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Space fm


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to broadcast or not to broadcast...

Few of us get a chance to be placed in a position to educate people about music. For years I have heard the complaints on how radio does not fulfill the listening needs of the dance industry. I am currently in a position and have been given the chance to make a difference in what we listen to. For at least 2 hours a week (10 to 12 on Friday nights) we at Space will be given the chance to make that difference.

We can sit here and complain like we have for generations or we can get up and do something about it. As you well know I am one to do something about it. When the Beach became saturated with commercial clubbing venues I was the first to make a move and create an alternative for the dance industry. For better or for worse (I would like to think for better) Space has made a considerable impression on our city's nightlife. I have dedicated endless hours to making a difference and improving our perception and expectations of clubbing in our community.

It is with this dedication that I will try to forge a new direction on what we are subject to listen to. This is my opportunity to do as I have done in the past and change the commercialization of the music I respect most...dance music. It is my chance to educate our community and give them a lesson in music appreciation. This as you well know will not be an easy endeavor. I will be confronted with enormous obstacles since the Powers that be are not always understanding to our way of life. I will however, try my hardest to make them understand.

Beginning next Friday January 25th with Gatecrasher resident Scott Bond and Space residents Roly and Padilla we at Space will embark on yet another impossible mission. To boldly go where no other dance club has had the cojones to go before. We will infiltrate fm radio with our music and make them understand that there is no Space in dance music for radio cheese. For at least 2 hours one night a week we will try to do something about what we have all been complaining about for decades...playing good dance music on the radio!

Music is not for us to hide and keep to our selves. It is to be played and shared with the world around us. I can see no better or more effective way to reach an audience then thru radio. Tune in or tune out. Tune in if you want to make a difference. Tune out if you want to keep complaining. It is strictly your choice.

Thank you for your support.

As always...if you do not have something intelligent to add to this post, be kind enough not to grace us with your ignorance.

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as I stated in my previous post, "let the Space DJ’s control the music "; thus setting the tempo. in a two hour timeframe, miami can be introduced, to some serious beats. in doing so, hopefully the masses, and program directors will become enlighten. then perhaps, that will help to foster. the change miami radio; so desperately needs.

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this is certainly an interesting development. i'm anxious to see how it all works out for the various parties involved. perhaps the recent changes in south florida radio will have a positive effect on the club scene (and vice versa). i'd like to believe that such a move by space will expose more people to great music and encourage the (re)development of a vibrant dance community here, but i'm also worried that authentic club culture might suffer instead. until 1/25, i'll try to remain cautiously optimistic.

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As I had said previously if this is done with taste and the Djs control what is being played I am sure it would work. As long as the "commercialization" take away the originality and the feel of the music. This is something we don't want to lose since it is the music that draws us every weekend to club. I personally will support as a patriot of Space in what ever it decides to do. Especially since Space really doesn’t deserve to be criticized but should be supported. Look what radio 1 and other streaming radio stations has done for many top of the line Djs.

Spacious, I know that I am just a little fish in a big pond but if you want to gather the support of your patriots, you have mine :)

:) Just don't let Space lose it originality :cool:

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Originally posted by spacious

to broadcast or not to broadcast...

As always...if you do not have something intelligent to add to this post, be kind enough not to grace us with your ignorance.

I think I'll grace you with my ignorance

What's a Space? Who's Power 96? What is a David Padilla is that like a quesadilla from taco bell?

Thanks for any feedback

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Spacious epitomizes for me all that is wrong to me with the miami nightlife scene. I'm sure for many this radio/club marriage is a many wonderous thing, but it annoys me to no end that Space is declaring himself some sort of club demi-god; to, and i quote:

"change the commercialization of the music I respect most...dance music"

You respect YOUR version of dance music first off - the kind that makes YOU lots of money. This is a marriage of cheesy club music with cheesy radio music. You are NOT creating...and let me quote again...

"an alternative for the dance industry" or educating the masses.

Neither Gatecrasher nor David Padilla can be considered an alternative to anything except perhaps good taste. Gatecrasher and Padilla are well known, well labelled. I would venture to say that much of the cheese played by Power 96 is on their own playlists.

So, instead of coming out as some sort of demi-god to the pill-pluggers and e-tards, why don't you state what you're REALLY doing?

Making money off the miami nightclub scene in order to further your own over-inflated ego and wallet. This isn't about "educating" the scene - I'm doubt you have the first clue about "dance" music, its origins, it's history, or it's socialogical impacts on our generation and future generations. All you know is your wallet.

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