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Johnny Vicious = Tony Draper

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Originally posted by nyc420

Checked out the Roxy and Vicious Fri night and was very dissapointed. His track selection and mixing was terrible. Got there around 2:45 and he dropped some shitty ass SF tracks, then went straight into Rapture around 3:15. I understand if he was "playing to the crowd" cause it was the cheesiest/youngest crowd I have ever sceen. But c'mon, I expected much more. Thank god we left and went to Vinyl so I could dance to some real music...:smoke:

Steve, you fuckin RAWK!!!


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That wasnt vintage JV this past Friday. But if it was your first time hearing him, I would say give him another shot. Maybe he's still trying to find the right sound for the room or he's trying to change his style, but its not the Vicious that you heard at Tunnel or SF. I think he needs to bring that style that he had at SF because what he did there was nuts. He would fuck around with a song for half an hour before he would would bring it in. Plus the fact that a good majority of the people that go to Roxy now came over from Factory Fridays. Vicious is still my favorite dj and he plays some sick ass trance when he's on. I just hope he brings it this week.......

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Yeah johnny vicious definately needs to improve next week. What was up with all those damn vocals?? and most of them were real old...like whitney houston (forgot the song, but it was like over 2 years old) He didnt really impress me at all this friday. Last time I seen jv was at tunnel which he was good. What was up with the two hip hop songs too??? "Like whoa" and another....hello???? am here to hear dance music not hiphop. I just thought that was his last song when he put that hip hop song, sometimes dj play weird songs their last one. I only liked like 3 songs or so... He def needs to get harder than that, cuz let me tell u I rather hear draper anytime if johnny continues wiht his old songs and his 2500000000 vocals. No matter what when I go to exit I dance all nite after 3am. He was kinda disappointing. WHere the hard beats at Johnny??? Show us how it was at tunnel this coming friday at roxy :D;)

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20

Yeah johnny vicious definately needs to improve next week. What was up with all those damn vocals?? and most of them were real old...like whitney houston (forgot the song, but it was like over 2 years old) He didnt really impress me at all this friday. Last time I seen jv was at tunnel which he was good. What was up with the two hip hop songs too??? "Like whoa" and another....hello???? am here to hear dance music not hiphop. I just thought that was his last song when he put that hip hop song, sometimes dj play weird songs their last one. I only liked like 3 songs or so... He def needs to get harder than that, cuz let me tell u I rather hear draper anytime if johnny continues wiht his old songs and his 2500000000 vocals. No matter what when I go to exit I dance all nite after 3am. He was kinda disappointing. WHere the hard beats at Johnny??? Show us how it was at tunnel this coming friday at roxy :D;)

well from what i heard, johnny went to the bathroom and let dominick capello play the whitney houston song. not sure if that is tru. and maybe at the end of the night he let someone screw around with the decks cause the crowd was getting empty. but that wouldn't be a good idea if he did. who knows. i say we insit and night for all johnny. lets call it

"One Sexy Night - One Sexy Club - One Sexy DJ"

have doors open at 10 and have johnny on from 11-12 till close.

that would rock.

Jack Z.

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Originally posted by cintron

Hey sexxybabyd and origskeemr... you girls know what Mofongo is?? :) haha that's AWESOME!!! I didn't think ANYBODY else up here knew what it was.

are you two girls spanish? ;)


:laugh: :laugh: hun just blow your kiss towards sexyd..otherwise I don't think you play for the same team:)

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Originally posted by jackzelvrp

looks like we got our first roxy hater. what alot of people don't get is. roxy is just one room of house and progressive. not like exit or limelight or other clubs where you have many rooms to move around in. this way you hear differnt songs. yea johnny played some of the same songs, but they are hot now and they still get the crowd going nutts. what about the songs he has been bringing back. "blow the speakers" and "play it loud" i think johnny was hot this week. and can't wait to see what derb has for us.

Jack Z.

~~ i second that statement!!!!:D

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Originally posted by cintron

Hey sexxybabyd and origskeemr... you girls know what Mofongo is?? :) haha that's AWESOME!!! I didn't think ANYBODY else up here knew what it was.

are you two girls spanish? ;)




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OK...This is how it's gonna go down

You can't hate on Vicious cuz you don't like the Roxy...I haven't been able to check out one of their parties yet but this is what I have to say. First of all you shouldn't even use Vicious' name anywhere near that crackhead they have spinning at exit (i'm not gonna mention his name cuz its not worth the space). Second, there is no possible way you can say that Vicious doesn't know how to lay down tracks, he's been doin it for longer than you've been in the club scene. DT's style is completly different than what you'd hear at Roxy but if Vicious was spinning at Vinyl he'd be playing more trancey shit and you'd like it. I like trance better to that's why I haven't checked him out at Roxy yet, but you can't say that vicioius is anything like...well, you know.

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Originally posted by jackzelvrp

looks like we got our first roxy hater. what alot of people don't get is. roxy is just one room of house and progressive. not like exit or limelight or other clubs where you have many rooms to move around in.

actually, i was the first roxy hater (read some older posts if you dont believe me)....im not a DJ hater though..JV does what he does for his crowd and he is good at that, but its not what im into anymore....however, the crowd at roxy, and the venue itself sux, and i have no intentions of going back any time soon

if im gonna make the trip up the Turnpike on a friday night, you better believe its cause im going to Vinyl or for Exit afterhours (yeah you heard me right) to hear my dog Mark Amatucci rip it in the White Room after Platinum...


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

actually, i was the first roxy hater (read some older posts if you dont believe me)....im not a DJ hater though..JV does what he does for his crowd and he is good at that, but its not what im into anymore....however, the crowd at roxy, and the venue itself sux, and i have no intentions of going back any time soon

if im gonna make the trip up the Turnpike on a friday night, you better believe its cause im going to Vinyl or for Exit afterhours (yeah you heard me right) to hear my dog Mark Amatucci rip it in the White Room after Platinum...


roxy is gay. :o

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Originally posted by nyc420

Checked out the Roxy and Vicious Fri night and was very dissapointed. His track selection and mixing was terrible. Got there around 2:45 and he dropped some shitty ass SF tracks, then went straight into Rapture around 3:15. I understand if he was "playing to the crowd" cause it was the cheesiest/youngest crowd I have ever sceen. But c'mon, I expected much more. Thank god we left and went to Vinyl so I could dance to some real music...:smoke:

Steve, didn't I say this to you while we were chilling on the couches at Roxy? Anyhow, his track selection was majorly weak. All I want to know is where the hell was the Vicious that destroyed Factory over the summer????????? Bad, bad, bad, bad track selection at Roxy, I wanted to puke.

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Whoa Whoa Whoa

Hmmm where should I start? First off, let me start by saying I have a tremendous amount of respect for Vicious as both a friend and a DJ. Why? Because he's remained true to his style, the style that got him to where he is today. As many of the rest of us (myself included) have switched from the NY Progressive thing to the tribal/tech thing over the last 5 years or so, Johhny hasn't jumped on the bandwagon. I give him a LOT of credit for that. He plays a specific way that draws a specific crowd and makes him a sought after DJ. Johnny Vicious drops hard, fast beats for the most part, and in my opinion at least always should and will. There are enough DT wannabees out there. We don't need JV to become another one. The music Johhny plays goes over well in big rooms - big rooms like Roxy. And, also keep in mind that the crowd he's playing for most of the time (ages 16-18 primarily) is very hard to satisfly. Despite the very vocal educated few, most of that crowd wants to hear the same commercial cheese they here on the radio. I know this from personal experience. They are musically uneducated, not very open, and are hard to keep on a dancefloor all night w/o "selling out" at least a little bit. So then comes the hard part - satisfying the crowd (what the DJ is being paid for) and maintaining your own style at the same time. I think Vicious does this tremendously, and that soudl be recognized. Unlike a lot of people, Johnny hasn't jumped on the whole "if it wasn't produced by Superchumbo, Roger Sanchez, or Jon Creamer then it sux bandwagon." That takes balls and originality in a time when our scene blows because there is no originality.

And another thing about Johnny - he cares about what matters - the music and his fans. Unlike most other DJs, Johnny isn't afraid to get to know people by posting on this board or saying hi at a gig. He's not to cool or too afraid to risk posting on this board because he's afraid someone might counter his post with something negative - he's just another guy that loves music and he won't forget about the people who got him where he is today. What other DJs can you say that about? I know a few, but DEF not many...

Unfortunatley I've been sick lately and haven't had a chance to check Vicious out at Roxy yet, but I'm sure he's doing a great job there as he has at all his past residencies... if by chance on one night he wasn't quite the Vicious that people are used to seeing, get over it, maybe he has a bad night - we all do, whether we're DJs, baseball players, or stockbrokers.

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Originally posted by russ reign

Whoa Whoa Whoa

Hmmm where should I start? First off, let me start by saying I have a tremendous amount of respect for Vicious as both a friend and a DJ. Why? Because he's remained true to his style, the style that got him to where he is today. As many of the rest of us (myself included) have switched from the NY Progressive thing to the tribal/tech thing over the last 5 years or so, Johhny hasn't jumped on the bandwagon. I give him a LOT of credit for that. He plays a specific way that draws a specific crowd and makes him a sought after DJ. Johnny Vicious drops hard, fast beats for the most part, and in my opinion at least always should and will. There are enough DT wannabees out there. We don't need JV to become another one. The music Johhny plays goes over well in big rooms - big rooms like Roxy. And, also keep in mind that the crowd he's playing for most of the time (ages 16-18 primarily) is very hard to satisfly. Despite the very vocal educated few, most of that crowd wants to hear the same commercial cheese they here on the radio. I know this from personal experience. They are musically uneducated, not very open, and are hard to keep on a dancefloor all night w/o "selling out" at least a little bit. So then comes the hard part - satisfying the crowd (what the DJ is being paid for) and maintaining your own style at the same time. I think Vicious does this tremendously, and that soudl be recognized. Unlike a lot of people, Johnny hasn't jumped on the whole "if it wasn't produced by Superchumbo, Roger Sanchez, or Jon Creamer then it sux bandwagon." That takes balls and originality in a time when our scene blows because there is no originality.

And another thing about Johnny - he cares about what matters - the music and his fans. Unlike most other DJs, Johnny isn't afraid to get to know people by posting on this board or saying hi at a gig. He's not to cool or too afraid to risk posting on this board because he's afraid someone might counter his post with something negative - he's just another guy that loves music and he won't forget about the people who got him where he is today. What other DJs can you say that about? I know a few, but DEF not many...


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Originally posted by russ reign

Whoa Whoa Whoa

Hmmm where should I start? First off, let me start by saying I have a tremendous amount of respect for Vicious as both a friend and a DJ. Why? Because he's remained true to his style, the style that got him to where he is today. As many of the rest of us (myself included) have switched from the NY Progressive thing to the tribal/tech thing over the last 5 years or so, Johhny hasn't jumped on the bandwagon. I give him a LOT of credit for that. He plays a specific way that draws a specific crowd and makes him a sought after DJ. Johnny Vicious drops hard, fast beats for the most part, and in my opinion at least always should and will. There are enough DT wannabees out there. We don't need JV to become another one. The music Johhny plays goes over well in big rooms - big rooms like Roxy. And, also keep in mind that the crowd he's playing for most of the time (ages 16-18 primarily) is very hard to satisfly. Despite the very vocal educated few, most of that crowd wants to hear the same commercial cheese they here on the radio. I know this from personal experience. They are musically uneducated, not very open, and are hard to keep on a dancefloor all night w/o "selling out" at least a little bit. So then comes the hard part - satisfying the crowd (what the DJ is being paid for) and maintaining your own style at the same time. I think Vicious does this tremendously, and that soudl be recognized. Unlike a lot of people, Johnny hasn't jumped on the whole "if it wasn't produced by Superchumbo, Roger Sanchez, or Jon Creamer then it sux bandwagon." That takes balls and originality in a time when our scene blows because there is no originality.

And another thing about Johnny - he cares about what matters - the music and his fans. Unlike most other DJs, Johnny isn't afraid to get to know people by posting on this board or saying hi at a gig. He's not to cool or too afraid to risk posting on this board because he's afraid someone might counter his post with something negative - he's just another guy that loves music and he won't forget about the people who got him where he is today. What other DJs can you say that about? I know a few, but DEF not many...

Unfortunatley I've been sick lately and haven't had a chance to check Vicious out at Roxy yet, but I'm sure he's doing a great job there as he has at all his past residencies... if by chance on one night he wasn't quite the Vicious that people are used to seeing, get over it, maybe he has a bad night - we all do, whether we're DJs, baseball players, or stockbrokers.

yo russ very very well said...i dont think people are complaiing about his style of his mixing abiltty i think the peeps are complaiing about hearing the same tracks for the past few weeks....jv was and will always be my fav dj casue he knows how to move the floor perfectly but he needs to bring in different tracks this week
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16-18 years old

is this turning into a teen night i mean really. i was dancing with a cutie last friday and started talking to her. i ask for her age and she was like don't laugh. i am like ok. she was 17. i said sorry babe i am 21. these door people gotta check id's better.


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I dont even know how you can compare Tony Train Wreck to Johnny Vicious and Roxy to Exit for that matter. I mean Roxy and Exit are two totally different clubs, I luv both. And I enjoy listening to both Djs But JV IMHO is much better than Draper. First off Draper doesnt even know WTF a vinyl is, and I hear the kid fuck up more times in a night then I heard in a lifetime from other Dj's. Both clubs play some sick beats. And who cares who is in the clubs and what age they are, I rather see 16 year old people in Roxy then at Exit cause at Exit you know they be eating massive quantaties of Candy. :laugh: This weekend is going to be different, A Dj is not oblivious to the crowd and he knows that when he spins the same tracks over and over and over and over again he is not going to get the same reaction. Also other DJ's will be in the club this week.

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