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Originally posted by pivo

sweetie, what happened?

if u r asking me~~>to make a long story short..guys are assholes and my best friend is a heartless bitch!!!! if u have been trying to talk to this girl and take her out for some time now...and finally go out with a bunch of people....would u hook up with one of her best friends right in the fucking bar?!?! i swear...i am never gonna figure people out....fuck it...and to make matters worse...3 of my other friends went up to her and told her the deal!! wtf!! he's a buttmunch!:mad:

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Originally posted by nrgy112

Why are all you women such men haters, don't be mad because a guy treats you like crap, get even, or find a guy that will treat you well.

u r right...i'm not a 'man hater' ...i mean sometimes there are certain guys i hate but there are girls i hate too!! but like u said...get even or get something better...."no one ever got ahead by sittin on their ass!"....;)

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Why are most, not all guys a bunch of idiots??????

Fucking pain in my ass!!!!!!!

Did he forget the KY again:laugh:

I'm just fucking with ya (im sure im not making your mood towards guys any better either)

Happy New Year.

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Originally posted by misk

if u r asking me~~>to make a long story short..guys are assholes and my best friend is a heartless bitch!!!! if u have been trying to talk to this girl and take her out for some time now...and finally go out with a bunch of people....would u hook up with one of her best friends right in the fucking bar?!?! i swear...i am never gonna figure people out....fuck it...and to make matters worse...3 of my other friends went up to her and told her the deal!! wtf!! he's a buttmunch!:mad:

He's obviously an asshole and u could do much better. Trust me. Hook up with his Brother/cousin/best friend. He'd get pissed. Sweet Revenge!!

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Originally posted by kostaP

He's obviously an asshole and u could do much better. Trust me. Hook up with his Brother/cousin/best friend. He'd get pissed. Sweet Revenge!!

haha! his best friend is GORGEOUS! lol....mAaaAayBE i will!!!!;)

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Originally posted by misk

and they say girls are evil!!:rolleyes: LOL!! MmMMM..ReVeNgE!


they key to this evil plan is to do it when ur sober in front of him. ahh twice the damage. then buy him a session at a shrink and tell him to tell someone who gives a shit when he tries to complain.

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Originally posted by kostaP


they key to this evil plan is to do it when ur sober in front of him. ahh twice the damage. then buy him a session at a shrink and tell him to tell someone who gives a shit when he tries to complain.

haha...i like how everyone thinks! i'll definitely keep u posted on the soap opera i call life!!!! have a good night!

**...HaPpY nEw YeaR!!....**

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