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Life and everything related to it...


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Originally posted by jennEfer

I am definately one of those people who others categorize as "one who thinks too much". Whether it be getting into deep conversations with friends or just reflecting on things to myself... it always happens. I guess its just my Saggetarian nature.

Heh, im Saggitarius too :) Also the person who considered to be "thinking too much"

hahaha :)

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You know...despite this world going through a lot of shit right, there's so many things to be positive about,and I guess a lot of people forget that sometimes....including myself. :)

We have advanced in nature and technology...there is more understanding about the world and how people interact with each other than there was in the past...even the time we live in now is amazing...so many amazing things we have and take for granted..I was walking across a street downtown last night and I just realized how cool it was that we even have streetlights and cars and music and philosophy and love and life and freedom and just everything...blends so incredibly..so that it's all meshed...and I'm a big believer in fate...I believe that whatever that happens is already written and meant to be...

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Originally posted by xpander

not at all...

"Heaven is what you make of it" was actually something dropped by my friend a while back. It implies that reality, instead of being a set objective reality, is rather determined by the individuals perceiving it, implying that there is no objective reality.

Actually, your belief that "everyone has to come to terms with life's mysteries on their own" is somewhat congruent with my belief that humans ultimately cannot realize true objective knowledge. I'd even go as far as saying that your belief, in order for it to be true, relies upon my belief that humans can't realize objective truth. Otherwise, there is a finite defined reality in life, and the "mystery" wouldn't be a mystery at all.

hmmmm......yeah, seems right...... [/quote

so it seems that you agree with me. i thought you were saying in your earlier post that you didn't.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

I am definately one of those people who others categorize as "one who thinks too much". Whether it be getting into deep conversations with friends or just reflecting on things to myself... it always happens. I guess its just my Saggetarian nature.


damn signs...

any other virgo over-thinkers?

I'll start a club......

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Originally posted by xpander

not at all...

"Heaven is what you make of it" was actually something dropped by my friend a while back. It implies that reality, instead of being a set objective reality, is rather determined by the individuals perceiving it, implying that there is no objective reality.

Actually, your belief that "everyone has to come to terms with life's mysteries on their own" is somewhat congruent with my belief that humans ultimately cannot realize true objective knowledge. I'd even go as far as saying that your belief, in order for it to be true, relies upon my belief that humans can't realize objective truth. Otherwise, there is a finite defined reality in life, and the "mystery" wouldn't be a mystery at all.

hmmmm......yeah, seems right......

. . . I believe that humans can indeed reach objective reality, however in the moment, the ability to do so is hampered by the realization of the now, and cannot be framed without a pertinant context (for in the now, there is always a context that pertains to the specific events that a person is perceiving around them) . .

. . It would go something like this . . Say you're trying to cross a busy street . . You look both ways and then begin to cross, as you start to cross the street you look at on coming traffic and see that a bus is barreling down on you (just assume you missed it when you originally crossed the street) . . The objective truth of the situation is : There is a bus travelling right towards me. . There is no grey with this situation . . The bus is indeed travelling towards you and if you don't get out of the way, you will indeed be hit by it . .

. . Objective observations can be made in hindsight on just about anything. . Like looking back at something you said to someone and wondering if it was the proper thing to say at that moment. . Objective observations can only be made in the now with impending events that you are aware of and include an absolute that can not be dismissed as a trick concocted by your mind . . The bus in the above scenario is the absolute object of observation . . You cannot dispute that there is A) a bus and B) it is coming towards you . . The very act of A) jumping out of the way or B) allowing the bus to hit you is the proof of the objective observation . . . I believe this is so because in the first case, jumping out of the way, you have made the observation that a bus is coming towards you and you need to get out of the way in order to escape severe bodily harm, and in the second case, allowing the bus to hit you, you have decided that your life isn't worth the hassle and you've reached your perception of the end of your "line" in life. .

. . . Now reality as a whole is a different story . . Quantum physics would state that the very act of observing an event changes, or at least factors into the outcome of said event . . This is particularly vexing because it cannot be refuted or proved (because of the heisenberg uncertainty principle and the fact that you can't make a judgement call on something that you aren't observing) . . . and in being unprovable or undeniable we then enter into the "God" question . . Do you have faith in the unknown, or ask for proof of the real . . either way, neither science nor theology can properly answer the question because neither can prove the other completely wrong, and neither can prove their own belief completely right . .

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I didn't read this whole thread, so forgive me if this has been said, but I was just so excited to see this topic, I had to respond.

This weekend I saw this guy who looked JUST like my friend's friend in a record store. Same body, same hair, same shoes, same piercing, same look, same EVERYTHING. So my friend went up and was like, " Are you -----?" And it wasn't. Just looked JUST LIKE HIM.

So I satrted thinking about strange circumstances, like in Repo Man where he's talking about how you can think "plate of shrimp" and then you'll see a plate of shrimp. Shit like that where you won't see someone in months, but then you'll see something that reminds you of them and then you'll run into them the next day.

So, (and this is my 'breakthrough thought', here) what if all of these coincidences are more like a Divine Creator's fictional on-the-spot creation, like in Usual Suspects, where he makes it all up as he goes along, pulling bits and pieces from whatever he sees around, and creating a seemless narrative (your life).

Is that some shit, or what?

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