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Ground Zero not a circus attraction!!!

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I was so upset when I was reading this in the newspaper this morning!! Theya re giving out 2 tickets for people to view this!!! This is not for amusement people died here. Peoples souls and ashes are there they deserve to rest and have peace. Not people constantly being over there and looking at it!! What kind of fucking attraction is that to know that thousands of people have died there and there remains are still in the ground????

This gets me so fucking pissed off!!

Then with all the selling of flags t-shirts ect. People made so much money off of this tragedy!! Everything is a fucking marketing ploy nowadays !!! Fucking propoganda everywhere I am so sick of it then to boot they have to keep mentioning Sept 11 everyday if it is the radio newspaper TV!! Let these people rest already!!!!!

It is a very very sad world we live in:(

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That place is not a tourist attraction. It is for the family and friends of the victims to visit and get some closure. It should not be for the gereral public. I am an emergency service worker and i feel for the victms familys. Its not right that the familys should have to wait in line and be stuck in crowds when they go to visit.

Only people who lost direct relatives and co workers should be allowed to visit.

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I work a block away...

you should see some of the people that I see down there...

families, tourists..etc...

little kids screaming..we want to see ground zero.....

its fuckin Disgusting...

I swear one of these days Im gonna flip out and beat the shit out of one of them....

these people who travel from Idaho and what not, dont really know what went down here, they didnt witness it first hand, they didnt lose anyone in there......

every morning I have to deal with seeing all these fuckin idiots, its only a matter of time before there is another attack down there,

ME attacking some of these fuckin people that have absolutely no respect for what happened.....

and I too miss Casey(BlueAngel), and i will continue to every day for the rest of my life:(

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:mad: i'M W/ u all on this .. i go to skewl @ PACE .. a whole 3 blocks away... i wasnt @ skewl yet when it happened, but i was on my way. None the less for those who had to spend time in lower manhattan rite after the tragedy you know what i went thru as well ... the smell you noticed as soon as the train hit the first stop in manhattan commin in from bklyn, getting off the train and seeing this beige color dust on EVERYTHING including ppl. Windows broken into store fronts - streets looking as if it were a war zone ... (which it was in a sense) Government officials walking around in suits as if they were taking off for the moon, for at least 3 months the smell was in the air soo strongly.. maybe now i just dont notice it anymore .. bc im sure it has not disapeared ... these ppl stand and wait on line as if its a rollercoaster they are anticipating to ride ... have they no sense or dignity ... id personally be ASHAMED to ever dare stand in that line. They should be shot :blown: for just contemplating to stand in that line, not to mention buying suveniors. We have stripped ourselves of our own morals.

Question is ... how do we reverse what has happened to US ?:confused:

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9.11.01 R.I.P. REMEMBER THE SWEET 16!!!!!!!!! LOCAL #3 I.B.E.W (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

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i can't bring myself to go down there at all

someone told me they went 2 months ago and tourists were taking pictures!!!WHAT THE FUCK!!!GO TO A FUCKING CEMENTERY AND TAKE PICTURES!!!

still get tears in my eyes thinkin about that day..almost lost my aunt there..she was on the 27th floor and made it to jersey before the first building collapsed..but i didn't find out til hours because the phone lines were all tied up

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People are not trying to disrespect it, they are trying to see it first hand to take in the tragedy that took place, any memorial is viewed by millions of people, and although there is no official memorial, in a sense, that is what ground zero is. I know people that passed away on Sept. 11th as do a lot of you, however, I don't take it as a personnal sign of disrespect, I think people are using this to build patriotism, something that this country lost a long time ago. And as far as the tickets, its not to make it like an amusement park, its to keep things orderly and safe.

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Originally posted by jimk29

People are not trying to disrespect it, they are trying to see it first hand to take in the tragedy that took place, any memorial is viewed by millions of people, and although there is no official memorial, in a sense, that is what ground zero is. I know people that passed away on Sept. 11th as do a lot of you, however, I don't take it as a personnal sign of disrespect, I think people are using this to build patriotism, something that this country lost a long time ago. And as far as the tickets, its not to make it like an amusement park, its to keep things orderly and safe.

I agree I dont see it as people trying to disrespect it. What I dont agree with is them selling tickets, I mean if its free tickets to keep ppl in order then fine, but if theyre making money than its ridiculous.

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I went down there with my family a few weeks ago just to put some closure to that day. I felt it was my responsibility to see what I had not seen that morning. I came into work @ 38th & Lex that morning just when both of the planes crashed. When I finally got to leave, I didn't see anything but huge clouds of smoke. I was absolutely terrified of how I was to leave Manhattan though, and when I got on the ferry that day to cross over to NJ, my mouth just dropped in furor that something so tragic had happened right under my nose. For weeks afterwards, I felt the anxiety that something could happen again... and to know that I live closer to the WTC than I work freaked me out.

I didn't lose anyone close, but I feel for all those who did. I still think about that morning when I looked at the people who boarded the PATH to WTC just a few minutes before everything happened. Sometimes I wish it were me on that train.

I had a hard time when my mother wanted to take pictures of Ground Zero. She just didn't get it. And the foreigners too... just didn't get it. My eyes welled up with tears. Everytime I think about that day... I feel like crying. The people of NY and metro NY have suffered a lot of anxiety and stress and continue to deal with it. I wish people would respect that and the enormous loss of lives that we lost to terrorism.

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I think it comes down to one's personal attitude towards what they're going to see.

Personally, I want to go down there and see the site. Anyone who knows me knows that I'd go there for my personal contemplation and it's my own philosophical meanderings that I have about this tragedy that attractes me to the site. Anyone who goes on vacation with me will know that I never take pictures...in fact I never behave like a tourist. Ground Zero would not be some sort of sightseeing trip for me. One should go there to contemplate and to pay their respects.

On the other hand, I do believe that going there to "check out the spectacle" is very disrespectful. What Andy said about some kid screaming "we want to see gound zero" made me rather sick. This site is important to New Yorkers and especially to those who lost loved ones (R.I.P. Blueangel).

It's not wrong to see ground zero. But ground zero should be treated with no less respect and approached with no less solemnity than a tomb, because that's what it is.

Those who goes there and can't appreciate that thought can go fuck themselves.

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Originally posted by vision

i can't bring myself to go down there at all

someone told me they went 2 months ago and tourists were taking pictures!!!WHAT THE FUCK!!!GO TO A FUCKING CEMENTERY AND TAKE PICTURES!!!

still get tears in my eyes thinkin about that day..almost lost my aunt there..she was on the 27th floor and made it to jersey before the first building collapsed..but i didn't find out til hours because the phone lines were all tied up

. . . about 2 weeks after it happened, I to succumbed to curiosity and decided to go down there while hanging out with an old friend from Florida in the city . . .

. . . It was pretty odd to say the least . . morbid actually . . We got to about 2 blocks away from ground zero and all I can say is . . if you ever wanted to jack someone with expensive camera equipment. . that was the time to do it . . This was TWO WEEKS after the atrocity and New Yorkers (and a HEALTHY population of tourists) were snapping away like there was no tomorrow . .

. . It irked me . . I mean, I'm guilty of gawking at it . . but these people were dumping roll after roll of film into their cameras and shooting the scene . .

. . We stared for about 10 mins and then walked down to battery park . . . All the police and relief/rescue workers were using the park as their cool down spot . . I've never seen so many broken looks in my entire life . . . :( . . .

. . . Now they're selling tickets . . .

: In the Marketplace :

Through generations of steel and sweat,

Came hardship of uneqal bound,

Through innovation we mounted sky's platform,

Laughing at the low Earth. .

Who amongst the Outcasts can bring us fall,

Who amongst can fell the growing season of trades destiny. .

Arcs of steel defying gravity in stubborn opposition,

To the very law that created the builders hammer. . .

The Marketplace shudders with hemmoraging wounds,

Falling to one knee in awed shock,

At security granted on false pretenses. .

The Marketplace falters on self-delusion,

showing herself in self-aggrandizing bravado,

Only rivaled by robber-kings and despots past,

Comforted by false hope and hollow piety. . .

The Marketplace is scattered by shock of reality,

Drenched in the cold water of self-righteous evil,

Assailed by rhetoric of lands far away . .

The Marketplace has died a thousand deaths,

Scattered like shards of glass in a shockwave,

Soon to be reborn as pieces melt,

And coalesce,

And fuse,

So that once again the cycle of trade,

Will build once more . . .


. . Gooooo Hairless Monkeys!!!! . . .

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human nature is strange. you can't stop people from being curious. death and violence seems to fascinate our society - look at what's on tv and in the movies. so i guess what i'm saying is, i'm not surprised. and just because someone is from Idaho, doesn't mean they didn't lose somebody. they may be drawn to the sight and want to see where their loved one died in order to get closure. there's just a myriad of reasons why people want to go. even though the tragedy affected new yorkers the very most, you'd be surprised how much it's still covered daily in all forms of media in cities all over the country.

there's one thing that i saw that annoyed me - a guy with a hat on that says "ground zero" - like he's super cool or something for wearing it. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by shugabooga

human nature is strange. you can't stop people from being curious. death and violence seems to fascinate our society - look at what's on tv and in the movies.

Yeah but the difference with what you see on TV and in the movies is that it's not real per se.. TV sublimates the tragedy into something whismical. Even with that, CNN had the good taste of not running footage of the crashes after a certain point. People may not be able to help but be curious, awed, and even impressed by what they see on TV, but they are supposed to have the sensibility to realize that it's a real tragedy with real consequences for a lot of people, and to see that their outlook offends everyone involved.

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i hear what you are saying.....to be honest i wanna go see but i gotta make it there. WHAT I REALLY CANT STAND is people using the sept 11th incident as a reason for excuse....for example my bros boss is didnt give an xmas party or the monthly gift certifiates casue he said sept 11t hurt his business....bull shit they are busier now and he opened another restaurant thats not doing well so he dicks the employees...typical.....

my mechanic is waiting for a new program for the inspection machine that was soppose to be in last march and they are blaming it on sept 11th...come on now......that makes me sick....

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Originally posted by synderella420

I was so upset when I was reading this in the newspaper this morning!! Theya re giving out 2 tickets for people to view this!!! This is not for amusement people died here. Peoples souls and ashes are there they deserve to rest and have peace. Not people constantly being over there and looking at it!! What kind of fucking attraction is that to know that thousands of people have died there and there remains are still in the ground????

This gets me so fucking pissed off!!

Then with all the selling of flags t-shirts ect. People made so much money off of this tragedy!! Everything is a fucking marketing ploy nowadays !!! Fucking propoganda everywhere I am so sick of it then to boot they have to keep mentioning Sept 11 everyday if it is the radio newspaper TV!! Let these people rest already!!!!!

It is a very very sad world we live in:(

couldnt have said it better myself :(

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my building is the WFC, directly across the street. we are missing parts or our building, however we are working on trying to make it useable again. i work down in that building 3 -4 times per week and everytime i pass a window, i look at the sight with horror. than i also look across and see the platform and millions of flashing light bulbs. everyone deals with tragedy in different ways and some people have a need to see things like this. this was a national tragedy, not just something that happened to new york and we are all dealing with our grief in a different way.

do i agree with the platforms and the tickets, no.... however each of us has a different perspective and different need. for some looking at the sight brings closure and healing.

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