each other with this problem we are having you have no meat but you got some nice firm buns over there is seems.... AND WE CAN MAKE SANDWICHES out there on the dancefloor....

any one that can name the song gets a prize

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Originally posted by tastyt

WTF???!!! I just got back from McDonald's, and went to put ketchup on my Big Mac... and the bottom burger's missing! This is fucked up! And I'm just too damn lazy to get back up off my ass and go back there.

And on top of that... one guy wanted fries with no salt... and they didn't salt the rest of the batch!

I guess it's just an off day... sigh... at least they didn't give me a Diet Coke by accident...

LOL :laugh: :laugh:

They thought you weren't gonna eat all that, that's why....you weigh what 5, 6 pounds!!

Love ya!

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Originally posted by spragga25

LOL :laugh: :laugh:

They thought you weren't gonna eat all that, that's why....you weigh what 5, 6 pounds!!

Love ya!

Hey even us little people have to pig out every now and then!

Still I have to laugh when they ask me if I want to supersize it... :eek: ... where would it all go!

Or if they ask if I want a Diet Coke... does it look like I want the diet!!! :mad:

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Originally posted by q-ny

Speaking of which....why do people go to McDonalds, get a Big Mac, fries, Supersize it....AND GET DIET COKE?

Funny that you say that as I have always wondered that myself. Maybe people think they will not gain as much weight??? Dunno.... it kills me when you see people ordering half the freaking board loading up on double cheeseburgers and super sized fries and a LARGE DIET COKE!!!!!

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Originally posted by snappy139

Funny that you say that as I have always wondered that myself. Maybe people think they will not gain as much weight??? Dunno.... it kills me when you see people ordering half the freaking board loading up on double cheeseburgers and super sized fries and a LARGE DIET COKE!!!!!

they are trying to watch their figure....sheesh!!:rolleyes:


peace out


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Originally posted by q-ny

Speaking of which....why do people go to McDonalds, get a Big Mac, fries, Supersize it....AND GET DIET COKE?

haha omgg I knoww wtf is wrong with these people. I always see that, do they think there gonna lose weight or someting omg hahahahaa thats such a joke, if u dont wanna gain weight of wanna eat rite, then omg dont get FAST FOOOD, eat healthy

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Originally posted by ggfella4

alright, i have had enough of this crap...who is gonna stand outside McDonalds with me with pickett signs that say. "FILL MY BUNS, SALT MY FRIES"



peace out


:laugh: yo HELL YEAH!

yo gg, i'm in freeport, long island. We should pick a MceeD's somewhere that you and i live.

or just hit up all the ones on sunrise highway!:D

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