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calderone review from vinyl last night

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Originally posted by trancend

the music was really good and they had these phat lasers set up that i havent seen before.....

but i was in a bad mood the whole night, so i didnt enjoy myself....i lost my cell phone, then got it back, then was cranky


. . The simple fact that you got it back means that something cosmic was in the works . .

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Yeah, music was REALLY good. I have to say, I was a bit thrown off by the meat market when I walked in... but after a while, everything kinda blurred anyway (and I was sober, btw), hehe, So I had a lot of fun.

Mike: Congrats on the 2-7.

Justin: thats so rediculous that you got your battery back, then your phone.... Worked out well.... Sorry you had a bad night...

:bounce: : :D , worth every penny.....

Djjonsteven: too bad you had to leave early, very cool talking to you @ mike's.

Saigray: "Your're Everywhere!" hehe... hope to see you "Everywhere" next week... I'm probably going to peace on earth tonight, but as you said "if i'm not there, chances are you shouldn't be there..." hehe... but we'll see. Hope you feel better, partying doesn't do much for recovering from sickness....

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Victor Calderone was blowin it up last night! I'm so glad all you CP peeps came out to represent for my birthday. It was one of my best over :D :D

where do i begin...

joeg: you rock...you're like the little brother I never had :D

justin: sorry about the incidents last night...but you found your phone in the end, so that makes it a little better, right?

fierydesire: great seeing you again. I'm wondering how many time we need to meet before you remember who i am ;)

djjonsteven: my new neighbor! thanks for coming down! we'll be sure to throw down some tracks one day...

lavendermenace: as usual, :bounce: next time i want to see you dancing for 3 hours minimum...

blondymu: my favorite fucking person from hoboken! You made me a happy boy by coming last night :D

saigray: wherever the party is, that's where you are! Is it possible that this girl can be at 4 clubs simultaneously? :laugh:

Did I miss anyone? Sorry if I did but you know I love you all! I'll see you all at Pseudo again on Thursday :D

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oh boy oh boy.

yeah, had a great, if uncharacteristic, night last night.

First of all, i walk in with the diva miss Saigray, and who do we see on line, but my kidz. Yippie!

So we all walk in and Saisha and I proceed to spend the first hour laughing our ASSES off at all of you cause you were all so shocked by all the shirtless gay men. HA. you were all hysterical. you looked sooooo confused. high comedy.

Calderone was awesome. damn gay men have good taste in DJs.


OK. shout out time damn its been a while since I had the energy to actually do this the next day. (shut up joe)

BROOKLYNKID- happy birthday e-face! Glad you had a good time. Glad I could be there. Sorry I didnt spend more time with you and your crew. BTW- you are so cute when you roll. awe.

JUSTIN- sorry you had a rough night mr crankypants. wish i could've helped more. well next time I see you, be warned, you're getting a 30 minute hug and i may just squeeze the life outta ya.

love ya my little one!

SAISHA- You're my girl! I mean i know we're both Tilly's bitches, but you're MY girl! That talk we had was really great. The one at Twirl that is, the other one (on the way to vinyl) was kinda lame. lol

DJJONSTEPHEN- really good to see you again.

You were the least freaked out of all the straight boys. too bad you had to bail so early. next time i will not be allowing that. HUGZ.

KAT- good to see you, where the hell were you all night???

JoeG- worth every penny??? WTF is that? dude, dont make me kick your ass. and by the way, you better not start having the effect on my dancing time that you did last night, all the time, cause Ill be mad out of shape. Love ya YOUNGIN. cant wait for new years rockin eve, HA!

aiight hope i'm not forgeting anyone.




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Good hanging out with all o you last night.

The place was VERY gay, but I warned all of you it was going to be that way for Calderone. Whatever. We had our own little non-shirtless straight crew in one corner. I was lovin the music.

Happy b-day there Mikey. Hope you enjoyed the beats VC was dropping, know I did.

Justin, talk about being wierded out/pissed off/cranky.

fierydesire, you have a knack of attracting the crackheads:D

LM, good to see you bouncing around again.

JoeyG, fun hanging out. Didn't know you were so weirded out by the scene.

blondiemu, great meeting you babe. You must have been enjoying it since you never stopped dancing.

I think now I know what itmust have been like to go to Twilo on a Saturday to see JV since I never went......or maybe what it is like at the Roxy with Peter Rauhofer.

See y'all on the flip side.

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Happy Birthday BrooklynKid!!

I had a good time last night, VC was awesome!

I loved the good looking boys! even if none of them would have an interest in me :(

hahaha.. oh well

It was great meeting you guys and hanging...fierydesire, djjonstephen, joeg, trancend .. great to meet you guys, we all have to hang again sometime!

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

KAT- good to see you, where the hell were you all night???


Hey honey! It was good seein' you too! I was *all* over that place night. I could not get enough of the vibe, the *boiz*, and Victor's incredible set.

If you really want to know about my night...go read my longgggggggggggggggg review on ezdreamer. I had the time of my life last night and got to meet (and touch) Victor!

Can we say HEAVEN or what?!?!

Brooklyn, we didn't get to meet, or at least I dont believe we did, but Happy Birthday kiddo. Looks like we shared one~

~kAt~ =^..^= *a very satisfied pussy*

for u lazies.... http://www.ezdreamer.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10667 :cool: *sigh*

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Originally posted by misskittie

Brooklyn, we didn't get to meet, or at least I dont believe we did, but Happy Birthday kiddo. Looks like we shared one~

Oh yeah! Happy birthday! I forgot that a while back you said you were going to be there. I don't know what you look like, but I'm surprised you didn't bump into the whole bunch of us. We were right near the speakers where the main stage meets the little 6" platform. It seemed like that was the "straight" section :D

I'm glad you had a great time last night and it was one of my best birthdays ever. How cool was that when he played "Follow Me"??

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Shucks I didn't get to meet y'all.

Come to Danny Howells NYE! I will be there.

As you all know, I'm not the best trainspotter around. Ok, so I'm pretty horrible at it. But since no one else is representin' at this time, I will do my best to describe the party.

Victor started around 11:30 ish. The crowd started streaming in between 1:00 and 4:00. It mostly consisted of Victors fans from his old residency. The vibe we very good, and you could tell everyone was SO happy to hear Victor again after a long layoff.

HIs sound was very progressive, especially at the beginning and end. Within the fist couple of hours, he dropped the Lexicon Ave mix of Breathe, Desire, and some other recognizable songs that I was unable to trainspot.

The room filled quickly and Victor gradually spun harder and deeper. The crowd wanted what they remembered him for at Roxy and he obliged. But he never completely strayed from the progressive theme he started at the beginning of the set.

Around 4 or 5, he settled back into a darker tribal groove. Around 6 and 7 he was really bangin' it out. He ended the night very progressive.

The lasers were in full effect, and I think the new setup on the stage worked well. I didn't get to see too much of the stuff on the screen tho. Thanks Boymopar, can't wait to see what you have in store for NYE.

Also, the back room has been completely refurbished...I won't bother describing it. You'll all see it when you come to NYE =)

The crowd was mostly what you would see at old Victor parties and Junior. The vibe was good tho, and I think they respected all the straight guys. As the night went on, and in a weird correspondance to the music becoming deeper and darker, the crowd was more mixed. By 6am, it was a very mixed crowd. I think Vics regular fans were also not as used to his new progressive sound.

My short list of trainspots:

Science Dept. - Breath (Lexicon Ave Mix)

?????? - Follow Me

?????? - Desire

?????? - Matrix

Brancaccio & Aisher - Lovely Day

What It Feels Like For A Girl - Madonna (dunno what mix)

Dirty - Dirty

Cedric Gervais - Burning

Nick Holder - Inside Your Soul (Lexicon Ave Mix)

IIO - Rapture (John Creamer Mix)

Stephane K & John Creamer - Wish You Were Here

Feel free to add/correct.

I think y'all woulda liked the night alot.


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I had a great time last nite. Happy BrooklynKid. I do rememeber you now.

Justin it is fate that you got yourself baCK..WOO HOO!!

Jon, well it wasnt so bad. And Do I really attract the crackheads:confused:

Great meting blondymu..u are one cool chica

Joe and lavender great chilling with you guys and seeing 3 nights in a row.....yeah baby:D

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

Oh yeah! Happy birthday! I forgot that a while back you said you were going to be there. I don't know what you look like, but I'm surprised you didn't bump into the whole bunch of us. We were right near the speakers where the main stage meets the little 6" platform. It seemed like that was the "straight" section :D

I'm glad you had a great time last night and it was one of my best birthdays ever. How cool was that when he played "Follow Me"??

Thanks babe!! I did run into LM with her friend Joe and Zehra over the course of the evening. I was in that same vicinity as you guys were....well, kinda-sorta yea.

As the night progressed and the floor cleared up, I wound up boppin on every little inch I could gain control of. :D

Glad to hear you also had a fabu time! When Follow Me came on, I was in the chill room and said "OMG - FOLLOW ME!!!!" Den had no idea what the song was. >giggle< Ill train him soon enough!

What time did you leave?

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GOD I LOVE GAY MEN!!!!! I love them love them love them....

I loved the music on Saturday, what fun, funky flamboyant beats, just made me want to Vogue all night long. Its funny, when you know nobody's looking at you, you can dance with even more flair- like I could grind topless against this pole, and nobody would turn their head, so why hold back. I really loved the music too, just so tribal and mmm yum yum good...unfortunately my cold forced me to go home early (You know your in an interesting crowd when you say you're tired at 4;30 am and your friends look at you like you just said you were joining a nunnery! Thanks for making me feel totally lame guys ;-) )

\Shout outs go something like this:

Justin, JoeG, BrooklynKid: Didn't you guys hear...there's a no shirt policy for boys tonight!! Get those clothes off!!

DJJonStephen: Nice meeting you (I did meet you, didn't I??)

FieryDesire&Blondymu: I didn't meet either of you, but I must have seen you since we were hanging out with the same ppl all night, lol. So nice sharing the great vibe with you, and we'll meet next time.

To ALL the Chelsea BOYS: You guys sure know how to throw a party, thanks for sharing VC with us. (and to the guy in the sailor hat: You Rock!)

ANd MIKE: HAPPY Fucking Birthday, just two more years and you'll be legal to drink, right?

and PS. I am not everywhere, you guys just keep FOLLOWING ME ;-)

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Originally posted by misskittie

Glad to hear you also had a fabu time! When Follow Me came on, I was in the chill room and said "OMG - FOLLOW ME!!!!" Den had no idea what the song was. >giggle< Ill train him soon enough!

What time did you leave?

If you could believe it, the first live act I ever saw in a club was Alyus performing "Follow Me" in a club called Wave Street in Staten Island back in '93.

I'd say we left around 6:30 or so...I usually stay longer but I was crashing really hard...

Have a Merry Christmas! :D

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Originally posted by saigray

\Shout outs go something like this:

Justin, JoeG, BrooklynKid: Didn't you guys hear...there's a no shirt policy for boys tonight!! Get those clothes off!!

ANd MIKE: HAPPY Fucking Birthday, just two more years and you'll be legal to drink, right?

and PS. I am not everywhere, you guys just keep FOLLOWING ME ;-)

Now you know if I would have taken my shirt off the whole place would have turned its attention to me and away from Calderone! Either that or the place would have emptied out. :laugh:

OMG were you the one who asked me if I just turned 19??? Cause one of you girls did and that was the most flattering thing anyone had said to me all day. YAY! :D

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Good hanging out with all o you last night.

The place was VERY gay, but I warned all of you it was going to be that way for Calderone. Whatever. We had our own little non-shirtless straight crew in one corner. I was lovin the music.

Happy b-day there Mikey. Hope you enjoyed the beats VC was dropping, know I did.

Justin, talk about being wierded out/pissed off/cranky.

fierydesire, you have a knack of attracting the crackheads:D

LM, good to see you bouncing around again.

JoeyG, fun hanging out. Didn't know you were so weirded out by the scene.

blondiemu, great meeting you babe. You must have been enjoying it since you never stopped dancing.

I think now I know what itmust have been like to go to Twilo on a Saturday to see JV since I never went......or maybe what it is like at the Roxy with Peter Rauhofer.

See y'all on the flip side.

haha, I was only wierded out for like 5 minutes... I just wasn't expecting it.... When you said that he brings in a lot of the gay crowd, I didn't know you meant they're be 300 ripped shirtless guys sweating all over the place..... so it took a little time to get used to that....

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Originally posted by saigray

Yup, that was me....

Age is such a useless concept....not when 20 year olds are married with kids, and 30 year olds are up late playing with glowsticks!


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Originally posted by xpander

you just say that cuz you can't get into places.....


Yeah, that and the fact that LITERALLY everyone I meet is all "Blah blah blah your 18? oh god, i remember when i was doing blah blah blah when I was your age.... " oh yeah? cool... thanks for the awkward piece of info.....

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Originally posted by saigray

GOD I LOVE GAY MEN!!!!! I love them love them love them....

I loved the music on Saturday, what fun, funky flamboyant beats, just made me want to Vogue all night long. Its funny, when you know nobody's looking at you, you can dance with even more flair- like I could grind topless against this pole, and nobody would turn their head, so why hold back. I really loved the music too, just so tribal and mmm yum yum good...unfortunately my cold forced me to go home early (You know your in an interesting crowd when you say you're tired at 4;30 am and your friends look at you like you just said you were joining a nunnery! Thanks for making me feel totally lame guys ;-) )

\Shout outs go something like this:

Justin, JoeG, BrooklynKid: Didn't you guys hear...there's a no shirt policy for boys tonight!! Get those clothes off!!

DJJonStephen: Nice meeting you (I did meet you, didn't I??)

FieryDesire&Blondymu: I didn't meet either of you, but I must have seen you since we were hanging out with the same ppl all night, lol. So nice sharing the great vibe with you, and we'll meet next time.

To ALL the Chelsea BOYS: You guys sure know how to throw a party, thanks for sharing VC with us. (and to the guy in the sailor hat: You Rock!)

ANd MIKE: HAPPY Fucking Birthday, just two more years and you'll be legal to drink, right?

and PS. I am not everywhere, you guys just keep FOLLOWING ME ;-)

AHEM! MISS SAI, I believe there is a GLARRING omission in you're above post.

excuse me, i have to go cry now.

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