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The truth about Miami dresscodes.....


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I go out a lot. I stay out for many hours. Some nights I dont feel like wearing pants, shoes....some nights i want to wear sweat pants and sneakers....Ive been to clubs in NYC where you could wear whatever.....but, the sad truth is:

This is Miami..most clubs inact a dresscode for 2 different purposes....one is to maintain a "trendy" atmosphere...the other reason is that when a club does not be selective in regards to the appearance of thier patrons, one thing is bound to happen.....yeah, all of DT's peaceful, music loving clubbers will come to have a good time in sneakers and sweats...but you know what else happens???---- low life, thugs come to the club and bring with them violence and bad vibes.............

that is a reality....in a round about way the dresscodes actually create a overall safer clubbing experience for all....when i go out i want to have a good time..not worry about fights, gangs or guns...

This is a unfortunate reality...next time you are at Space...look to see who is getting turned away due to their dress...ill bet a percentage of those people you'd probably glad that they werent inside anyway....

It may not be nice...but its true.....remember this is Miami..

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I have to disagree...

But if you've ever been to Vinyl, Centro-Fly or any of the other NYC clubs with no dress code you know that there is RARELY any violence, i.e. guns, gangs, fights. Sure there are drugs, but that's everywhere. It's always the flashy player clubs like Cheetah and Speeed where you hear about shit goin down. That scene is all about people trying to outdo each other, pick up men/women, whatever.

To me, the people all dressed up seem a little shadier, and you know they aren't as comfortable as the people in track pants and sneaks...the ones who come for the music.

Maybe it's different down there than it is up here...just adding my €2:D

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I have to disagree with you my friend ..

Forget the "trendy atmosphere", I want to hear good music and dance my arse off. The atmosphere should be created as a result of a positive vibe, and the music. As far as being selective of patrons. I’ve observed more low life thugs, dressed in the latest Kenneth Cole, and Betsy Johnson fashions. These are the same low life thugs, that feel compelled to grab women’s arses, over indulge in just about everything, and generally just f*ck up the vibe. in their endless quest to be “trendyâ€. "low lifes" come in various forms.

Dresscodes are outdated, and only work in Miami. thus enhancing Miami’s superficial image.. you couldn’t pull this sh*t in New York, or any other city. Miami needs to drop the “velvet rope philosophyâ€, and get with the program.

It should be about the music, being yourself, and respecting other people. everything else imo is bullsh*t..

nothing personal Gregg, it’s just how I feel.. :)

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Damn it Tony, how dare you disagree with me...j/k.....remember this: 1) this is miami, not NY...2) yes, there are well dressed thugs...3) as in every policy, there are going to be exceptions to the rule...

From a pure violence stand point....ive been to cafe Iguana...(pretty relaxed dresscode...THUS..a specifice crowd)...in one night there were like 7 fights.....Ive been going to space (tight dresscode) for almost 2 years....i dont think ive ever seen a fight there.....

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I think I am the only one in Miami that actually likes the dress code.

I enjoy seeing women in nice looking stuff. And they aren't going to buy some sheer $500 top to wear next to some kid who stole his wardrobe from the Soprano's costume trailer.

But that said, I still think Space has the losest dress code on the beach.

As for the fights and punks, they would do much better to handle it like Crobar. They don't really enforce the dress code there, rather the girl code.

The basic rule should be, if you are not socially addept enough to talk at least one girl into hanging out with you, maybe you should head to club Madonna.

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Originally posted by sgtfury

I go out a lot. I stay out for many hours. Some nights I dont feel like wearing pants, shoes....some nights i want to wear sweat pants and sneakers....Ive been to clubs in NYC where you could wear whatever.....but, the sad truth is:

This is Miami..most clubs inact a dresscode for 2 different purposes....one is to maintain a "trendy" atmosphere...the other reason is that when a club does not be selective in regards to the appearance of thier patrons, one thing is bound to happen.....yeah, all of DT's peaceful, music loving clubbers will come to have a good time in sneakers and sweats...but you know what else happens???---- low life, thugs come to the club and bring with them violence and bad vibes.............

that is a reality....in a round about way the dresscodes actually create a overall safer clubbing experience for all....when i go out i want to have a good time..not worry about fights, gangs or guns...

This is a unfortunate reality...next time you are at Space...look to see who is getting turned away due to their dress...ill bet a percentage of those people you'd probably glad that they werent inside anyway....

It may not be nice...but its true.....remember this is Miami..

disagree too. thugs can't afford $8 beers and $10 drinks and $30 covers.

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I also have to agree with the Miami dress code. If you are going out why wouldn't you want to dress up a bit?

Sorry guys no sympathy for you here just becouse you can't wear sneaks and sweats ????

Try going out in heals and a short skirt and dancing your arse off,

add to that a few drinks or :spin2: and an all nighter (ouch my feet) but its all good.

So in my own selfish little world where I do put in some effort to

look nice, I like to go out where others are styling. :afro:


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you're right, he is a thug but he's considered celebrity status so most of it is comped anyway.

there's nothing wrong with making an effort, however, u can look just as good if not better, than the person wearing slacks, a button up shirt, and roach killers.

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Well Shroomy about what u said about being socially addept doesn't go to well with me cause for some weird reason i can't go up to a girl and talk with them at all. The only time it happened was last Time for DT and that was cause the girl came up to me we dance and chatted for a while and then she dissapeared. But yes i don't mind the dress code that much since i don't like jeans anyways. I just don't think that if people don't like dressing up they shouldn't have to.

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I don't know what the fuss is about dress codes, I've been djing and going to clubs for over 12 years, never had a problem with a dress code, and I always dresss comfortably, Sweats and athetic gear are very comfortable, but there are alot of clothes on the market that are very comfortable, lets get to the real truth, most of the clubs back in the day that people wore the addidas gear to were just short of being crack houses where the only thing happening was people dancing or jumping up and down on dancefloor all night and drinking water, instead of liquor all night long, working up a sweat like they were at the gym or something. the clubs looked at the bottom line and figured they should change the dress code and get a few more drinkers in the clubs so they can pay the bills, maybe that was it, I did enjoy both clubs and trends, but never wore sweats to a club that wasn't on the beach in New Jersey some where. just my humble opinion.

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I'd feel a lot better in a club if I could dress for the sake of dancing. Really, dancing the way we do it......is just flat out aerobic exercise......seems awfully ridiculous to put on a nice shirt, slacks and shoes to go out and do 5 hours of aerobics. That's my point of view.......and probably why, in a place like Key West where I can go out dancing in a tshirt, shorts and sandals, I can dance all night and not really want to stop........yet if I'm here and I go to Crobar and I have to wear a decent pair of shoes and a pair of nice slacks, I'm ready to head for the exits by 2AM......I don't think it's pure coincidence. The dress code makes it harder and less comfortable to dance. And, I don't even really care what the women are dressed in.......to me an attractive woman is an attractive woman, whether she's in ordinary tshirt and shorts, or squeezed into some tiny tight thing that barely covers her butt. Also, maybe it's just me, but I feel that such a relaxed dress code carries over to the vibe of the crowd. I feel so much more relaxed, less uptight when I am dressed comfortably, and everyone else is too. At the dressy places HERE, it's like I'm all nervous and uptight or something......I feel like I'm 13 years old and at a junior high school dance or something where everyone is trying to impress each other.

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well i feel dressing -up for the night is great. you look good you feel good, i am married i dont go out to hook up. I go for the hole x-periance, music, lights, location, Its like going to disney world, YOU PUT ON YOUR LITTLE FURRY SUIT AND AWAY YOU GO( I LOVE IT):D :D :D :D :D :D :D ask any one who know's me i always wear a smile.its my release

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