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lol. i hate to bitch BUT, i want to know why men feel the need to play games.

anyone ever get into the situation where you meet someone and everything is great, you want to be together ALL the time and there are NO games, but then over a short period of time the whole situation gets convoluted to the point where someone has the upper hand?

then the games begin.

is there a way to stop this from happening or salvage a relationship where you can feel it is happening/about to happen?? or is it best to abort early on and save yourself some agony? :confused:

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games suck, not to mention they make you miserable. my esperience has been that certain people are more likely to play games in a relationship and that it is usually directly corelated to their confidence/personality.

i've been in a few relationships where games ruled everything, where everything you did became a power play to establish control. i don't know why some relationships manage to avoid them and others don't.

in the last couple of relationships i haven't experienced that at all, i think it may have to do with having grown up, i've learnt from past relationships what it is that i want, i'm more open with my feelings and communicate better. for whatever reason this seems to have had a positive effect on them, they're more fun, easier to deal with and a hell of a lot less stressful.

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Man..this topic has been discussed so much.. I don't know why that shit happens hun. Why is it so good and then all of a sudden games begin? Who knows if any of us will be able to answer this, maybe it is human nature?:confused:

LOL, i know its a played out topic but its slowly happening to me...

it really sux, i tried to confront the situation this weekend with no luck. he got very defensive before i got to fully state my point :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by somebitch

i tried to confront the situation this weekend with no luck. he got very defensive before i got to fully state my point :rolleyes:

Both people in a relationship need to listen, even if they do not agree. Aside from listening, learning to try and change what is bothering the other person, even when you think your right... is also part of being in a mature relationship.

I personally think your right!

If he can't handle listening to you, then that is a serious early sign of things to come!



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Originally posted by somebitch

LOL, i know its a played out topic but its slowly happening to me...

it really sux, i tried to confront the situation this weekend with no luck. he got very defensive before i got to fully state my point :rolleyes:

Well see, when I'm in that type of situation I usually just walk away.....

I can't explain what goes on in their pedley heads....I mean....I'm in the same sort of boat with someone I wasn't even seeing yet. It was all good fun and a bunch of good chit chat.... In my mind I cleared the table of any expectations (cause those are just trouble) and was just liking this person. Then BAM.....he just starts to get bigtime WIERDO on me....I can't even explain it, but it's like he put me at this safe little distance so he wouldn't feel an ounce of anything for me.....

Guys preach about how important a real girl is...blah blah blah...but when they're faced with it, they really just can't deal with it.

Normally I would just go on with whatever and not even deal with the chaos....but this person, when he wasn't being FREAK NASTY, was pretty genuine from what I saw.....so now I'm just like.......:confused:

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Originally posted by somebitch

LOL, i know its a played out topic but its slowly happening to me...

it really sux, i tried to confront the situation this weekend with no luck. he got very defensive before i got to fully state my point :rolleyes:

GET YOUR POINT ACROSS!!! no matter how hard...trust me u will feel better in the end!! hit him over the head with something if needed!!! i know *exactly* what u r going through...your first post described a recent situation i had almost exactly!!! seriously...not making it clear where u r coming from can only make it worse! and if he freaks from your honesty then he was probably too immature for u anyway....don't make yourself miserable for someone else!!

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Originally posted by somebitch

LOL, i know its a played out topic but its slowly happening to me...

it really sux, i tried to confront the situation this weekend with no luck. he got very defensive before i got to fully state my point :rolleyes:

try using a baseball bat

if it doesnt work, at least you'll get out some of your frustration

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