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90-day minumum jail sentence for being under the influence of MDMA

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I found this on www.dancesafe.com


Jan 9, 2001 - New Anti-Ecstasy bill in CA

Imposes 90-day minumum jail sentence for being under the influence of MDMA.

A bill currently in the California state legislature would impose, among other increased penalties, a 90-day minimum jail term for merely being under the influence of Ecstasy. This bill has dire implications for harm rediction, and sets a disturbing precedent in prohibiting the actual use, as opposed to the posession, of a controlled substance.

Please take a minute to go to DRCnet and send a letter to your legislators telling them what you think. This is especially important if you live in California.

You can read more about the bill and what it means at GetActive and The Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics.


All I have to say is - I am glad I don't live in CA or a lot of us would be having CP meetups in jail!!

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OK...thats gonna be really hard to enforce...."Excuse me sir, I want to give u a random drug test so I can sentence yout o jail for 90 days".....Then your basically gonna arrest 90% of exit or 50% of SF........then again....fuck pills...pills suck.......if your gonan do drugs....just blaze

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after E they are gonna go right after Weed man... soon ur not gonna be able to drink water fast cause the lack of oxygen may cause a sudden head rush... fuck that! Governments war on drugs please! do u have ANY idea how much money the fuckin police make on drugs... all those corrupt dealings and shit they grab a buncha pill push em to some druggie and get a decent wad for em. I'm not talking about all cops but you read some of these articles about these Narcotics officers on the take in last months time (was in a dentist office) and it really makes you think.

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Plenty of drug arrests in my town, are completely down key and played off.

For example this kid i know, had over 2g's worth of cash, tons of cocaine, a loaded gun(not registered), and crack that he was making in his kitchen.

They charged him with possession of a weapon, and 1 gram of cocaine.

I wonder where the rest went! :confused:

(and thats just one incident)

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Originally posted by wildangel

Relax. The bill was passed in Cali, not NY. I doubt it would have a chance in this state.

Actually, I wouldnt be too surprised if it did pass in NY. We are the only state in the country that prohibits using your cell phone while driving.....

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Every state will soon follow suit with the cell phone Law................Wildangel your sig. lizards are buggin me out!!

OMG... why did you point that out. Now they're buggin' me out too... must turn gaze away....

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

after E they are gonna go right after Weed man... soon ur not gonna be able to drink water fast cause the lack of oxygen may cause a sudden head rush... fuck that! Governments war on drugs please! do u have ANY idea how much money the fuckin police make on drugs... all those corrupt dealings and shit they grab a buncha pill push em to some druggie and get a decent wad for em. I'm not talking about all cops but you read some of these articles about these Narcotics officers on the take in last months time (was in a dentist office) and it really makes you think.

i agree.

government is fucked up... that law would be hard to enforce anyway...

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Originally posted by jbocc10

i agree.

government is fucked up... that law would be hard to enforce anyway...

hahahah i can only imagine...

oink: excuse me sir, you'll have to come with me, you're suspected of being under the influence of MDMA.

cRackKiDy: d00d wha me?!? No way man wooohooo. How do ya even know?

oink: you're too happy and friendly right now, you look like you're having too good of a time, and that's just not normal.


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Originally posted by djustinh

Plenty of drug arrests in my town, are completely down key and played off.

For example this kid i know, had over 2g's worth of cash, tons of cocaine, a loaded gun(not registered), and crack that he was making in his kitchen.

They charged him with possession of a weapon, and 1 gram of cocaine.

I wonder where the rest went! :confused:

(and thats just one incident)

98% chance that he is now a police informant in exchage for a light sentence

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We are the only state in the country that prohibits using your cell phone while driving.....

The only state, perhaps, but many local laws have the same or similar effect. For example, in San Diego, CA, you may only use a hands-free kit while driving.

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Originally posted by crobra

I found this on www.dancesafe.com


Jan 9, 2001 - New Anti-Ecstasy bill in CA

Imposes 90-day minumum jail sentence for being under the influence of MDMA.

A bill currently in the California state legislature would impose, among other increased penalties, a 90-day minimum jail term for merely being under the influence of Ecstasy. This bill has dire implications for harm rediction, and sets a disturbing precedent in prohibiting the actual use, as opposed to the posession, of a controlled substance.

Please take a minute to go to DRCnet and send a letter to your legislators telling them what you think. This is especially important if you live in California.

You can read more about the bill and what it means at GetActive and The Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics.


All I have to say is - I am glad I don't live in CA or a lot of us would be having CP meetups in jail!!

Yeah, let's just lock up more non-violent drug offenders. What a joke.

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