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My 2 Cents

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Originally posted by simonvanity

uhhh...u see me cracked out?....hmmmm...you've seen me in SF like 2 or 3 times....I never said I never got fucked up....but u see me dancing and having fun....I go for the music...I add a lil spice with the shtuff...but after the past couple of weeks...I've seen ppl....it made me think and realize shit...your another perfect example..everytime I saw u at SF...you were in a hole or rolling....you were a zombie...I forgot who said it...only reason It ook those pills was to stay awake...about the cracked out comment....Sweety...ever hear of being tired?....U try opening and closing SF every week....pretty hard...but u get used to it.....and and back to the zombie part...when u were at Jay party that saturday...u were sober and dancing...happy and all....thats the way I like to see ppl at SF....

simon - no reason for the attitude! and believe it or not.. i have done factory sober way more then not! sweets... i know how it is to be tired.. by 10am its not about dancing that much.... its about enjoying the music (well for me at least) then at 2ish if i am not freezing i'm all bouncy again! i guess when we see each other we just assume the other is mangled as hell!

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

simon - no reason for the attitude! and believe it or not.. i have done factory sober way more then not! sweets... i know how it is to be tired.. by 10am its not about dancing that much.... its about enjoying the music (well for me at least) then at 2ish if i am not freezing i'm all bouncy again! i guess when we see each other we just assume the other is mangled as hell!

Danielle...I'll never have attitude towards ya....your madd cool......10am not about dancing?,.........ohhhh boy....thats where your wrong....thats whenthe dancing starts...the circles slowly form....Vivacious begins to come out again....and dance dance dance....then again...I dance all day and night....

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Originally posted by simonvanity

Danielle...I'll never have attitude towards ya....your madd cool......10am not about dancing?,.........ohhhh boy....thats where your wrong....thats whenthe dancing starts...the circles slowly form....Vivacious begins to come out again....and dance dance dance....then again...I dance all day and night....

simon hehee :) 10am its not about dancing for me :) i get out of work at 11pm, get showered and dress, head over to factory... by 10am i am sleepy :) so i relax .... then when it starts to clear out a bit and cools down.. i dance again :) i like watching the circles.. (when they are good) but u know the circles are for tweeker (rob) and not me :)

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

simon hehee :) 10am its not about dancing for me :) i get out of work at 11pm, get showered and dress, head over to factory... by 10am i am sleepy :) so i relax then when then when it starts to clear out about a bit and cools down.. i dance again :) i like watching the circles.. (when they are good) but u know the circles are for tweeker (rob) and not me :)

No way...I love joining the circles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by simonvanity

yo origskeemr....are you really me?....seriously...it's like reading your reply is reading my history and what I did to....age wise...drug wise..everything...WOW......for q-ny's question.....refer to origskeemr....

no prob man that wut i am here for;) see you at the meet up if i can get someone to come with me cause i dont wanna go alone...but i am sure i will be there

p.s. we are even more a like cause i see you go in the sf circles...you should see me when jonathan drops "like a prayer" i cut up sum mean rug hehe:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :D at least i hope so :rolleyes:

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hrmmm very good thread. I hate seeing people just fucked up. I dunno I used to get roll every single week.. until back in June. When I got a big scare about my kidneys. When that happened to me, I got so fucken scared I remember I was thinking to myself, "I would take back every single pill and every drug I did." Well... I went to a few more docs and everything turned out to be ok in the end. But damn that shit gave me a big scare. Before that I was dropping pills every week for I dunno how many months, and now after that I only dropped one pill and did K once in the last 6 months and that was all just recently. Everyone told me to chill, and I wouldn't listen. I guess I needed to learn for myself. I just drink mostly now. I know I won't quit E or K for good. But I promised myself I'll only do it for special occassions. And I went 100% sober for 6 weeks in a row last month. Before that I only went 100% sober once. Anyways.. good thread Simonvanity. Peace.


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. . . Where I came from, the scene had been beaten down by the government to such an extent that house parties were really the only thing going . . dropping at clubs is a "relatively" new experience to me . . I've done it, but not to as far as an extent as many of you have . .

. . I look at drugs in a funny kind of light . . I like to call it the Double Badge of Courage and Shame . . It's hard to explain . .

. . It's like . . think of when you're coming out of the club . . it's 10 in the morning . . or even 2 in the afternoon, you're cracked out beyond belief and trying to get to some kind of transportation that will get you back to the comfort of your bed . . As you walk down the street, you may see other people, perhaps from the same club, walking along. . you see them, they see you, you give a nod of approval . .

. . at that moment, you and that other person are cockroaches. . proudly wearing your badge of crack-headedness for all the world to see. . secretly cheering inside because of the chemical rollercoaster ride you just gave your body and mind . . It's a sense of maligned pride in what you've just done to yourself, coupled with a justification in the fact that others are doing it . . so in effect, you're on the bandwagon and enjoying yourself . .

. . The other side of the badge is when you run into the "respectible" people doing their things when you get out of the club . . The shopkeepers, the train conductors, cabbies, police officers, etc . . At that moment, I really do feel (or should at least . .) the shame of what I've done to myself . . that picture of your parents' faces with the dissapointed look . . not the angry enraged look . . but that dissapointed look . . a look that does a million times more damage than any chewing out that they could give you . .

. . that's when it really hurts . . but I keep coming back for more . .

. . why? . . . cause I need it . . cause I want it .. . cause I can feel a level of freedom that is completely inaccesable to me when I'm straight. . or even under the influence of alcohol . . the freedom to tell people how happy I am . . and try to make them happy too . . the freedom not to be self-conscious . . the freedom to dance without inhibition . .

. . That's why I keep coming back . .

. . I learned to love beats long before I ever touched any substance . . but I learned to love dance after my first pill . . I will proudly , and sorrowfully, admit that . .

. . I think the trendys and the Party kids are pretty much the same when you dig deep enough . . both groups are, to a degree, trying to escape some facet of themselves that they don't like . . I don't care how beautiful you are . . When that 5 oclock bell rings, we all want to be on that spaceship to Saturn . . One with the freakshow . .


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Where I came from, the scene had been beaten down by the government to such an extent that house parties were really the only thing going . . dropping at clubs is a "relatively" new experience to me . . I've done it, but not to as far as an extent as many of you have . .

. . I look at drugs in a funny kind of light . . I like to call it the Double Badge of Courage and Shame . . It's hard to explain . .

. . It's like . . think of when you're coming out of the club . . it's 10 in the morning . . or even 2 in the afternoon, you're cracked out beyond belief and trying to get to some kind of transportation that will get you back to the comfort of your bed . . As you walk down the street, you may see other people, perhaps from the same club, walking along. . you see them, they see you, you give a nod of approval . .

. . at that moment, you and that other person are cockroaches. . proudly wearing your badge of crack-headedness for all the world to see. . secretly cheering inside because of the chemical rollercoaster ride you just gave your body and mind . . It's a sense of maligned pride in what you've just done to yourself, coupled with a justification in the fact that others are doing it . . so in effect, you're on the bandwagon and enjoying yourself . .

. . The other side of the badge is when you run into the "respectible" people doing their things when you get out of the club . . The shopkeepers, the train conductors, cabbies, police officers, etc . . At that moment, I really do feel (or should at least . .) the shame of what I've done to myself . . that picture of your parents' faces with the dissapointed look . . not the angry enraged look . . but that dissapointed look . . a look that does a million times more damage than any chewing out that they could give you . .

. . that's when it really hurts . . but I keep coming back for more . .

. . why? . . . cause I need it . . cause I want it .. . cause I can feel a level of freedom that is completely inaccesable to me when I'm straight. . or even under the influence of alcohol . . the freedom to tell people how happy I am . . and try to make them happy too . . the freedom not to be self-conscious . . the freedom to dance without inhibition . .

. . That's why I keep coming back . .

. . I learned to love beats long before I ever touched any substance . . but I learned to love dance after my first pill . . I will proudly , and sorrowfully, admit that . .

. . I think the trendys and the Party kids are pretty much the same when you dig deep enough . . both groups are, to a degree, trying to escape some facet of themselves that they don't like . . I don't care how beautiful you are . . When that 5 oclock bell rings, we all want to be on that spaceship to Saturn . . One with the freakshow . .


wow:eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Where I came from, the scene had been beaten down by the government to such an extent that house parties were really the only thing going . . dropping at clubs is a "relatively" new experience to me . . I've done it, but not to as far as an extent as many of you have . .

. . I look at drugs in a funny kind of light . . I like to call it the Double Badge of Courage and Shame . . It's hard to explain . .

. . It's like . . think of when you're coming out of the club . . it's 10 in the morning . . or even 2 in the afternoon, you're cracked out beyond belief and trying to get to some kind of transportation that will get you back to the comfort of your bed . . As you walk down the street, you may see other people, perhaps from the same club, walking along. . you see them, they see you, you give a nod of approval . .

. . at that moment, you and that other person are cockroaches. . proudly wearing your badge of crack-headedness for all the world to see. . secretly cheering inside because of the chemical rollercoaster ride you just gave your body and mind . . It's a sense of maligned pride in what you've just done to yourself, coupled with a justification in the fact that others are doing it . . so in effect, you're on the bandwagon and enjoying yourself . .

. . The other side of the badge is when you run into the "respectible" people doing their things when you get out of the club . . The shopkeepers, the train conductors, cabbies, police officers, etc . . At that moment, I really do feel (or should at least . .) the shame of what I've done to myself . . that picture of your parents' faces with the dissapointed look . . not the angry enraged look . . but that dissapointed look . . a look that does a million times more damage than any chewing out that they could give you . .

. . that's when it really hurts . . but I keep coming back for more . .

. . why? . . . cause I need it . . cause I want it .. . cause I can feel a level of freedom that is completely inaccesable to me when I'm straight. . or even under the influence of alcohol . . the freedom to tell people how happy I am . . and try to make them happy too . . the freedom not to be self-conscious . . the freedom to dance without inhibition . .

. . That's why I keep coming back . .

. . I learned to love beats long before I ever touched any substance . . but I learned to love dance after my first pill . . I will proudly , and sorrowfully, admit that . .

. . I think the trendys and the Party kids are pretty much the same when you dig deep enough . . both groups are, to a degree, trying to escape some facet of themselves that they don't like . . I don't care how beautiful you are . . When that 5 oclock bell rings, we all want to be on that spaceship to Saturn . . One with the freakshow . .


That was deep!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Where I came from, the scene had been beaten down by the government to such an extent that house parties were really the only thing going . . dropping at clubs is a "relatively" new experience to me . . I've done it, but not to as far as an extent as many of you have . .

. . I look at drugs in a funny kind of light . . I like to call it the Double Badge of Courage and Shame . . It's hard to explain . .

. . It's like . . think of when you're coming out of the club . . it's 10 in the morning . . or even 2 in the afternoon, you're cracked out beyond belief and trying to get to some kind of transportation that will get you back to the comfort of your bed . . As you walk down the street, you may see other people, perhaps from the same club, walking along. . you see them, they see you, you give a nod of approval . .

. . at that moment, you and that other person are cockroaches. . proudly wearing your badge of crack-headedness for all the world to see. . secretly cheering inside because of the chemical rollercoaster ride you just gave your body and mind . . It's a sense of maligned pride in what you've just done to yourself, coupled with a justification in the fact that others are doing it . . so in effect, you're on the bandwagon and enjoying yourself . .

. . The other side of the badge is when you run into the "respectible" people doing their things when you get out of the club . . The shopkeepers, the train conductors, cabbies, police officers, etc . . At that moment, I really do feel (or should at least . .) the shame of what I've done to myself . . that picture of your parents' faces with the dissapointed look . . not the angry enraged look . . but that dissapointed look . . a look that does a million times more damage than any chewing out that they could give you . .

. . that's when it really hurts . . but I keep coming back for more . .

. . why? . . . cause I need it . . cause I want it .. . cause I can feel a level of freedom that is completely inaccesable to me when I'm straight. . or even under the influence of alcohol . . the freedom to tell people how happy I am . . and try to make them happy too . . the freedom not to be self-conscious . . the freedom to dance without inhibition . .

. . That's why I keep coming back . .

. . I learned to love beats long before I ever touched any substance . . but I learned to love dance after my first pill . . I will proudly , and sorrowfully, admit that . .

. . I think the trendys and the Party kids are pretty much the same when you dig deep enough . . both groups are, to a degree, trying to escape some facet of themselves that they don't like . . I don't care how beautiful you are . . When that 5 oclock bell rings, we all want to be on that spaceship to Saturn . . One with the freakshow . .


Well, that's a way to look at it.

To add on to this, whether you drug up at a club or not, at the end of the day, people tend to slap the ecstasy junkie label on you regardless. I've become pretty cold to it, as it has come from every angle and every shade of acquaintances that I have.

Badge of shame....?.....

In the end, I have to admit that upon some self actualization, any pride I can extract (which I do) from banging out 8 or 9 solid hours on the dancefloor without a drop, a hit, or a toke of any heebeejiebees pretty much melts away into the shadows of somewhat unwarranted self righteousness, which in itself, is kind of hard to take.

People say that it's good that you can go at it so long without substances, and I believe in what they say perfectly. But it doesn't impact you as much as it perhaps should. Because after all, in our culture, be you raver, clubber, or some random party goer in general, sobriety tends to come in the form of a minority.

There's poison and lace waiting on either side of the coin in this matter. Clearing it from our culture will be about as simple as picking dust from the wind.

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Its nice to see people with common sense here. Im new to the Boards Post wise...but i have been surfing and reading the boards way b4 i even registered. I know how you guys feel. I myself had never done a drug b4 i started hitting up the NYC Club Scene. (Twilo was my first NYC Club.) I can have fun going to clubs sober b/c I love music. I just tend to love getting messed up with the music. I find myself in a dilemma everytime i go out. To pop or not to pop. And thats just Pills...when i talk about other things i do i disgust myself but it is now a form of habit. Im weak what can i say. I have slowed down alot since summer time. I see soo many people (freinds) getting really messed just thinking its cool. Those are the people i hate seeing all cracked out. They have no reason for doing it. Sorry for this long escapade but i understand you guys and finally have someone to post things like this. I am not a drug addict as i am sure most of you arent either. It just makes the experience better. I feel that E is better than alcohol. That is my opinion. Whether i am right or not doesnt really matter in my head. I have become moderated. 1 pill maximum when i go out and i will only do it once a month. Thats hard enough to do. Slowely im hoping it will all fade out and all the music will take over.

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i know people who go out constantly..like 6 nights a week. The only reason I dont think they get tired of the same scene, week after week, is because of drugs. I think moderate use of drugs is ok, but to all you people who constantly snort, sniff, shoot, bump..whatever ..to go out need to RELAX !

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