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lol... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ...lol

First step is to get off Cp and Email her and get her digits or tomorrow at work, talk to her about the weekend.. you said she loves DNA... so bam take her to DNA... Dont ask her for next weekends plans tommorrow or any day sooner then thurs or Fri, then pop it up to her say oh i remember you said you love DNA so im gonna shoot some on your face.. hahah no just kidding bring the fact that you recall her saying how much she like DNA, so say that you havent been there in a while and your boy Evan has been begging you to go down there, so say you might wind up going, and propose her to join you... but dont make it like a date, say bring your friends ill bring my friends we can be friends type of thing... then take it from there... and DONT SWEAT HER!!! and DONT make it like a date, and more importantly if you really want her... ( Call me Ill tell you the rest, ;) )

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there were a lot of buy signals in your convo with her, you have to look for them... now from what i heard and what you told me, she said to contact, and she said to hang out... those are two major red flags of intrest... wether its sexual or not youll find out the next time you hang out... so dont sweat shit till after that... now get to work...

i think will smith said it best...

"nah nah nah nah... get jiggy with it... "

now let me get a whoa bundy, and get to it...


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Originally posted by dgmodel

lol... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ...lol

First step is to get off Cp and Email her and get her digits or tomorrow at work, talk to her about the weekend.. you said she loves DNA... so bam take her to DNA... Dont ask her for next weekends plans tommorrow or any day sooner then thurs or Fri, then pop it up to her say oh i remember you said you love DNA so im gonna shoot some on your face.. hahah no just kidding bring the fact that you recall her saying how much she like DNA, so say that you havent been there in a while and your boy Evan has been begging you to go down there, so say you might wind up going, and propose her to join you... but dont make it like a date, say bring your friends ill bring my friends we can be friends type of thing... then take it from there... and DONT SWEAT HER!!! and DONT make it like a date, and more importantly if you really want her... ( Call me Ill tell you the rest, ;) )

Nobody could've explained better! :) And also remember the basic shit that everyone always seem to take forgranted.

For her you must appear: Be confident, Be assured in success, Be almost not-interested in her, be gentleman, be considerate only on friendly level.

Dont's: Dont pay for everything, Dont show off, Dont make up stories to imporess her, Dont dedicate %100 of your attention during the nite, Dont basicly make her feel "too special", cause she is not yet.

Do's: Do have manners, Do be nice, Do share your attetion with other people that came with you, Do hang out like anyother night, Do impress her with some small surprise like by her a rose on the way home. (DO CALL DGMODEL TO ASK WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF EMERGENCY! ;) ;) ;) )

Thats what a breakdown of "be normal, be urself" is aproximately.

And remember everything you say will be analyzed by a processing power that exceeds a power of all the computers in US. That processing power is called "female brain". So whatever you gonna be saying, please watch for it and think few times before.

"Itslike a job interview, really hard one, only after this one you might endup naked in bed with some of people that you'll be working with...." -Jerry Seinfeld (I think?)

Anywayz bro, i wish you good luck :)

I know you can do it, i'll get them fuckin cheerleader pom-pom's

and be like: "go go apples! go go apples!" :)

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Originally posted by crashedfx

For her you must appear: Be confident, Be assured in success, Be almost not-interested in her, be gentleman, be considerate only on friendly level.

Dont's: Dont pay for everything, Dont show off, Dont make up stories to imporess her, Dont dedicate %100 of your attention during the nite, Dont basicly make her feel "too special", cause she is not yet.

Do's: Do have manners, Do be nice, Do share your attetion with other people that came with you, Do hang out like anyother night, Do impress her with some small surprise like by her a rose on the way home. (DO CALL DGMODEL TO ASK WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF EMERGENCY! ;) ;) ;) )

i shit you not...........that is EXACTLY how my boyfriend got me!!

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Originally posted by crashedfx

And remember everything you say will be analyzed by a processing power that exceeds a power of all the computers in US. That processing power is called "female brain". So whatever you gonna be saying, please watch for it and think few times before.

the man speaks the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially if she likes u...holy shit!! she will remember lots of things u say through the night...and then think way to much about them! LOL i hope this is not making u nervous!

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Originally posted by crashedfx

Nobody could've explained better! :) And also remember the basic shit that everyone always seem to take forgranted.


LOL... Thank you sir... At least we see eye to eye on this one...;)

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Originally posted by atomicapples

think i should just be a really close friend..

and after they break up...

bamm.... im in there?

never happen, youll stay in "FRIEND ZONE" forever... you dont want thats worse then anything... you cant leave friend zone... if you do its gonna be shitty awkward sex that never amounts to anything and itll ruin the friendship... IMO... go the route i told you to go...

as for the boyfriends thats a moral dilemma, you have to first hang out with them and see whats up... let me play devils advocate for a second... what if they are gold diggers and theyre just with theyre men becuase they have money??? what if they dont even like theyre man but dont leave him cuase theres noone else? what if the relationship has unresolvable probs??? theres all these lil factors to look into... and the only way to find out is to hang out with them a couple times and see... now on the flipside of the coin, if it is a perfect relationship and things are perfect and peachy keen i wouldnt but thats strictly up to your discretion...

well this is prolly too late considering its 12:30, and youve been at work now for some time.. so let me know what happends... and more importantly... DONT SWEAT THEM!!! if they see you sweating them, youll never get a chance... trust me, ask any girl here...

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Originally posted by atomicapples

ok, now keep this in mind, they have boyfriends...

both of them...

one has a better personality, the other is hotter...

such a hard decision...

back to this boyfriend thing...

think i should just be a really close friend..

and after they break up...

bamm.... im in there?

FUCK WHILE I WAS WRITING, dgmodel wrote a shitload of good stuff to you. :) :) :) ahahah, it took me forever to finnish this. Im kinda working at same time....

Check this shit out, without even knowing whats the background with this thing, (Where u met, how you know them, etc.) I can tell you this much, if you ask her, or i dunno both of them on a "Date" kinda thing like going out to chill to a club for example, and if you receive "YES" as an answer even that you gonna have to be pretty persuasive to get it...... "YOU GOT ALL THE FUCKIN CHANCES IN THE WORLD TO HOOKUP" Cause females as much more "feet to the ground" creatures unlike males.... I know many might scream that its not true, its bullshit, but i'm very much convinced that its true. Men are dreamers, and women are more practical. If they willing to go on a small date, they subconsciously consider all possibilities. If they girl dont like you... you gonna get a "NO" from a beginning and its a lost cause after.

And you shouldn't be running around them waiting while they break up. Shit! You want it? Take it! Something stops you? Well fuckin fight for it! (I dont mean physically, dont go crushin' anybody's teeth)

There is another reason why your idea lacks any sense, when they break up... You'll be a rebound. And rebound relationships might not last even a day. You dont want that, trust me.

After she gives you any sign of willing to go out with you to any activities, just make your move playa! ;)

Just remember, ALWAYS.... Its like a golden rule. Replace that 'THEM' with anything you want. In this case, those chicas you trying to get it on with.


---- Might be useful ----

As far as they boyfriends.... Shit i had 3 serious relationships that started like that, all 3 times was a same thing, "Model Looking Boyfriend" in the way. And all 3 times it accidentely worked out in my favor, cause of the following things:

  • Never chased, i wasnt even interested in the start. Thought did flirt, but i mean it everybody flirts.
  • Always paid attention when she said, and was a good listener which gave a girl opportunity to talk about more deeper things than Gucci sale last friday.
  • Was a interesting story teller, all i had to do is be little articulate and skip all the "macho" shit from the stories. (If you do it good, one story you told might endup beign discussed for hours. Just make sure its a topic you both can talk about.)
  • After a while, when i saw where things were going. I just added little more spice to it. (Like being spontaneous is a very good, like outta nowere just come with some crazy idea that she might like and also would be really down with it.)
  • When situation comes when you both know whats going on, just initiate the first "move" cause girls almost never do, usually it happends to be the first kiss. (Make it special, put some soul into it. If you not sure how she likes to be kissed, just be kiss like gentle and soft, using only your lips. Dont shove tongue in her throat, cause many girls dont even like french kissin'. If you spoil that moment, it wont be easily forgotten.)
  • And she always usually shares with you all the things that piss her off about current/past boyfriend(s). Thats the information you must remember and learn from. Its like a free guide to the specific relationship. (This might even happen before any of the above.)
  • And last one is... She will definetely tell you what her past/current boyfriend(s) never does that she would like him to do. Like "Oh, i would love him to take me horse back riding, but he never does, he says its for rednecks who got nothing else to do, but i wanna go so bad... etc..", then you memorize and just one day, take her there, when she least expects it. You can do that while being friends, you dont need to have a relationship for you to do that.

And it was beautiful, and worked like charm. You might be interested why none of them lasted? Cause i didnt follow some of the things that i listed for you in a first post, above. :)


I want you too read and make your own conclusions, and decisions, this is not a guide im writing, im just sharing with you my opinions, and some of my past. This is just 1/100 of things you need to know, but the rest only you can learn. Cause rest of them are so relationship specific.

I dont want to be responsible in any way, if your thing doesent work out. Just trying my best to help.


So if you dont understand something that you would want to, PM me i'll try to ellaborate.

I hope i made some sense

Good Luck ;)

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