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Moral Dilemma!~?~!~? whats your view on this???


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True story BTW:

okay picture this... there's a young teenager lets say 16-17yrs. old. Who has cancer... the doctors tell him he has X amount of time to live... i think it was like 6months or so... In any event... being ill, and bed ridden didnt allow him to do the things guys of that age normally do, or experience... So his last dying wish was to have sex and not die a virgin... so a couple days before he died (coincedently i dont think they pulled the plug on him once he came but...) so the hospital staff sneaks him out, gets him to a hooker, bangs the balls off her... (im assuming.) and then dies... after he dies some how it comes out that this was done... Now heres the dilemma... Keep in mind the kids a minor and prostitution is illegal. Now the parents want to take action against the hospital and i guess the hooker and whatever else.

Now lets all pretend were Judge Milian for a second. (or whatever judge you love at the moment) Is what the hospital staff and kid done wrong? and should they be punished or do you think what they have done is right and should be overlooked?

I think we can guess what my answer is going to be... and it is...

I dont think they did anything wrong... they gave the kid his last dying wish, he died as happy as he could be, and no harm no foul. Now what do ya'll think???

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by barvybe

well, the kids friends (who would also be minors) should have hooked it up (no pun intended) and brought the girly in as a regular visitor. The hospital coulda just looked the other way.

everyone deserves to die happy.

exactly there is nothing wrong with getting the kid laid.. but they should not of done this themselves. They should of let it happen but not arrange for the hooker.. have the kids parents or friends handle that part of it

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I'm glad the kid got laid. This reminds of a a couple of years ago when the make-a-wish foundation made the headlines. This young boy with luekemia wanted to go hunting and shoot a deer before he passed away. The foundation frowned upon the idea of hunting, but they continued to allow little kids to have sleepovers at Michael Jackson's ranch. Hhhmmmm?

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Originally posted by glowdancer

well prostitution is illegal

so the hospital should face charges for that

simply because u cant start making exceptions where breaking the law is ok, even if it is someone's dying wish

"Shes a cold hearted snake!!! look into her eyes...uh oh"

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Originally posted by barvybe

well, the kids friends (who would also be minors) should have hooked it up (no pun intended) and brought the girly in as a regular visitor. The hospital coulda just looked the other way.

everyone deserves to die happy.

he didnt have any friends, since he was always sick and in the hospital... his friends were the staff...

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