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Who is the best dancer you know on CP??????????????

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Originally posted by blueskygirl

S'gotta be Boa Boy, with that Aussie/James Brown thing... jump up, drop down, spin around... HEEEEY! He's dangerous on the dancefloor. Seriously, watch out!

:laugh: damn i cant believe after all this time.....I have never once seen him on the floor....:D



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Originally posted by heretic909

I saw Trancend 'Riverdancing' to gabber one time. His feet were moving so fast, he looked like Keanu in the Matrix. :D

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

this made me laugh outloud this morning...thanks for the giggles...

since i have only been to one event and i blinded myself by dancing like a fool (w/glowsticks)...i cant give an honest opinion...

although i will state then when i was in my prime, my boys and i won a few dance contests...ahh u gotta love line dancing...:D

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without a doubt Quoth and Trancend's classic breakdance battles.

but as for girls, jennEfer. That fuckin girl since the first time i met her NEVER EVER EVERRRRRRRRRRR stops to talk a breath, meanwhile im panting like a son of a bitch and she still goes on.

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