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dude, F U C K M I C R O S O F T

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Yeah, really.

They are such a huge corporation and Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook Express 6 have sooooooo many bugs.

I have cable and with IE 5, I flew through the web.

But now, it gets stuck on ceartain links and takes a while to load.

And Outlook Express 6 doesn't work with Hotmail accounts like OE 5 did.

And I can't downgrade back to IE 5, so I'm pissed.

I'm sure if I went in and deleted all the files and re-installed 5, it might work.

But I don't feel like doing that.

All the money that they make and they release products with major bugs in them.


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I dunno about your OS but Win 2000 is pretty fuckin solid. Forget XP, ME, whatever.

Also, I have IE 6 on three machines and it never crashes. Maybe your computer needs an enema?

If you're talking about Microsoft's business practices, then that's a different story. Can't blame a guy for wanting to make more money, tho...

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

I dunno about your OS but Win 2000 is pretty fuckin solid. Forget XP, ME, whatever.

Also, I have IE 6 on three machines and it never crashes. Maybe your computer needs an enema?

If you're talking about Microsoft's business practices, then that's a different story. Can't blame a guy for wanting to make more money, tho...

. . I'd have to agree with you bro . . Microsoft is known for it's ability to MARKET FIRST, make software SECOND. . . everyone in business knows this . .

. . they got the cash and the talent to put your lights out . . any place . . any time . .

. .Now as far as their OS's and the like . . I've been running Win 2k for a year now and since service pack 1 came out I haven't had any problems . . except for running certain old DirectX games . .but that's to be expected . . Run's solid, is infinitely configurable. .(you try setting up a VPN in linux that easily . . not to knock linux. . but come on . . ) . . I mean, I don't like their upgrade paths and the need for the browser to be bound into the core of the OS, but at least they're starting to get it right now . . I do think that IE and OE should be dewound from the OS, I mean. . I don't mind them shipping it with the OS, just don't make it so critical on the OS, cause I don't wanna have to fuck with my machine just because I'm not browsing web pages correctly . .

. . Oh well . . Don't go with XP. . The core of the OS has been upgraded to 64 bit, but the structure is still there from the NT days. . Wait until Intel comes out with their next generation of chipsets that can actually harness the power that XP can provide. . Right now, the only reason you'd upgrade is if A) you wanna feel like you're on the cutting edge (. . and I'm sorry . .anyone who got it after the actual release date is preclueded from this group . .) or B) you feel the need to tell microsoft about when, where and what type of computer you're using their operating system on . .

.. . . It's all that .NET stuff that they're pushing . . scary stuff, some of it . . I could go off on a rant, but I'll spare yall . .

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yeah, XP isn't that great. i put it on my home computer to test it out, and it's incompatible with some software i need to remote access my work computer

i think the only imporant feature is that it saves each user's programs and temp files when you have multiple users on one workstation; only necessary for offices

stick with 2000

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. .Now as far as their OS's and the like . . I've been running Win 2k for a year now and since service pack 1 came out I haven't had any problems . . except for running certain old DirectX games . .but that's to be expected . . Run's solid, is infinitely configurable. .(you try setting up a VPN in linux that easily . . not to knock linux. . but come on . . ) . . I mean, I don't like their upgrade paths and the need for the browser to be bound into the core of the OS, but at least they're starting to get it right now . . I do think that IE and OE should be dewound from the OS, I mean. . I don't mind them shipping it with the OS, just don't make it so critical on the OS, cause I don't wanna have to fuck with my machine just because I'm not browsing web pages correctly . .

*maybe* the inclusion of IE was an issue at one time, but at this point it's so integrated into the OS that the point is moot. But here's the thing...Internet Explorer WORKS. And it works pretty well too. I'm a web developer and I've encountered countless headaches with shit like Netscape's many many bugs and issues. Forms, tables, javascript, style sheets, dhtml...it all SUCKS in Netscape. Granted, NN 6.x is solid, but it's too little, too late.

But I digress. Ever notice why Linux is so solid? One reason is because there's no abundance of shitty ass shareware that can be installed by your 12 year old. If you want Windows to run well (this goes for you Mac OS users as well), maintain it properly like you would your own car's engine. And for God's sake, uninstall AOL. It fucks up your computer (if you don't believe me, check out how much shit it puts in your registry), and you JUST DON'T NEED IT.

just adding my €2 :D

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Originally posted by deanna11

yeah, XP isn't that great. i put it on my home computer to test it out, and it's incompatible with some software i need to remote access my work computer

i think the only imporant feature is that it saves each user's programs and temp files when you have multiple users on one workstation; only necessary for offices

stick with 2000

If you still have XP, get the security patch.

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Originally posted by darrellg

Yeah, really.

They are such a huge corporation and Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook Express 6 have sooooooo many bugs.

I have cable and with IE 5, I flew through the web.

But now, it gets stuck on ceartain links and takes a while to load.

And Outlook Express 6 doesn't work with Hotmail accounts like OE 5 did.

And I can't downgrade back to IE 5, so I'm pissed.

I'm sure if I went in and deleted all the files and re-installed 5, it might work.

But I don't feel like doing that.

All the money that they make and they release products with major bugs in them.


Good to know, so I'm sticking w/ 5.5

Just rip the IE out and reinstall it...through the program removal it takes minutes....

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fuck microsoft for creating a "collaborative cooperative intuitive and easy to use" architecture Office such that my mom could 1) receive not one or two but Three worm viruses in outlook, without her knowledge 2) create a word document 3) have that word document monitored by a memory-resident worm 4) have that worm brought into action upon merely saving that document which just happened to contain keywords the worm 'liked' 5) now have all of her word documents scanned by this worm, with phrases selected at random, and these bits and pieces of confidential information sent to as many random email addresses in her outlook addressbook and addresses contained in emails in her sent items folder

fuck microsoft for not realizing the can or worms (literally) they'd be opening by cross-integrating an email program with a word processing suite

fuck microsoft for not providing proper security measures within its macro language to prevent these things from being possible

fuck microsoft for creating architectures with full system access just BEGGING to be exploited by bored, unmotivated, under-challenged genius hackers - actually not even genius hackers - visual basic is fucking child's play

fuck microsoft for creating setup programs that fail upon accidentally ejecting the installation cdrom, thus leaving my mother with a half-written start up disk and now no way to reboot her now re-formatted pc with cdrom support so she could have another go at restoring her system from scratch

i could go on but these are the specific reasons TODAY why i say "fuck microsoft"

microsoft - "who do you want to complete fuck over today?"

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Originally posted by thehacker






"fuck microsoft"

dude...sounds like you have Windows security issues...sorry about that :(

what ver of windows is mom using?

i know this sounds silly, but you should set up some mail filters for her in Outlook, and i think there might be a setting to prevent the running of any scripts.

if she's not using Win2000, install it NOW!

personally, I use PINE :D

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

dude...sounds like you have Windows security issues...sorry about that :(

what ver of windows is mom using?

i know this sounds silly, but you should set up some mail filters for her in Outlook, and i think there might be a setting to prevent the running of any scripts.

if she's not using Win2000, install it NOW!

personally, I use PINE :D

well sure that's all good advice After The Fact...

she's running the version of ME that came with her Dell.

her assumption is that because my dad kept hitting 'update virus definitions' in norton antivirus that all was a-ok. what neither of them realized is that they needed to PURCHASE the updates to the version that came with their Dell pc.

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Originally posted by thehacker

i reminisce often about DOSSHELL.exe and DOS 4.0

honestly...if you let these new guys that just started using computers learn it...they'de be like whaaaaaaaa?......there's alot more computer literate ppl now...then when Dos 4.0 was around....

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Originally posted by thehacker

fuck microsoft for creating a "collaborative cooperative intuitive and easy to use" architecture Office such that my mom could 1) receive not one or two but Three worm viruses in outlook, without her knowledge 2) create a word document 3) have that word document monitored by a memory-resident worm 4) have that worm brought into action upon merely saving that document which just happened to contain keywords the worm 'liked' 5) now have all of her word documents scanned by this worm, with phrases selected at random, and these bits and pieces of confidential information sent to as many random email addresses in her outlook addressbook and addresses contained in emails in her sent items folder

fuck microsoft for not realizing the can or worms (literally) they'd be opening by cross-integrating an email program with a word processing suite

fuck microsoft for not providing proper security measures within its macro language to prevent these things from being possible

fuck microsoft for creating architectures with full system access just BEGGING to be exploited by bored, unmotivated, under-challenged genius hackers - actually not even genius hackers - visual basic is fucking child's play

fuck microsoft for creating setup programs that fail upon accidentally ejecting the installation cdrom, thus leaving my mother with a half-written start up disk and now no way to reboot her now re-formatted pc with cdrom support so she could have another go at restoring her system from scratch

i could go on but these are the specific reasons TODAY why i say "fuck microsoft"

microsoft - "who do you want to complete fuck over today?"

LOL Why dont you come out with a better software if not shut the fuck up!

Dont take this the wrong way! Happy new year!

:laugh: :laugh: :D:cool:

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Originally posted by simonvanity

honestly...if you let these new guys that just started using computers learn it...they'de be like whaaaaaaaa?......there's alot more computer literate ppl now...then when Dos 4.0 was around....

I've been working with computers for some time, and it's amazing how little these new "computer literate people" know about anything that you couldn't click and drag your way through..

I even had a few people in my office that when I showed them a sheet of write protect tabs from a box a 5 1/4 floppies had no idea what they were... 5 1/4's aren't that old!

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Guys MS makes somewhat decent user-friendly products. There is a lot of shitty software made by them, thats true too. I use Windows 2000, and i had it crash on me like only once during this year, like kept spitting memory dumps on startups.

If you want your windows to work good:

1) Try to by brand name comuters. Dell, Micron, Gateway, Compaq, HP... Whatever comes with pre-instlled windows.

2) In case you build/buy non brand names, keep your shit up to date, like bios, drivers, service packs, etc... Cause many motherboards come with like 5 year old bios and windows doesent cooperate well with them, especially ones with shittiest memory management like 95/98/ME.

3) Run "Windows Update" sometimes, it will look for latest security updates. One of the security updates you might want to check out is for MS Outlook 2000, you can find it here: http://office.microsoft.com/Downloads/2000/Out2ksec.aspx

4) Dont install everything that u see on Internet. Many programs, that are un-tested open-source made, might damage Windows without you noticing it, and crashing it many days/weeks later.

5) Dont rush into buying new versions of Windows, cause like any other product they are unstable. For example to stabilize Windows 2000, it took like 3-5 months. So wait awhile before buying XP, it had very bad security reviews.

I personally use Win2K like i said, but i use it only for as workstation. For all server side shit, i use only unix based operating systems like OpenBSD or Linux. There is a purpose for every operating system. Except i dont find MacOS and Macintosh in general any useful for me, though Macintosh hardware architecture is much better then x86 Intel (Pentiums, etc...).

AOL (Not including AIM):

This is a fuckin worst piece of software/company/isp i ever seen in my life. This shit is sooooooo unsecure, feels like they trying to make it that way. I discovered shitload of exploits and unsecurities that its not even funny. Their service is slow and new versions of AOL are so unstable that it should be illeagal to release it, cause people who use AOL usually are not computer experts and when something happends, for them its very hard to fix. Their tech support is full of brainless morons, who dont know what they doing and read all instructions from piece of paper. I think for so many years that they've been around, their shit is supposed to be much better quality....

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