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So who's a SNOOZE addict?

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man all these hours on aoHell are catching up to me cause i thought for a minute that it said "so who's a SNOOZIE addict" cause i was bout to say me me me me me cause that girl is sooooooooooo fucking cute and moves so damn good on the dancefloor. ::sorrytomakeublush:: oh and LM...she is MY bitch dear. :tongue:

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Originally posted by az-tec

HI my name is Andy...and I am addicted to hitting the snooze button.....

I need help

(In happy nurse voice) Welcome Andy,*clapping* and you know something, the first step to a happy heathy recovery is admitting you have a problem, and you just did that, so once again welcome and congradulations!!!!

Hi, my name is Gianni, and i too am adicted to the snooze button, it all started when i had to get up for elementary school and well......*crying* i cant continue, im sorry .(getting comforted by the nurse)


i think i have too much time on my hands.

peace out


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Originally posted by ggfella4

(In happy nurse voice) Welcome Andy,*clapping* and you know something, the first step to a happy heathy recovery is admitting you have a problem, and you just did that, so once again welcome and congradulations!!!!

Hi, my name is Gianni, and i too am adicted to the snooze button, it all started when i had to get up for elementary school and well......*crying* i cant continue, im sorry .(getting comforted by the nurse)


i think i have too much time on my hands.

peace out


:shoot: :shoot: :shoot:


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My name is Darrell and I too am a SNOOZEhead.

My addiction has gotten so bad that I had to put my alarm clock completely on the other side of the room because I kept hitting it in my sleep and never woke up.

Even though I have to get out of the bed to hit the button, I just sleepwalk over to it and crawl back into bed.




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Originally posted by inyourdreams

Jesus Christ I must hit that button like 13 times before I actually get up....I think they should just make an alarm clock that has like a sensor on it and doesn't go off until you actually get up LOL:idea:

your problem is you must have an alarm with one of those annoying just-long-enough-to-fall-back-into-a-deep-sleep-9-minute snoozes...

i got a really loud fawking digital alarm clock that runs offa nine volt and two c batteries and has a really SHRILL *4 minute* snooze so dat azz just HAS to wake up eventually. works really well... even after hearing it 3/4 times i'm so convinced that so much time has passed that i'm scared out of bed thinking i'm that many times *9 minutes* late (because of my old alarm clock) when in fact i'm just 12 or 16 minutes later than usual...

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Ok...Am I the only one that CHECKS my ALARM clock like 50 millions times before I go to sleep....Like I'll press the "Alarm Set" Button Just to make sure it still says 7am....and then Ill check again...JUST in CASE it changed on its own or something....And then I'll check one more time Just to make sure its On AM not PM...I think this might be a mild case of Terret syndrome...:hey:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Ok...Am I the only one that CHECKS my ALARM clock like 50 millions times before I go to sleep....Like I'll press the "Alarm Set" Button Just to make sure it still says 7am....and then Ill check again...JUST in CASE it changed on its own or something....And then I'll check one more time Just to make sure its On AM not PM...I think this might be a mild case of Terret syndrome...:hey:


every night i set the alarm clock and like quadruple check that shit to make sure it actually goes off cuz my alarm clock has pulled some really shady shit in the past, including not going off when its supposed to, a couple of times its actually went off at 6pm instead of 6 am, and i wake up like 3 hours late for work :laugh:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Ok...Am I the only one that CHECKS my ALARM clock like 50 millions times before I go to sleep....Like I'll press the "Alarm Set" Button Just to make sure it still says 7am....and then Ill check again...JUST in CASE it changed on its own or something....And then I'll check one more time Just to make sure its On AM not PM...I think this might be a mild case of Terret syndrome...:hey:

omg NO!!! i've done this for years and i thought i was just a lil crazy...i've gotten up after laying in my bed for 5 mins just to make sure the alarm is on and the time is right. then i switch the button from alarm on to alarmn off and then back to alarm on to make sure its set. obsesive/compulsive disorder or just a weird habit??

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Ok...Am I the only one that CHECKS my ALARM clock like 50 millions times before I go to sleep....Like I'll press the "Alarm Set" Button Just to make sure it still says 7am....and then Ill check again...JUST in CASE it changed on its own or something....And then I'll check one more time Just to make sure its On AM not PM...I think this might be a mild case of Terret syndrome...:hey:

holy shit you too have the dreaded alarm-checking obsessive compulsive disorder? i thought i was the only 1! good to know i'm not alone in my misery...

fucked up thing is i check because i have had nights where i DID set it wrong (like the WRONG TWELVE HOURS kinda wrong) and ended up emailing work to let 'em know what was goin' on and why i'd be in at around 11. *DOH*

oh and for people saying ya got the alarm on the other side of the room and that still doesn't help i gotcha all beat...

in college i had a loft bed one year and the alarm clock totally the other side of the room; i'd have to step down onto a really fluffy and hard-to-navigate-with-tired-feet couch, onto the floor, take 5 rather large frantic steps toward my desk, then hit the snooze, then repeat the process in reverse to get back into bed...

and i'd STILL do this repeatedly... some days like 9 or 10 times. yes for an HOUR AND A HALF.

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Originally posted by thehacker

holy shit you too have the dreaded alarm-checking obsessive compulsive disorder? i thought i was the only 1! good to know i'm not alone in my misery...

fucked up thing is i check because i have had nights where i DID set it wrong (like the WRONG TWELVE HOURS kinda wrong) and ended up emailing work to let 'em know what was goin' on and why i'd be in at around 11. *DOH*

oh and for people saying ya got the alarm on the other side of the room and that still doesn't help i gotcha all beat...

in college i had a loft bed one year and the alarm clock totally the other side of the room; i'd have to step down onto a really fluffy and hard-to-navigate-with-tired-feet couch, onto the floor, take 5 rather large frantic steps toward my desk, then hit the snooze, then repeat the process in reverse to get back into bed...

and i'd STILL do this repeatedly... some days like 9 or 10 times. yes for an HOUR AND A HALF.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Good...I'm NOT ALONE!!!!!!!So....Anyone else have "Alarm-Checking Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" ???? or shall I say....ACOCD


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