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Why are we attacking Iraq???

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not that i have a problem with taking out the Satan fucking fucker, but do we have any clear agenda there? just read in NY Times that the Iraq campaign is very likely. Its not that easy to take him out, and i just dont see what direct results we can get that will make us more secure. sure hes got ICBMs and SCUDs, but do we have a concrete plan on how we are going to do this? who will be his replacement? i dont want our boys coming home in bags.

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i'm sure the United States has a plan. We have plans for everything. Secondly, the gov't never reveals our plan of action to the public, so I'm kinda lost in that respect. I guarantee Iraq had some dealing w/ the WTC attack, no doubt. If we don't dismantle the terrorist network we're only setting ourselves up. I think its a good move by the administration because right now they have world-wide backing. Why not go w/ the momentum and kill two birds w/ one stone. Saddam is more evil than bin laden. Either case they're all sick f*cks, but we shoulda taken him out a long time ago.

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well what do you consider success?? the death of saddam?? the US is responsible for the poor state their in right now. Classified gov't reports have been leaked about desert storm. we killed the entire iraqi army. prob around 20,000 plus soldiers. we bombed them as they were running away from us. they're losing

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Originally posted by clubgodraver

well what do you consider success?? the death of saddam?? the US is responsible for the poor state their in right now. Classified gov't reports have been leaked about desert storm. we killed the entire iraqi army. prob around 20,000 plus soldiers. we bombed them as they were running away from us. they're losing

Umm, ok, the U.S. is partly to blame for the mess Iraq is in now. But if we didn't intervene, Iraq would be muscling around Kuwait, Iran, and a host of other Arab countries... Why u ask: Saddam ruling with an iron fist.

He rules because people in his country fear him. He rules partly due to history (as a child, he rose against a faulty gov't) He rules b/c he has brainwashed the poor people of his nation just like Osama brainwashed his followers.

If President Bush walked out of the white house everymorning firing a gun to the sky, i'd bow too:eek:

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Iraq is basically target practice for us and we get to try out our new equipment on them to see how it works...the Stealths??? well the first time they were put to use was when we first smacked them around under Bush Sr.

Basically they we running % stats on all the Stealths and capabilities and gettig valuable combat information. Then they revised them a little and now they rock.. The Stealths were only getting around a 70-80% success rate back then....not too good.

As for Mr Saddam himself...we just keep going arond him...if we take him out, the successor will be one of his sons....let me tell you, you think Saddam is insane, his fucking kids are 100 times worse.

His boys murdered their brother in laws execution style.

At the ages of 12 and 16 (could be a little off on the ages) the two boys went into the *chamber* where they have been harboring the old regime prisoners that were put there when Saddam *siezed* control.

The two boys went down with two security guards and pulled the two former high-ranking officials stood them up and unloaded every fucking clip that had on these two. The youngest one, while laughing turns to one of the security guards and says "Do you have any more bullets???"

These kids were brought up under Saddam to be his replacement since they were born. So be careful what you wish for if you want to see Saddam iced.

- Pete


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Okay here is the scoop.

If we did not intervene when that rat towel head invaded Kuwait do you know what would have happened? He would have america and the rest of the world by the balls. Do you remeber when OPEC the greedy fucks that they are cut productions and sent crude oil to the low thirties a barrell range. This fucked Financial markets because they viewed it as a reduction in the bottom line for companies that had to spend more for fuel. See this is my point exactly people view our policies of the middle east as unfair. The real story is these countries for the most part are extremeley jealous of us and would stop at nothing to see this American locamotive of an Economy derailed..

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Originally posted by clubgodraver

i'm sure the United States has a plan. We have plans for everything. Secondly, the gov't never reveals our plan of action to the public, so I'm kinda lost in that respect. I guarantee Iraq had some dealing w/ the WTC attack, no doubt. If we don't dismantle the terrorist network we're only setting ourselves up. I think its a good move by the administration because right now they have world-wide backing. Why not go w/ the momentum and kill two birds w/ one stone. Saddam is more evil than bin laden. Either case they're all sick f*cks, but we shoulda taken him out a long time ago.

Wow, full of assumptions aren't we? If you're so sure that the gov't always has a great, efficient plan of action, explain to me Vietnam. :blown: Furthermore, if you're so sure Iraq was involved as to guarantee it (when you've already admitted that you're not aware of any more than the rest of us), how would you feel if you were judged by such a standard for a hideous crime you didn't commit?:blown:

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yeah!!!bomb the hell outta them!!!

what next?!?

you heard that they got like 15 people detained in singapore cuz they were gonna bomb the embassy there!!!lets bomb the hell out of singapore too!!

what next!!!


what next!!!


don't you see this cycle will never stop? killing brings on more killing. think of all the mothers and their children that are dying too. i don't know what the answer is but do you think bombing iraq and killin hussein is the solution? when is going to stop? its okay for all us to say to say bomb them. we go clubbin every weekend, smokin, drinkin, rollin, gettin k'ed out while other people are fighting this war for us. our lives aren't on the line. i don't want mine to be. my life on this planet with my family is short enuff.

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Enough of the violence. Who the hell gave the US the green light to be the world's policeman? What I think is funny is that a while ago a former US president made a speech after the Cold War about how the US didn't want to be put in that position, yet they are acting like it now. What is this government trying to do, eradicate the world of all evil according to how it views it? What bullshit. Whether the US goes to Iraq or Somalia or Chechnya, doesn't matter, what matters is HOW they do it,and why they do it. Quoting Wu Tang, you kill me, another motherfucker will rise from the gutter.

It will never end.

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Originally posted by aphelion

Wow, full of assumptions aren't we? If you're so sure that the gov't always has a great, efficient plan of action, explain to me Vietnam. :blown: Furthermore, if you're so sure Iraq was involved as to guarantee it (when you've already admitted that you're not aware of any more than the rest of us), how would you feel if you were judged by such a standard for a hideous crime you didn't commit?:blown:

well we did have a plan for vietnam, but it was shitty...and the end result we are all aware of. When I said I guaranteed Iraq had something to do w/ it, I wasn't saying "lets bomb lots of innocent people" I was saying that terrorist cells exist under Saddam, and these cells pose a threat to our livelihood. It seems nearly an impossibility that cells in Iraq had absolutely nothing to do w/ the WTC attacks. Secondly, I'm not generalizing that the entire country of Iraq is made up of terrorist extremists. I am saying that these cells do exist. There is no way around that fact. We should take those cells out starting w/ Saddam. He poisons his people into believing America is evil. Its a never-ending cycle. Kids grow up hating Americans, join terrorist organizations, plot against the US, and take our citizens lives. It has to stop somewhere and I think that should be the goal of this administration. I am not one of those radicals who says "bomb all the fuckers w/ nukes" lol... All I believe is that something has to be done to stop terrorism and Bush is taking a step in the right direction.

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Originally posted by sassa

Enough of the violence. Who the hell gave the US the green light to be the world's policeman? What I think is funny is that a while ago a former US president made a speech after the Cold War about how the US didn't want to be put in that position, yet they are acting like it now. What is this government trying to do, eradicate the world of all evil according to how it views it? What bullshit. Whether the US goes to Iraq or Somalia or Chechnya, doesn't matter, what matters is HOW they do it,and why they do it. Quoting Wu Tang, you kill me, another motherfucker will rise from the gutter.

It will never end.

I agree w/ the fact that violence spurs more violence. But in this instance US soil was attacked by a bunch of cowards targetting civilians. What alternative measures do you propose than taking out the Al-queda network??

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ok, first off kuwait was part of iraq . Kuwait was an artificially created state by GB, same as with Afghanistan and pakistan. It was basiclly created so GB would not have to put all the manpower needed to keep iraq under control but still have acess to the oil. I think Irq had every right to be pissed. How is US handling the sollution? the embargo directly killed half a million children. When madlin allbright was asked this, she said that there is always a price to pay. In the mean time, iraq is still stocking up on biological weapons, and it kicked all the UN inspectors out. Im not sure how u could consider this a sucesfull intervention.

ok, now about somalia... US retreated their asses. US military is only planes and ships. Whenever we had to send in ground troops we failed.. miserably. Somalia, Vietnam. Now US is trying to get germany to send ground troops in there.

umm.. waht else, oh the support of the northern alliance? thats exactly what we did vs the russians. US supoorted taliban, gave em weapons and trainging. The northern alliance is not exactly our friend, and Im preatty sure they wont like what US is doing in the middle east either.

I dont know, the enitre so called war on terrorism its like a war on drugs. Doesnt matter how much money and man power u spend on it, you dont even stand a chance in reducing it. who is a terrorist exactly?

think of Israel and Palestine? is it palestine for trying to take back their country? IS it israel for trying to take back their country?

wahtever, this hole thing.. its gonna eventually backfire, thats my problem. Im preatty sure the war is gonna end as soon as bush steps out of office anyway.

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Somalia was a defeat never. Don't beleive everything you hear. The 18 U.S men that were dragged in the streets were aboard a helicopter that crashed. Have a little faith in the Armed Forces or else you will have a raging headache when the Laundry heads come and take over your house and force you to wear a turbin

in the name of ISLAM.


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Somalia was not a defeat....the mission on October 3rd was to capture 2 of Aidid's top guys and they did that....it was Clinton and Lake that screwed over those soldiers by not giving them any armor(tanks, apcs, gunships)...most of those soldiers wanted to stay and finish the job.....the amount of life lost on the part of the Somali's was ALOT greater.....all 18 didnt die in a helicopter crash

All people remember about that is the soldiers body being dragged through the streets. There is a whole other story as to what happened in Somalia. Read "Black Hawk Down" by Mark Bowden and then try to tell someone that Somalia was a defeat......

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Originally posted by clubgodraver

I was saying that terrorist cells exist under Saddam, and these cells pose a threat to our livelihood. It seems nearly an impossibility that cells in Iraq had absolutely nothing to do w/ the WTC attacks. Secondly, I'm not generalizing that the entire country of Iraq is made up of terrorist extremists. I am saying that these cells do exist. There is no way around that fact. We should take those cells out starting w/ Saddam

the us has had 1 casualty of war against afgan. why do you think that is??we didn't really fight that much. we did a bunch of fly bys. the northern alliance did most of the the footwork. maybe we can hire them to fight iraq too. i think if we ask really really nice they'll fight that war for us too.

we should be scared as hell of what can be a possible outcome of our war against terrorism. i think bush is and he is aware of what may or may not happen. i think that is why he broke the 30 year old pact. what happened in nyc would amount to peanuts if all of these countries got together and actually got their hands on a nuke. how do you suggest we retaliate against a nuke going off in one of our cities? add 3 zeros to the amount that died in wtc. do we then commit genocide against a whole race or religion? will that stop terrorism?

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