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Ultra4 - Bigger And Better


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In my recent conversation with Alex Omes from D'Vox Magazine, he told me that he wanted ULTRA4 to be bigger and better than the past 3 events. So what I've come up with is unveiling 2 new audio systems and the most extensive lasershow that South Florida has ever witnessed. We're in testing mode right now and will be in full affect when March 2002 rolls around. There are more goodies that will happen but it would spoil the surprise if I told.

Just when you thought the last ULTRA was the shit, here comes another.

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Originally posted by joshua2k

is extending the time of ultra til any later totally impossibe ?

It's really tough to do because you have to have permission from the City Commission to go past 1am. It's actually great to end at 1am because we can get out of there at a decent hour after everything is broken down. Also, by starting early, it would be an extremely long day for everyone working the event.

So get there early.

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Originally posted by Nolimit

i have a comment about ultra. how about not booking every dj on the planet to spin for 45 min.

longer sets with quality djs. is that too much to ask for?

It's actually a 50/50 split on this topic. Alot of people like bouncing from stage to stage to catch a killer DJ playing. Longer sets could be alright but you have to remember that ULTRA isn't a nightclub. I personally think it's more challenging for a DJ to spin a shorter set.

When the lineup is chosen for ULTRA events every DJ is put in a slot where we think they'd be most effective. So instead of one guy playing a 3-4 hour set, 2 DJ's would split that time and keep the crowd at it's peak.

I think DJ sets will be 1-1/2 hours at ULTRA4. There may be a few sets that are longer but I would expect 1-1/2 hours.

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Having Ultra later would also interfere with the good old wrap parties. :)

I can totally symapthize with Terry's position on this. Having worked a few shows before, it totally sucks doing a teardown at ungodly hours. You're physically tired from the show itself, then you have to lug literally tons of gear into the vans, or if you're lucky, deal with surly laborers...ehh that's nothing though, I've had to deal with Teamsters, and that's a total hoot.

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I know this probably will not happen since the beach has changed it's laws........ but WOW that first Ultra was my favorite !

Just because it didn't feel like the typical rave parties. I personally loved the first Ultra. I know the second Ultra was also at the beach on 23rd street.

If Ultra can be on the beach this upcoming year. It would get back the originality of it.

Just being close to the ocean and hearing amazing music felt so pure and less "ravirish"

The energy was incredible especially when seeing the sunset along the beach !

> > > only a suggestion'


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What are the precise rules you'd have to follow to have Ultra back on the beach, Terry?

Fly, the downside to the beach location is size. Like it or not, our little scene has blown up, and attracts a large crowd. I went to Ultra 2, and it was jam-packed to the max...no maneuvering room at all.

For better or for worse, I'm guessing Ultra's gonna remain at Bayfront park for the time being. I agree, it'd be nice to get that 'rave' tone out of there, but it comes with the territory...

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Originally posted by pod

What are the precise rules you'd have to follow to have Ultra back on the beach, Terry?

Fly, the downside to the beach location is size. Like it or not, our little scene has blown up, and attracts a large crowd. I went to Ultra 2, and it was jam-packed to the max...no maneuvering room at all.

For better or for worse, I'm guessing Ultra's gonna remain at Bayfront park for the time being. I agree, it'd be nice to get that 'rave' tone out of there, but it comes with the territory...

21 and over is the biggest thing that stops us from going back to the beach. There's no way we would alieanate those people who are under 21. They helped make ULTRA what it is today.

Bayfront Park is perfect for the event. Now that they've torn out all of the interior fencing, the park open up alot. I also think alot of people appreciated having grass at the last event.

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The 2nd Ultra was definitely over-crowded !

It's definitely the truth about that, and I know the space and being able to walk around and be comfortable is a big concern. So yeah it should be at Bayfront Park.

That's why scenes change, because of how commercialized the music has become!

Although it's great for the investment! Somehow smaller and more intimate parties seem to be less heptic and more relaxing to the listeners.

It's amazing though how electronic music has grown ! I just hope while electronic music it's increasing, it doesn't lose it's quality!

I will most likely go and check out Ultra 4. I will have to admit last year the music was amazing, I was only there late at night, but did hear great tracks!

suggestion : Maybe there can be a smaller party for 21 and up at the beach , just like the first Ultra with a different name during the WMC. Just a small thought.

:tongue: thanks for every-1's opinion, it's so informative!

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I am truly aware of that, I always try to make it to most of the parties especially where my fav DJs are spinning at during WMC.

I especially love the parties at the hotels and at the rooftop of certain spots.

Hopefully there will be a nice beach one this year.

Thanks for the input! ;)

New Years is still a ? >>>>>>know anything about that

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Originally posted by flygrl


I am truly aware of that, I always try to make it to most of the parties especially where my fav DJs are spinning at during WMC.

Speaking of your fav dj's I believe Padilla will be spinning the remix tour for WMC this year. The good thing about the location of the remix tour is that it's only going to be 30 seconds away from Bayfront park. Talk to Sgtfury to get you on the list.

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I actually helped put on a killer hotel party last year. It was the Oxygen Music Works party at the Surfcomber Hotel. Saeed and Palash put on a killer set, (I have the DAT for it somewhere...), and we even got a set from Astroglyde....

Best part about it was it was real freeform, the talent would spin for a bit, take a break, go swimming, and come back on, provided they weren't loaded :) It wasn't swamped really, but who cares, we were all having fun...plus we did the Balance show the next day, so the Surfcomber let us store our gear in an unused room...not my fault they left the beds and all the other regular room stuff there...kinda bizzare waking up in a roomful of audio gear though.

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