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where do u see yourself in 5 years


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do you still see yourself still in the scene or actually settling down and this is just a phase you are going through as far as clubbing and partying?? I think that the love of music will always be there but how much longer can we all be crackheads?? is there a cut off line?? I think so...but whos to say when it is..any thoughts??



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Guest jroo

just do what you want and have fun. you can stop at anytime. you just have to want to. ive been in the scene, out, in for a sec, out again, and back in. you just have to figure out who you are as a person, and what makes you happy. if you can hear good music and it makes you dance, and smile, then you dont need to be a crack head, if you're trying to quit try switching to redbulls and a few mixed drinks, its all about the vibe that you get, when you're out with your friends. just remember that drugs dont make you who you are, you were the same person before, during , and after. nothing like partying and haveing fun, but its the people that make it memorable. that's why, im so glad that i got to meet you all. with all that said, i dont do drugs, they do me. the pac man joke here. and i might be running into some beans soon. oh yeah, sorry shady, i forgot to check on your fav. i'll get back to you.,

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5 years from now, I'll still be partying...10 years from now I'll still be partying...20 years from now I'll still be partying...40 years from now I'll still be partying...60 years from in my wheelchair, I'll still be partying...

i'll party less, true because of other things that will probably happen, but the partying isnt bad, the crackhead part will die off, but partying will still be there.

i love music way too much to let all of this go. what else can ease you down when your stressed, bring your mood up, when all is going wrong, make you concentrate when you need to, etc. ?

Actually the last part of your question:

"is there a cut off line?? I think so...but whos to say when it is..any thoughts??"

is something that i think we all have to individually ask ourselves. when we can no longer party without the aid of any enhancers, i say that is a clear sign that your in trouble, the last thing you need is to become addicted to all this stuff.

Anthony Pappa was a sober night for me, and I had a blast, other nights when going to Red and others at Buzz and Glow have been sober ones and I've had a good time, sometimes you want that extra "oomph" that little extra help that will make the experience better 10 fold, like Sasha, S&D, PvD (WMC!!!!), but you need to be able to walk away from it and never look back.

Of course I'll still have my de rigeur Long Island that I usually have at the beggining oif each sober night, just to get me started, 'cause after I get going, I wont stop until the place shuts down or an innocent little girl grinds me to hamburger meat


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5 years from now:

Graduate of Columbia or NYU Law (ohpleaseohpleaseohplease)

pulling down $80k or more per year

driving something better than my volkswagen

nice house in Great Neck or maybe a sexy modern apartment in Manhattan or Forest Hills

every weekend at the NY clubs maybe dancing at webster or factory or... I won't say just yet ;)

Just as single as always :D

Maybe I'll have a cool dog though :) Hey Shady you wanna apply for that job? LoLz

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I will always love music. And I will probably still be spinning 5 years from now.

As for the partying, I will probably still be partying. The crackhead thing may be a thing of the past, though. I was COMPLETELY sober Friday night and had a blast. It was nice to prove to myself that I didn't need alcohol and/or drugs to have a good time. Just the music, the vibe, and some friends.

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5 years from now:

- miami or cali. (or if chance arises somwhere in latin america)

- travelling every chance i get

- good job in public health

- hitched (i hope) and the wife working on the 5th of 16 kids; 11 for the starting 11 and 5 subs :D :D

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vic, you hafta let me coach your kids! being a soccer coach was a childhood dream. . .i wanted to just like coach guererro. . .

anyways, i completely agree with zaguero. the music just keeps evolving and progressing, what's there to get tired of? i accept the crackheads and scene whores as a constant in the scene. and electronic music becoming more "mainstream" will make it hella difficult. . but all the new shiznit people keep creating aside from teh mainstream will make it worth it. . .

a few years into being a partykid, i was getting bored. but i took a break from pills and "rediscovered" the music. . . .it's been beautiful ever since. . .

so in five years i hope to be experiencing more new music, partying, and in law school or art school. . .

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Originally posted by scratchapella

vic, you hafta let me coach your kids! being a soccer coach was a childhood dream. . .i wanted to just like coach guererro. . .

anyways, i completely agree with zaguero. the music just keeps evolving and progressing, what's there to get tired of? i accept the crackheads and scene whores as a constant in the scene. and electronic music becoming more "mainstream" will make it hella difficult. . but all the new shiznit people keep creating aside from teh mainstream will make it worth it. . .

a few years into being a partykid, i was getting bored. but i took a break from pills and "rediscovered" the music. . . .it's been beautiful ever since. . .

so in five years i hope to be experiencing more new music, partying, and in law school or art school. . .

Will you still be sharing your sweet, delicious cookies at parties five years from now?

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In 5 years I expect to already be a millionaire with my own IT/security consulting firm. Hopefully my "side project" which is producing with Reason, Acid, and ProTools will develop into something greater and I can live off that also. I'd be 30 and my wife (mentobento) will be 27, so I'm sure we'll still be partying then (with no kids), possibly even owning a club in L.A. or Vegas. Every year I'll fly all my friends my from DC, Texas, Vegas, Hawaii, and Oregon to my house in the Hollywood Hills and we'll party for 2 weeks (by the pool, 80 degrees, sunny). I will *still* not have done more than 2 weeks of college and *still* make more than all my friends who graduated from UCLA.


"If you drop out, you'll be working at Target while we are all driving Mercedes." -OLD friend

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Guest jroo

yeah, ive done one semester of college, already after i got my job, and i make more than my friends that went to college, too. but they have more "potential" for pay. that really pisses them off when you bring it up, like sometimes they'll talk down to you about not graduating school, so you're stupid and missing out on stuff. while they are making well, less than me. i never bring it up, but i do fight back. anyway, this post sucks and is pointless. im gonna go spank myself and promise to never do it again.

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a college degree doesnt garantee anything, its know how that matters and you can get know how many ways...

anyway, scratch, when I have my 15 kids you'll be the soccer coach, and with 15 there will be enough kids to also form a baseball team and hockey team and volleyball and......:D

but I dunno if i have mentioned this before but my objective is to get drunk on my 100th b-day in some club enjoying the music and vibe, 'cos age is just mental. that we know of, we only pass through this world once, and i'm gonna enjoy it as much as i can

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

You started it.

Now, Scratch, you're going to hear a lot of crazy talk about me amking raunchy posts about eating your cookies, but don't believe it.

I can't see myself in 5 years. I never thought I'd live this long.

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Originally posted by Kuro

Now, Scratch, you're going to hear a lot of crazy talk about me amking raunchy posts about eating your cookies, but don't believe it.

Believe it, Scratch. The proof is in the pudding. I have no idea exactly what that means, but it sounded like the appropriate cliche for this situation.

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Originally posted by chynado11

do you still see yourself still in the scene or actually settling down and this is just a phase you are going through as far as clubbing and partying?? I think that the love of music will always be there but how much longer can we all be crackheads?? is there a cut off line?? I think so...but whos to say when it is..any thoughts??



You never answered your own thread.....where will you be in 5 years! ;)

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