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OT: Ever go to a club by yourself?

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Originally posted by airatomic

heeeyy sup scoob-e

bro thanx for that last bugout in the end of the night, i cant believe i was so fucked up

haha np, i seen you rollin mad hard on the sofa, i had to climb over 2 people to get to you, nice meeting you, your mad chill :)

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Originally posted by magilicuti

I really am surprised to see this many ppl go clubbing by themselves. I say again, I could never do that. That's just me. Especially a local NJ club...

i LOVE going out alone...it puts me in a hectic mood, and i think i become more aware of the people around me than when i'm in my little 'social bubble'...it's exciting to do it in nyc, but i doubt i'd do it in NJ though..:)

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Originally posted by magilicuti

Ever go by yourself? All of your friends don't feel like going or whatever but you still feel like getting ass or just chilling? I personally could never do that unless maybe if I were meeting someone in there. I'd still feel real weird waiting in line by myself even. Is it odd to do this? I think it takes some pretty big balls to go in there and just attack everything in sight by yourself. Any thoughts?

I went a few times, didnt really have great time, once a blue you meet really cool ppl that you just click with instantly... but most of the time I felt like a weirdo... but i noticed rescently that even if i go with friends i wind up leaving them almost instantly anyway... they like to hold up the walls ( i think theyre afraid that the place might collapse if they dont stand there holding it up...) and i like to get my drink on and dance, and make rounds around the club... but in anyevent i say next time youre fiending and have noone to go with just get up and go and see what happends...

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I used to live in a small town, and go to this spanish club by my self all the time. Usually I always had a great time and always bump to some one that I new. Now here in NY is kind of different, my friends dont like the rave scene and I really dont have many people to go out with. I went to SF few weeks ago by my self, and I had a good time, but it felt kind of wierd. Any way, I'm back in NY so it seems like I have no options but to feel weird again:D

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I though i was the only one that had noone to go with to clubs. Damn, i thought about going by myself a million times but felt weird about it. I personally could care less if my friends are there or not cause i get so entranced in the music and also love the freedom of running around the whole club and going crazy everywhere. Last time i got everyone together to go to exit, i lost everyone for over 3 hours and they said that's all they did was look for me all nite. I was like why didn't you just dance and go crazy like i was, forget looking for me. Any of you other single goers want to meet up one night. I sometimes get my girl to go out but she has to work alot on the weekends so it is hard.:laugh:

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I prefer to go with others, but I wouldn't hesitate to go by myself. Like to tonight I went to SF alone and met some guys I went to highschool with, an exgirlfriend, and a couple of old female friends, and had a great time. It's not a big deal to go alone.

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Originally posted by bionic

Even when I go with friends, I wander off by myself all the time and end up loosing my friends for a while. I hate when I wanna go for a walk and I have a train of people behind me following me.

It's always nice to have your "homebase" where all your friends hang out, but it's really no big deal if you don't

wow are you my twin?

since i moved to new york, most times i just meet my friends at whatever club we are going to cuz its just easier. so yes i am awaiting in line alone, and at first i was a lil uncomfortable but F-ck it, i want to go out and i am not going to let this (going by myself) keep me in that night. plus when you are on your own, you call the shots and you dont have to worry about the other person(s) when they want to leave or even worse, babysitting them. :blown:

and when i do go with my friends, they call this the "disappearing act" cuz i have tendency to roam the club by myself and i must say i usually have a blast. you definitely meet more ppl when you are by yourself then when you are with groups of friends.

but actually i have to say that this flying solo is probably more common among the guys then girls. most girls cannot even go to the bathroom w/o an entourage, right?


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I never used to want to be caught by myself and always looked to drag somebody with me. Then i started promoting and making money. And there have been times that i couldnt get peopel to go and i dint want to miss out on my pay for that night so I sucked it up and decied i woudl walk in by myself. Now even if i go by my self usually before i get in side i wil know about 5 peopel on line or walkign in

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To lose myself in all the energy and euphoria of the music, the darkness and lights, the crowd -- that must be the one of the most dazzlingly, pleasurably sensate experiences one could ever have. (For me, substance-free.) Sounds silly but it's probably up there with sex and mountaineering.

Of course, there is something palpably autoerotic about clubbing -- all the more amazing because at the same time there's a sense of collectivity. Somehow that feeling of collective experience to me transcends -- or at least is very different from -- the modes of interaction available between friends, and because it's rarer I tend to prefer it. I've never had friends who are into the scene, so when I started out I always went alone. The few times I've gone with other people, though -- i.e., friendly acquaintances whom I genuinely liked -- I still ended up wishing I'd gone alone. Interesting that a couple of others in this thread have spent their birthdays clubbing by themselves. I did that, too, on my last birthday, and it was one of the best I'd ever had. I'm thinking of going to Ibiza alone next summer.

Someone earlier on this thread said that it's easier for girls to go clubbing alone because they'd get approached anyway. For me, though, that easy prospect of approach is neither interesting nor assuring. Actually I have this bad habit of moving away from anyone who starts dancing with me, so that by the end of a night I'll often have danced all over the place because I'm always moving away from people. I don't mean to be unfriendly, but often that level of interaction just distracts me from my high. Maybe it's something I should work on, because I do also have the feeling that -- and as some on this thread have said -- there's something amazing about sharing the experience with good friends.

Just my overly verbose 2 cents. :smile2:

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