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Mugz final post (goodbye NYC!)

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Well, all fun things come to an end eventually.

And so it has come that I've reached a dead end in NYC

with many situations..

(I wont bore you with self wallowing

and self pity and so I wont get into details..)

I WILL just say that I've met some of thee most

unique, passionate, friendliest and all around

great clubheads within my short stay on CP..

I remained loyal to this board because

of it's ever changing roster of personas..

When I first found CP (Before all the message boards

broke and divided into separate universes and "sides")

I was hated..harassed..quarreled with..threatened

and abused. HELL I DESERVED IT!

It was all too much fun to watch people

yell at a dork that called himself a

"Mugwump" from Mugwumpia and

talked to his hoochie poochie

sexy bitch jenny (A female dog with blue hair)..

Ohhhh the good old days of "Mugbashing"

and Mugwumpian drama..

then everything changed..

those that left to other boards



and new wonderful meetups,

gatherings and many a drunken nights

of Lounge hopping surfaced..


I thanks you for being there..

I thank you all for being my virtual friends..

for reading me and taking a side step

into exploring "the other"..

Showing up to parties I promoted that went beyond the standard

door lists and velvet ropes (Dumbo, FUN, breaks parties, PS1,


I hope that spirit of exploration for MORE

stays with you all..

There's nothing wrong with the usual BIG NAME DJ at


Don't settle for the same old thing every weekend


I will miss you all.

I have grown very fond of many of you..

I will be moving from the GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD VERY SOON

and I take a million nights on hundreds of dance floors

with some of the best memories of my life.


over and out...

(((LAST HUGZ))))


aka: MUGZ

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Originally posted by exit2heaven

Its about fucking time.......J/k....r u serious....where the hell u going man...

starting over...

faaarrr away..

where I can start with a clean slate..

New faces..

new places..

less drama..

Better quality of living..

More breaks..

more Trip hop..

more nights of DJ Shadow..


less glam...

no dress codes..


where people don't care how you look

and judge you on "YOU"

the person..

The mind behind the body..

Where I can finally detatch myself

from my mistakes..

from all the people I've hurt

and hopefully

where I can finaly forget about

my once owned dog..

the only love of my life

and where I can make money to survive.

I am going back to MUGWUMPIA..

Perhaps I'll send a post card from time to time.

Take care you'all!

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I'm really sorry to hear this.

There will definitely be a void in clubland, and especially in CP land.

Good luck where ever you're going and make sure to drop in every once in a while. (they have computers on mugwumpia, right?)

I hope you know that I wish you nothing but the best.



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It was nice to meet you MuGz... Papa smurf aka George will remember you and your original flava for sometime:D

I wish you the best in all future endeavors and will take your advice home with me...

Don't settle for the same old thing every weekend ...EXPLORE


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. . .Maudy, you can't leave . . NY is pain . . I understand this . . but there is hope . . . and plus, you're an individual, a character rather than an automaton . . :( . . .

. . . But I do understand if it's time . . .

. . maybe you do have to build your legend somewhere else . . but always remember. . you already built one here . .



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Mugz.... it was really nice to finally meet you and I had alot of fun chilling with you the few times I got to. Although I hate to see you leave (as well as many others) I just want to say good luck on your future endeavors and that you will be greatly missed. Don't forget about us CPers and keep in touch!! ::hugz::


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:eek::jawdrop: :jawdrop: :eek:

WTF?!?! mugz, ive only met u twice, but u are def a cool guy..i wish we could have talked more. but in the little amount of itme we did talk, i could see u were a down-to-earth guy (even though ur from mugwumpia). u'll def be missed. best of luck in whatever it is u are doing now....i hope it all works out. peace brother. ;)

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Originally posted by mugwump

When I first found CP (Before all the message boards

broke and divided into separate universes and "sides")

I was hated..harassed..quarreled with..threatened

and abused. HELL I DESERVED IT!

It was all too much fun to watch people

yell at a dork that called himself a

"Mugwump" from Mugwumpia and

talked to his hoochie poochie

sexy bitch jenny (A female dog with blue hair)..

Ohhhh the good old days of "Mugbashing"

and Mugwumpian drama..

Oh man did I hate your posts, lol. But I loved meeting you and chillin with you numerous times after that. You'll be missed. Good luck with everything bro.

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the first time i met mugz... we are chilling at PS1... pretty fucked up and enjoying the scene. :) there was a faint smell of weed in the air, drinking that dark beer, listening to some awesome tunes and enjoying the summer months.

Another person: hi, this is maudy.

maudy: are you on the boards?

stacychase: yeah i am stacychase

maudy: i am mugz

i than almost jumped in your lap and gave you the biggest hugz ever! i look over your shoulder and there is shuga jumping up and down going thats mugz, thats mugz!!!!

i have some great memories of those PS1 days and some really cool pics. :) thanks for sharing! stay true and always take care of you!!!!

bear hugs and big smooches.....


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Maudy, and SbJ you made me cry with your sentiment, reflection, and nortec prose. Good luck in your future endeavors. You will be missed terribly. THanks for putting up with me.

We are like apples and oranges like you once said, but emotion drives us both.


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