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What are your best rejection lines...


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It happened again today.This guy tried to pick me up. I get sooo sick of blowing off losers, I usually tell them I am with someone (it works especially if I'm with one of my guy friends),or that I am a lesbian...but that doesn't deter a lot of guys also, they actually ask if they could join in on the fun! So how do you guys reject people?

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I usually say.........

I have to go to the bathroom.

My girl is watching all this right now so please don't get me into any more trouble.

I'm gay or I'm not into the whole girl thing tonight.

I can't just say I have a girlfriend because the only time I was out and I said that she was like "So?"

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I can't just say I have a girlfriend because the only time I was out and I said that she was like "So?"

That shit stopped working like.... was it 40 years ago?

You be like: "I got a gf"... They be like: "So?!? I got a bf.... Whats your fuckin' point?!" pretending to be all that "mad" and shit like you said something that you werent supposed to :)

Thats like they cutest thing is the world :)

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Sassa, if you want to get rid of a guy, just say:

Listen I'd love to chat but I'm looking for a commitment.

And if that doesn't work right off try: oh hey, did I mention I saw the *cutest* 2 karat diamond at Tiffany's the other day? :blown:

Also try these:

Uh oh, I think my schizophrenia medicine is wearing off.

Don't you think that Harrison Ford is totally sexy?

Uhm, I think I need to change my tampon. I'll be back.

However if you're on the other end of things and are noticing the guy/girl you are hitting on is not responding positively try:

You may not be very impressed with me right now but you'll notice I'm the only one talking to you.


You may not be the hottest thing in here but hey, beauty is only a lightswitch away!

Hope that helps


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But what about when a gay guy hits on you. You would think that a simple I'm not gay would work....but not all the time.


deep dish at Vinyl last Sat. I was dancing and this guy was looking at me and moving his jaw. I was like "What?" and he said "You're hot"

I said "Sorry I'm not gay" and he just kept staring at me. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders as to say whatssup and he said "I still think you're hot"


Some people just don't get it.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

But what about when a gay guy hits on you. You would think that a simple I'm not gay would work....but not all the time.


deep dish at Vinyl last Sat. I was dancing and this guy was looking at me and moving his jaw. I was like "What?" and he said "You're hot"

I said "Sorry I'm not gay" and he just kept staring at me. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders as to say whatssup and he said "I still think you're hot"


Some people just don't get it.

HAHAHAHAHA dude, I don't think he was lookin to take u home, I think he was just remembering what u looked like so he could whack off later :laugh: I'm sure that doesn't help. But if you're in that situation move to another corner of the floor. Or, say you sang in the Vienna boys choir as a child and were castrated. :blown:

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HAHAHAHAHA dude, I don't think he was lookin to take u home, I think he was just remembering what u looked like so he could whack off later I'm sure that doesn't help. But if you're in that situation move to another corner of the floor. Or, say you sang in the Vienna boys choir as a child and were castrated.

No it doesn't help.

Now what if I did say I was castrated. He goes and tells his female friends and I'm known as the dude with no balls.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Now what if I did say I was castrated. He goes and tells his female friends and I'm known as the dude with no balls.

...And that's how rumors get started ;)

I usually say I have to go and try to lose them in the crowd...otherwise a "no thanks" will usually do...g'luck ;)

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Originally posted by sassa

It happened again today.This guy tried to pick me up. I get sooo sick of blowing off losers, I usually tell them I am with someone (it works especially if I'm with one of my guy friends),or that I am a lesbian...but that doesn't deter a lot of guys also, they actually ask if they could join in on the fun! So how do you guys reject people?

i was at this bar over by St.Johns called the slyfoxinn or something and there was a Dj and blah so i was standing by the Dj and this off the hook girl came by and spoke to the Dj so i figured here my in, and as she turned to walk away i said "what you request?" and she said "for you to stop talking to me..." I thought that was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time... so i suggest using it...

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Asking a girl if she wants to dance... she says no... you say no you misunderstood i said you look fat in those pants...

asking a girl if she wants to dance, and she says no thank you, say dont thank me thank God someone asked you (implying shes a fat ugly pig)

anyone else have any others to share? since the woman seem to have many for us...

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A man walks up and says, "Haven't we met before?"

Say, "Yes, I'm [your name], the receptionist at the V.D. Clinic."

Guy: I know how to please women!

Girl: Then please leave me alone!

He: So, wanna go back to my place?

She: Well, I don't know. Will two people fit under a rock?

He: I'd really like to get into your pants.

She: No thanks. There's already one asshole in there.

He: I would go to the end of the Earth for you!

She: Yes, but would you stay there?

He: I'd like to call you. What's your number?

She: It's in the phone book.

He: But I don't know your name.

She: That's in the phone book too.

Guy: Don't I know you from somewhere?

Girl: Yes, thats why I don't go there anymore!

He: So what do you do for a living?

She: Female impersonator.

He: Is this seat taken?

She: Yes, and so will this one if you sit down!

Man: I want to give myself to you!

Woman: Sorry, I don't accept cheap gifts!

He: Your place or mine?

She: Both, you go to your place and I'll go to mine!

Q: What sign were you born under?

A: No Parking.

He: Hey baby what's your sign? She: Do not enter!

He: How do you like your eggs in the morning?

She: Unfertilized

He: I like your dress, but it would look a lot better on my bedroom floor

She: I like your pants but they’d look better from the back -- walking away!

He: Here’s an equation: take you, ADD me, SUBTRACT your clothes, DIVIDE those legs...and MULTIPLY!

She: How does the fact that you're a zero figure into that equation?

He: I’ve got the F, C and K...now all I need is YOU.

She: Hey! You can spell! Now just add an O and two F's!

He: I lost my number, can I have yours?"

She: Only if you lose it too


Sure! *write the following on a napkin while he winks at his buddies* 1800-GET-LOST

He: Are you tired? Cause you've been running through my mind all day!

She: Yes I’m tired –- of bad pick-up lines like yours.

He: The word for today is LEGS -- so let's go upstairs and spread the word

She: No, today’s word is LIFE and I recommend you practice getting one.

He: If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?"

She: If I told you that you didn’t, would you back off?

He: Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

She: Ohh! Please walk by again, but this time - don’t stop.

He: If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?"

She: If I told you that you didn’t, would you back off?

Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy

Woman: Yeah, but if I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing!

Man: Your body is like a temple

Woman: Sorry, there are no services today!

Man: I'd go through anything for you

Woman: Good! Let's start with your bank account!

Man: I can tell that you want me

Woman: Ohhhh. You're so right. I want you to leave!

He: You look like a dream

She: ...go back to sleep!

He: May I have the last dance?

She: ...you've just had it.

He: What's it like being the most beautiful girl in the bar

She ...what's it like being the biggest liar in the world?

He: I'm feeling lucky today

She: Why don't you go buy a lotto ticket and if you win, then we will talk.

He: Hey I'm looking for treasures, can I have a look around your chest?

She: Sorry, the lid has been welded shut!

He: Why don't you sit in my lap and let's talk about the first thing that pops up

She: Ok, (SLAP) So how does my hand feel across your mouth?

He: You're not from around here are you? She: Yes I am, but I'm moving first thing in the morning.

He: The voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you

She: I'm sorry,were you talking to me? The voices in my head are drowning you out!

He: Hi, my name is Chance, do I have one?

She: Well my name is Hope and there is not one in hell!

Man: Hey, come on, we're both here at this bar for the same reason

Woman: Yeah! Let's pick up some chicks!

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