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phobia...who has one and what is it?

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ok im not afraid of any insects or anything but the only things are spiders, but only when its night time and its summer, and i walk outta my house and i get the web all over my face OMGG I GO CRAZY, just the thought of not knowing where that spider is and how the web feels omgg

one tiime i even jumped into my pool lol with clothes on haha

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I really hate those fucking snakes. When I was about 3 or 4 I had gone to get a toy outta my toybox and found a snake sprawled out behind the toybox and I freaked. My mom had to call a neighbor to come over and get the fucking thing outta the house. [shiver]

Then a couple years later I was walking barefoot thru a park and looked down at my feet. What I thought was a branch was actually a sunbathing snake and it's head was only a couple inches away from my foot, so I freaked and jumped in the air and took off running. [again, shiver]

So I guess those experiences as a kid stuck with me for life cause I don't even like watching snakes on tv, let alone seeing a live one.

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I have a big fear of spiders (although now that I'm at school and I can't scream for Daddy to come smash them I've gotten a little braver but they still freak me out), stationary objects in the water (i.e. docks, moorings, bridge pilings, anything sticking up out of the water), and going underneath bridges (when I was training for crew states/nationals my partner and I had to row underneath this freaky bridge and even though I was supposed to steering I would close my eyes and cry and yelp like a wussbag... my coach thought I was nuts for a while lol)

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I have a fear of getting sick, like just any kind of sick I dunno. When my stomach hurts I start freaking out cause I know I might have to puke, even though sometimes its not really nessarry but I freak out so much I make myself nervous and I end up puking anyway.

I also have a fear oh insects, I hate them ewww sooo gross. I hated going to camp when I was younger

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Clowns, since as long as I can remember. . . They've always freaked me out . . :(

yeah! those friggen clowns man.... freak the shit outta me too. i know what started it too. When i was a kid in social studies class there was a picture of a gang member dressed in a clown suit with a gun. i should sue the mcgraw hill for mental trauma.:D

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now im not tryin to be a badass or anythin.......but i was never afraid of anything or anybody and im still not and i dunno y it kinda weirds me out cause everyones sayin wat their afraid of and im sittin thinkin and i have never reely been afraid and ive done sum horrible shyt(like nearly gettin shot and stabbed) and i wasnt afraid, what i think it is is that im to fuckin stupid to be afraid,but im very smart so i dunno i guess im just weird......

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and its really fucked up..its like they changed from 1 day to thenext

to give you an example this girl i know is afraid of heights..we were standing on top of some stairs in a parkn there's a slope on each side n she starts trembling n holdin on to me..then she tells me she's afraid of heights..it was only like 7 steps n it was botherin her..this was a real phobia

it didn't stop there with her..she can't go to the beach becuz the water freaks her out too..its too dirty..she said if someone picked her up n started runnin with her to throw her in the water she would literally rip your eyeballs out..

its a fucked way to live

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lets see....

I am afraid of heights. I am afraid of insects like big bugs, ex.water bugs, etc..yuck. I am afraid of big spiders, If its a small one am not, but the web does scare me, I also start freaking out If the web is like all over my face or something...yuck.

I hate closed places, like the elevator or even subways like I hate places that I cant' get out If something happens. I mean I do take the train everywhere, but if the train stayin between stops too long it freaks me out, I get panicky. Am just a mess...lol...I get scared real easily lol...even if I get really really sick , I get scared, wonder whats wrong with me and get all this shit in my head lol...

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Originally posted by lostintranz

now im not tryin to be a badass or anythin.......but i was never afraid of anything or anybody and im still not and i dunno y it kinda weirds me out cause everyones sayin wat their afraid of and im sittin thinkin and i have never reely been afraid and ive done sum horrible shyt(like nearly gettin shot and stabbed) and i wasnt afraid, what i think it is is that im to fuckin stupid to be afraid,but im very smart so i dunno i guess im just weird......

I think that comes from a lack of fearing death.... Atleast thats what I think it is in my case.... I think I fear living in pain/debilitation WAY more than death itself...

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Originally posted by boreese

I feel for u foxyroxy20

that really sux to be afraid of things that u might encounter every day. i heard that there are ways of treating phobias, but i don't think they are too successful.

all u can do is learn to live with it.

thanks ;O)

but am not afraid on a daily basis, etc. I don't live my life in fear, If I encounter it, I might be afraid. But no fear has ever stopped me from doing anything/everything that I wanted, even If I was afraid of something. I take my chances...hehe

like with the elevator/subway I ride them everyday more than twice, and It never crosses my mind that I am afraid of being in them, just If the subways stops in between cars more than 15 minutes , then I wanna get outta there. Know what I mean???

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I fawking hate all bugs bigger then a nickel. Spiders freak the shit out of me. I like up in the country in a wooded area so I get these damn things in my house all the time. EWWW and getting the web all over you.... worst feeling... especially when you get all dressed to go out, you walk outside then BAM web all over you.:mad:

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this may sound absolutly rediculous,, but i am absolutly terrified of aliens...whether they exist or not, they scare me so much....i cant watch xfiles or any shows like that because then ic ant sleep...and when i do try to watch a show like that to snap out of this fear...i stay up all night thinkin they are gonna coem get me... does this sound really weird to u guys??

peace out


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Originally posted by ggfella4

this may sound absolutly rediculous,, but i am absolutly terrified of aliens...whether they exist or not, they scare me so much....i cant watch xfiles or any shows like that because then ic ant sleep...and when i do try to watch a show like that to snap out of this fear...i stay up all night thinkin they are gonna coem get me... does this sound really weird to u guys??

peace out


haha its not weird I am could watch them , but I am terrified if they exist, I surely dont want them near me, I'd die If I see one (thats if they exist) and ghosts too. I can't watch scary movies , cuz then I cant sleep lol....geez

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Dont know if its an actual fear, but I hate being lost or alone. I mean, I can be by myself no problem but have a great fear of losing my family and friends. Especially my girlfriend. Sometimes I think of what it might be like if she left me, and it scares me to death. I'd probally curl up into a little ball and pass out from the shock. Or getting that random phonecall from the hospital asking you to come down...?

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