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** Roxy Review **

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

roxy sucked.....it was cool chillin with CP people but JV blows ass....nothing but repetitive bullshit all night long....maybe im growing up but i dont like his style anymore....he does nothing but thump angry beats and im not into that shit anymore......

ill never be there again


sorry u feel that way... but it was such a phat night.... i left all my shoutouts on Dee's thread.... and i aint about to do it again!! haha.. so mwahhhhh to everyone i saw last night... u guys seriously kick assssss :D

p.s... i love how CLUBPLANET was the first thing johnny thanked when he was on stage!!! :) :) :)

did ya feel the love:love:

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Once again had a blast this weekend, was pretty buzzed most of the night, which is why my mouth was never shut. It was a pain in the ass waiting for Johnny Vicious to arrive, Im telling you the guy was brushing his hair... Cake was good to bad I got it on my pants and gave the rest of it to Fierydesire. Enjoyed getting my ass grabbed by several women, you know who you are ladies. The tequila shot I took with my boy Doubtness and Dj JoN made me feel like I was going to vomit (LIGHTWEIGHT) so I was out of commission for a couple of minutes holding back.. Pleasure meeting all you regulars, and the new people. I hope to see you all again next week, amazing meetup .

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Have to get my two cents in about Roxy the other night, even though I am a little late with it.

Roxy, AKA the CP lounge, was a lot of fun this Friday. Not because Viscious was all that or anything, but because It was very cool hanging with all the chill CP folks. This was my second week in a row at Roxy and I must say it is definitely not the music that makes that party great.

I would give shouts to all those I met but my memory is crap these days, especially after Sander last night who, btw also rocked the f'ing house. So to all those I chilled with, I got mad love.

I hope everyone enjoyed their "Cream de Johnny" served slightly chilled in a tall glass in honor of Johnny's b-day. A delicacy only fit for a CPer.

See you all next time.

- Ron

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Wow i get no love on the CP Boards cept from Girly... but here goes my huge huge shout out...

MSoprano: Sexy Guido dance... your pics are on the way

GGFellas: Thank you for saving me from the eternal line

Romy20: Wow!!! lol Great to finally meet you

PFloyd: A Pleasure as always

Roninmess: Thanks for finally getting me on the stage we owned it

DJJon: Great meeting you bro

SexyBabyDee: Mi amora dont you know...

Siceone: Your glow stick style is strong... but my trace style will defeat you

XTCGspot: Johnny what split ends you have

LinaBina: Love the highlights cutie pie

Clubkat: Your tail is soooo soft prrrr

Fiery: My ass still hurts ouch

DJ Moonshine: Next weekend prepair urself

Girlie: you owe me a dance and a picture!

Spragga: Ill bring out my hooked up wheelchair... smoke em

MsSabina: Sorry you got thrown out i was ready to sock that bouncer... not really though sorry

Trancend: Eat my Fuck!

IBClubbin: Nice to finally meet you

Qouth: Am i ggfellas now?

BKissa: Sure ill be your date

Doubtness: ahhhh ginger ale pens bottle and takes drink:

BlazeNY: I always though you were the little kid with Photons

Sorry if i missed anyone my brain isnt workin all in all it was an AMAZING night and i want to repeat it next weekend anyone game?!

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

roxy sucked.....it was cool chillin with CP people but JV blows ass....nothing but repetitive bullshit all night long....maybe im growing up but i dont like his style anymore....he does nothing but thump angry beats and im not into that shit anymore......

ill never be there again


OH ibclubbin!! Roxy didn't suck!! Stop being so negative (were you trashed when you wrote this at like 5:30am?!) LOL.. not all his beats are angry (I-wanna-bang-my-head-into-the-wall). I actually thought the music he dropped Friday was a lot harder than it even was when he guest DJed at Exit.. he dropped a lot of good shit (IMO) but I guess that's cause I'm an *Exithead* :laugh:

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lets see if i can name every1 i met:

clubkat (love the tail), dj moonshine, spragga (help me!!!! :eek:), rdancer, trancerxn, trancend, snoozi (feeling better?), lavender (hows the nose), brooklinkid, totallyoff, sexybabyd, highmay, cottoncandy (bring some singles next week!), fierydesire, regina, legends, doubtness, bigart, princesslolita, djjohn, girly, bkissa, roninmess, quoth, romy 20, vixxenfoxy, joeg, airatomic, racheal1997, missabina, simonvanity, and all the lurkers (you know who you are! we at least i hope so, because i dont)

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Originally posted by clubkat

woohooo!!!! Great time last night!!!

::even if i lost my phone....thanxs jon :rolleyes:, i still love ya....well now that i found it haha hearton.gif::

To my kittens...it was grrrrreat seeing you's guys last night ::"how ju doin?"::

ya see Pfloyd, i finally caught your ass! :tounge: Gabo!!!! Huge growls for making that scene which left me, er, mouth_water.gif lmao.....and "The Old Man"....at least you can still shake what your momma gave ya :D

next time i wont wear the tail, seems like it was taking away most of the friction from my spanks spanka.gif

yup.. good to see ya again hun :)

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Originally posted by rdancer

Once again had a blast this weekend, was pretty buzzed most of the night, which is why my mouth was never shut. It was a pain in the ass waiting for Johnny Vicious to arrive, Im telling you the guy was brushing his hair... Cake was good to bad I got it on my pants and gave the rest of it to Fierydesire. Enjoyed getting my ass grabbed by several women, you know who you are ladies. The tequila shot I took with my boy Doubtness and Dj JoN made me feel like I was going to vomit (LIGHTWEIGHT) so I was out of commission for a couple of minutes holding back.. Pleasure meeting all you regulars, and the new people. I hope to see you all again next week, amazing meetup .

Yo, who's idea was that to do Tequila anyway.....after that there was a little fire burnin in my belly, kept me nice and warm.

I still owe you one bro.

I almost forgot about how I was the lucky one that was given clubkat's tail that night.:)

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

MsSabina: Sorry you got thrown out i was ready to sock that bouncer... not really though sorry

lol oh man, you guys must think im a moron.... i swear i don't usually try that hard to get kicked outta clubs :laugh::rolleyes: i'll join everyone by the bar when i'm 21... btw, where was i when all this spanking was going on? i was ready and willing dammit!!

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My shouts, cause little bro beat me to it:

PFloyd cause its your thread want a hit, NO GAWD damn it, I dont want any F*cking E, Jsut coke god damn it . Is it so hard for me to play with the forces of white powder GEEZ....

Doubtness: Your ass was cracking up all night, and Dj JoN It was Doubtness's Idea to take Tequilla, cept last time he didnt handle his so well. ClubKat Damn Hun you looked prefect last time, Nice cuddling, and charmin testing although you did get kind of frisky at the end, ( I Enjoyed it). The other set of brothers, thanks for saving us a spot on the line. MikeBugout and Paulie Feva standing around taking notes and dlirting with the girl, fockers need a mint. FieryDesire damn girl your stomach is diesel, keep up the excercises, and you move well to. NyGirly I didnt believe it was you till I smelled your perfume, If that dude John wasnt with you I surely would have given you a tongue bath. Romy20 most girls get name plates of their name you tatoos whatever though, still a cutie. Ibclubbin nice to meet you, your were sitting on your ass all night ;), Codica stylish pleasure to meet you, didnt know you changed till I squinted and cleaned my eyes and saw you dancing on the stage, doubtness was admiring da moves, little did he know it was you. :laugh: , Quoth classis get away from me bitch I already got to many women.. Drunk as a f*ck.. Kissa hey its mike really it is, can you tell us apart now? Lina girl you looked gorgeous, Sexy Dee what can I say you smell funny, and that ass humping was good ;), XtcGSpot Geez you were sober as hell, least we got to many hair jokes. Spragga nice bumping into you, we got to start a petition for handicap railings and accesibility, Coutney no more refreshments for you, who was your cute friend? Airatomic and legend38 FAWKING BROTHERS, need I say more. Roninmess stop following me damn it, you spiked Sick Fuk always a pleasure to chill wit you. Scooby remember me? If I missed anybody well shit sorry, shows what kind of impact you made on me that night (J/K) See you all next weekend for Round 4...

OH yeah Johnny Stop brushing your hair bro, you take to fawking long to start spininning.....

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Originally posted by mssabina

lol oh man, you guys must think im a moron.... i swear i don't usually try that hard to get kicked outta clubs :laugh::rolleyes: i'll join everyone by the bar when i'm 21... btw, where was i when all this spanking was going on? i was ready and willing dammit!!

Did I get to meet ya? Man I would have spanked ya;)

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Originally posted by rdancer

My shouts, cause little bro beat me to it:

PFloyd cause its your thread want a hit, NO GAWD damn it, I dont want any F*cking E, Jsut coke god damn it . Is it so hard for me to play with the forces of white powder GEEZ....

Doubtness: Your ass was cracking up all night, and Dj JoN It was Doubtness's Idea to take Tequilla, cept last time he didnt handle his so well. ClubKat Damn Hun you looked prefect last time, Nice cuddling, and charmin testing although you did get kind of frisky at the end, ( I Enjoyed it). The other set of brothers, thanks for saving us a spot on the line. MikeBugout and Paulie Feva standing around taking notes and dlirting with the girl, fockers need a mint. FieryDesire damn girl your stomach is diesel, keep up the excercises, and you move well to. NyGirly I didnt believe it was you till I smelled your perfume, If that dude John wasnt with you I surely would have given you a tongue bath. Romy20 most girls get name plates of their name you tatoos whatever though, still a cutie. Ibclubbin nice to meet you, your were sitting on your ass all night ;), Codica stylish pleasure to meet you, didnt know you changed till I squinted and cleaned my eyes and saw you dancing on the stage, doubtness was admiring da moves, little did he know it was you. :laugh: , Quoth classis get away from me bitch I already got to many women.. Drunk as a f*ck.. Kissa hey its mike really it is, can you tell us apart now? Lina girl you looked gorgeous, Sexy Dee what can I say you smell funny, and that ass humping was good ;), XtcGSpot Geez you were sober as hell, least we got to many hair jokes. Spragga nice bumping into you, we got to start a petition for handicap railings and accesibility, Coutney no more refreshments for you, who was your cute friend? Airatomic and legend38 FAWKING BROTHERS, need I say more. Roninmess stop following me damn it, you spiked Sick Fuk always a pleasure to chill wit you. Scooby remember me? If I missed anybody well shit sorry, shows what kind of impact you made on me that night (J/K) See you all next weekend for Round 4...

OH yeah Johnny Stop brushing your hair bro, you take to fawking long to start spininning.....


Thanx alot, Alan

Now i'm never going to hear the end of this. :bigfinger

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Originally posted by rdancer

My shouts, cause little bro beat me to it:

NyGirly I didnt believe it was you till I smelled your perfume, If that dude John wasnt with you I surely would have given you a tongue bath.

You should have. I would have enjoyed it ALOT..That kid Jon is just a childhood friend I've known forever believe me he wouldn't have cared..Stop making excuses :D Next time I at least want a kiss.

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Originally posted by girly

You should have. I would have enjoyed it ALOT..That kid Jon is just a childhood friend I've known forever believe me he wouldn't have cared..Stop making excuses :D Next time I at least want a kiss.

I thought you were talking about me for a little bit.

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Originally posted by Unbound

meli - how-the-hell-have-ya-been?

it sux i ddint get to see you - i saw pics of you that tekL posted up - you look good-

do you still have that singing gig with the band in that NJ resturant?

Hey sweetie!

I'm sorry I missed you too! I wish I would have known you were there!!!

Yep -- the band goes on... gigs should be starting back up towards the end of the month... just a little tough to do over breaks as my pianist is home in Delaware, guitarist in Chicago, etc. :P


- meli -

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Originally posted by girly

Originally posted by rdancer

My shouts, cause little bro beat me to it:

NyGirly I didnt believe it was you till I smelled your perfume, If that dude John wasnt with you I surely would have given you a tongue bath.

You should have. I would have enjoyed it ALOT..That kid Jon is just a childhood friend I've known forever believe me he wouldn't have cared..Stop making excuses :D Next time I at least want a kiss.

You got it , Sexy..

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Originally posted by rdancer

FieryDesire damn girl your stomach is diesel, keep up the excercises, and you move well to.

Thanx babe, muahz :heart: haha...hmm Thanx for the cake. BTW, you're a sweetie and try not to be shy around me;) I will spank dat ass...:tongue: (if I haven't already)

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

roxy sucked.....it was cool chillin with CP people but JV blows ass....nothing but repetitive bullshit all night long....maybe im growing up but i dont like his style anymore....he does nothing but thump angry beats and im not into that shit anymore......

ill never be there again


YOU would have been more cheerful if you'd gotten head.

That is all.


- meli -

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