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::Sigh:: Kat is actually bored with...


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the sex boards :eek:

::im on a rant and by no means am i starting drama, im a sex board goddess for pete's (yes you pete) sake:: ;)

What's up people??? :confused:

There's like nothing super sexual on here anymore......is every topic to be discussed, discussed already??? Has this becum the ego and irregular board?

NO VIBRATORS, NO COCKS, NO LICKS, DIPS, AND KICKS, NO PORN PICS, NO SEX STORIES, NO FREAK TALK ::wait there still is, thanks to ragga lmao::, NO SEX!!!! :(

not even female or male problems *regarding* sex~~~

:idea: just problems ::as in tons of drama::!!!

And I know its hard to be sexual everyday or to even come up with sexual ideas EVERY SINGLE DAY......

::ive been there:: but I have faith in my babies and its just not cumming through to me....:eek:

I have a need for creativity and insight, for lust and porn!!!

I dont want this to become the bleakest sex board.....but in my own personal opinion, its looking that way. :(

::and i love my cp more than any other!::

So to all my kittens and pups, If im wrong and my own perspective is like totally off the wall here, let me know! ;)


::spanks for all......I know i suck too sometimes, but I try to keep things spicy!::

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I'm seeing the same thing you are, boards turning into a popularity contest. One thing I've noticed is that this board runs in cycles, we're in a low point at the moment.

Being that the holidays are upon us, I'm refraining from saying anything ahem,"negative" or "catty"!

As for juicy, licking, masturbating, cock, pussy sex stories...

I like me, I like FUCKING ME, my bf likes fucking me, my pussy likes being fucked, which in turn becomes extremely WET... (let see what other key words am I missing out...) Oh and I'm sure for being so naughty this year I'll have a shinny new vibrator under my xmas tree!!!!:o

Ok I did my part... NEXT~~~

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Originally posted by xxlea

I'm seeing the same thing you are, boards turning into a popularity contest. One thing I've noticed is that this board runs in cycles, we're in a low point at the moment.

Being that the holidays are upon us, I'm refraining from saying anything ahem,"negative" or "catty"!

Ditto, lol...

What I miss most is the strong bisexual vibe that existed when I first started posting... well you two are straight but you gotta admit it was fun...

Sigh... I would love to contribute but I'm not feeling very inspired at the moment...

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Originally posted by xxlea

or "catty"!


you know i love it when u get catty ::growl::


I like me, I like FUCKING ME, my bf likes fucking me, my pussy likes being fucked, which in turn becomes extremely WET... (let see what other key words am I missing out...) Oh and I'm sure for being so naughty this year I'll have a shinny new vibrator under my xmas tree!!!!:o


this is exactly what im talking about!!! :D


at least im not going crazy, i feel better now that its been said, but, will it help revive my fav. board?

or will all this have been in vain ::whining::


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Originally posted by tastyt

What I miss most is the strong bisexual vibe that existed when I first started posting... well you two are straight but you gotta admit it was fun...

hehe, the vibes still there D ::me and moonie tried:: lolz, i will refrain from talking about the past because its exactly that! :D

but! AS YOU CAN SEE.....it didnt take off :(:o

~im done, the goddess' have spoken there piece and can do nomore...~

ima whine somewhere else

::kat runs off whining "wawawaawawawaawwawawawawawa"::

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i def. agree tasty, bisexual vibe was key and basically all it boils down to is that we were so extremely playful and trusting in a sense with each other... the sex board really was a strong solid family in which no one looking for drama and bullshit could infiltrate... we could joke and flirt and suck and fuck and it was incredible...

it's quite funny that no one is actually responding to this post, well other then the sex board queens of late... i think it's all a matter of us few knowing how good this place could be with some work and thought... when posts are interesting conversation and debate is born... yes of course, sometimes fights did erupt and feeling were hurt, but it was real.

yeah 'post your pic' posts are fun and even necessary... it's nice to see faces.. esp. when you vibe as we often do down here...

but it becomes a bit much with these contest over who's hotter and who shows this and who does that....

i mean shit, this will probably bring me some accusations of hypocrisy cause i'm starting "drama"... but this isn't drama, it's truth folks... and no matter what anyone says, that this is just a message board.... it isn't~

it isn't just people from cyber space... i've met a good amount of these people and i grown to love a few of then dearly... clubkat of course :heart: but you all knew that ;) and my love claire (cmb1975) who sadly has no desire to post here anymore... and i totally understand why so many of us went to other boards... the drama became too much and too stupid and we've lost some quality people who you newbies never had the chance to "meet" :D there are so many others who were so key and important and who i just plainly appreciate and respect... tasty, xxlea, stripe (who's not here anymore) xfactor, dick, etc... if i forgot you... you know im sorry and i love you...

like kitty said, yeah there's only so much one can say about sex and what position you want and yada yadda yadda, but it can def. be better then this... this is a comglomeration of so many different people, with different views and thoughts and hopes and feelings and because of that, we're great already...

yeah i may be a bitch, hell, fuck that, i am a bitch, but i'm just keeping it real, cause someone definitely needs to.

i've said it once and i'll say it again... no matter what, i :heart: everyone here.


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Im sorry I try... but Dgmodel=Boring man right now...

however maybe after the holidays things will pick up... lot of ppl have midterms and exams right now, papers, and so forth.. not a lot of time for fucking and partying... TONS OF WORK...and Careers to focus on... (atleast for me i dont know about everyone else but i think thats the popular consensus...)

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when did the boards turn into a beauty contest??? :confused:

i mean damn straight i apprciate every single comp, but how many times can ya hear it before it becomes *ordinary*???

Ya have times to hear it and times to save it........ :blank:

well anyway, Dg i totally feel you, and im only hoping that ~SHAGFEST 2001~

(btw i already have a date, things are almost done woohooooo!)

will totally revive this whole sexual household and not the concept of "I look so good dont i?"

::although Dg might look kinda sexy in drag:: :D

~~~moonie, that is so strange how only the oldies notice this happening~~~ hmmmmmm

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Originally posted by clubkat

when did the boards turn into a beauty contest??? :confused:

i mean damn straight i apprciate every single comp, but how many times can ya hear it before it becomes *ordinary*???

Ya have times to hear it and times to save it........ :blank:

well anyway, Dg i totally feel you, and im only hoping that ~SHAGFEST 2001~

(btw i already have a date, things are almost done woohooooo!)

will totally revive this whole sexual household and not the concept of "I look so good dont i?"

::although Dg might look kinda sexy in drag:: :D

~~~moonie, that is so strange how only the oldies notice this happening~~~ hmmmmmm

That's why I didn't put a pic up on that thread...Ragga was attracted to the dungeon (waaay back when) by the wacky personalities here...

I'm not talkin about the oldies like You, tasty and moonie...but sirdante, cmb1975, Starcapone and the others.

I think we gotta come up with something new, something fresh...something to get that "spark" back...We'll see!

Ragga 2 cents :)

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Originally posted by clubkat

when did the boards turn into a beauty contest??? :confused:

i mean damn straight i apprciate every single comp, but how many times can ya hear it before it becomes *ordinary*???

Ya have times to hear it and times to save it........ :blank:

well anyway, Dg i totally feel you, and im only hoping that ~SHAGFEST 2001~

(btw i already have a date, things are almost done woohooooo!)

will totally revive this whole sexual household and not the concept of "I look so good dont i?"

::although Dg might look kinda sexy in drag:: :D

~~~moonie, that is so strange how only the oldies notice this happening~~~ hmmmmmm

Lets hope... and keep my drag out of this... its not a beauty contest... ;):laugh:;)

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i'm not really a newbie even though i've only started posting on here recently, but i've lurked for a loooong time and i'd just like to add some comments, if no one minds... i definately think the sex board needs a lil bit more SEX. back in the day i remember i liked reading clubkats, tastyts and moonshines posts cause they were always dripping with sex and kinkiness....very entertaining to say the least :spin2: there's none of that goin on anymore! you girls gotta fire things up again and get the rest of us into it... the stories, the jokes, the kinky pix, all that good stuff :D

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Originally posted by romy20

its not just the sex board, the other boards are lacking in stuff too, like there's hardly anyone on where 'd everyone go?:confused:

the other boards are definitely lacking, and not just cp's... i've checked out the other boards as well and their sex board was pretty dead...

i think what bothers most us is that no matter what was going on in ny board, whatever kinda drama was sparked there, it never affected us...

~we were content in just being horny... and there are those that think our posts are mindless and silly and that cool, cause readers who dont post can judge things like that... :rolleyes::blank::mad: ... but, thats another story...

it all boils down to that fact that it doesnt matter if drapers a bad dj or is twilo was the greatest club ever... we were always bubbling with something kinky down in these parts... and that is definitely missed... mssabina is right... we just need some good old fashion hard core sex... but... i have a feeling things are changing, so it's all good... :D

i do have the feeling that a lot of the newbies feel like we're dumping on them and we're really not... we're just trying to make things better...:)

:love: ~ moonie

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Originally posted by djmoonshine

i do have the feeling that a lot of the newbies feel like we're dumping on them and we're really not...

not unless they like that kind of thing ::hehehe::

who wants a wet pussy? :confused:

::its raining outside ya dirty minded freaks!:: :D

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Originally posted by clubkat

when did the boards turn into a beauty contest??? :confused:

i mean damn straight i apprciate every single comp, but how many times can ya hear it before it becomes *ordinary*???

Ya have times to hear it and times to save it........ :blank:

well anyway, Dg i totally feel you, and im only hoping that ~SHAGFEST 2001~

(btw i already have a date, things are almost done woohooooo!)

will totally revive this whole sexual household and not the concept of "I look so good dont i?"

::although Dg might look kinda sexy in drag:: :D

~~~moonie, that is so strange how only the oldies notice this happening~~~ hmmmmmm

I agree with you about the sex boards. There can be only so much a person posts about the same thing over and over and over. I mean I tried to bring some spice this way. BUt I guess you also have to undertstnad that some people are new and are just to lazy to go through past posts and see what topics were discussed. So that is why there is so much repetition of topics.

BTW, I think that shagfest 2001 will bring many fun topics to the board. The sex board will be more sexual than ever. ;)


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