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Do You Bring Your Bf/gf With You?

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I always go out to clubs with my girlfriend, well actually now she's my fiance. We have the best time together. But it's not like we're up each other's ass when we're out. She loves to dance and so do a lot of my friends so she dances with them. They love hanging out with her. Thank god she has a great personality because I can't go out with someone that looks miserable when we go out. I need to have fun.

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Totally depends on your agenda and your BF/ GF's personality....

Are you looking to score or flirt? Then no, of course don't bring them along. Go with a group of friends.

Also depends on how he/ she acts when you are out in that scene. I mean, some people get defensive, tired easily, or just aren't into the music, etc... you get my point.

You can't always do the same thing, so I suggest bringing your girl along a few times and going out with your friends clubbing other times. You gotta change it up!

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Me and my ex always went clubbing together we would have so much fun together got ripped danced our asses off!! My ex was a great dancer there was one girl who was going off one time and I even told him to go battle her it is all about having a good time!!! Why be with someone if you cant go out and have fun together?? You know you are the one that is going home with them that night so jealousy shouldn't even come in to play! Just my two cents!!:D

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Two more cents...

My GF comes out with me about half the time... she likes to dance but doesn't love the music/scene as much as I do. She's happy not to be out til 5AM on a Tuesday at Filter, I'm happy to feel free to go out when I want, it works out well for us, but we've been together for a while and that makes a difference. We're both big fat nympho flirts so we're likely to be sexing it up whether together or solo :biggrin: -- that might be different if either of you are the jealous type.

I agree it's better to go out on your own/with friends if you really want to go than drag someone around who's not really into it just b/c they're your bf/gf. Lots of other ways to spend time w/your loved one.

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yeah i agree but when ur getting looks and shit...restrain from making more eye contact then needed cuz then thats sleazy and wanting more than attention of that sort, esp if ur mate is with you..and you have to remember to draw the line with other ppl that stare at you like they wanna eat you



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I agree with gwyllion !

It completely depends on the person's personality, mood, expectations, and prior experiences.

For me personally, I find it better to go clubbing with friends that are girls as they are simply there to chill and get into the music in an attempt to have a great night. (Of course my boys come 1st - but that is without saying!)

As for bringing a girlfriend, I also have never found one that loved the music and atmosphere as I do, and hence usually had problems (usually surrounding my "partaking in activities/substances" and just as much around the time we were to leave).

Either way, as long as each of you are on the same level - things should be fine, but not necessarily more fun.




"If traveling alone is how it has to be - the FUCK IT!"

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i guess it really depends on ur relationship... when my bf & i just started going out 2gether - it was pretty bad. i was new to the scene, we didn't really trust each other, friends would start stupid arguments b/n us, i was always trying to control/bitch about how much he was consuming.... now, almost 4 years later - we go together to clubs (bars - not always), but clubs def. yes... always have amazing times - we hang out w/diff. ppl, make new friends, dance our butts off....

besides, i probably feel safer when he's around :);):)

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I think everyone here has made some really good points.

But i think the bottom line for a healthy relationship if your a clubber, is not to expect your bf/gf to not do the same things you do. And if there is things that you enjoy doing that you cant do while they are with you then it will catch up to and things will eventually fall apart. I think you should tell your bf/gf that you want to go without them if you do. I always did.

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My Boyfriend and I ALWAYS go out 2gether:D We have the most amazing time together...Plus he's an amazing Dancer and we are like a team when we dance...This is actually everything I ever dreamed for...to find someone that loved music and dancing as much as I do..... I have been in other relationships b4 where my ex's weren't into the "CLUB" thing....and I think that was a major reason why things didn't work out between us...

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I must say...one of the reasons I don't have a boyfriend now is because it's hard to find someone who enjoys dancing and the music as much as I do and as often......... I would love to bring him...it is a trust thing...but it's also really hot to dance with each other with the pounding music and then go home when it's all over and rip each other's sweaty clothes off :)

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Originally posted by snoozi8

but it's also really hot to dance with each other with the pounding music and then go home when it's all over and rip each other's sweaty clothes off :)

ThAt'S aLwAYZ gooD...BuT UsuALLy We'Re TOo FreakiN' TiREd oR ToO WaCkED/CrAcKeD or ouR MuScLEs arE CraMped Up:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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