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Fuck you post...


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A big Fuck U to the University bookstore for overpricing the cost of books ($350 this semester). :finger:

Fuck U to my back for printing my name incorrectly on my checks.

Fuck U to myself for breaking out my mom's credit card at the bar and charging $100+ dollars last nite :bigfinger:

Fuck U to the assholes who can't park and take up 2 parking spots.

Fuck U to my landlord for not replacing our broken dryer.

:mad: :Bigfinger:

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first a fuck you for the management final i have to take tomorrow

fuck you to Geico for no longer taking credit cards

fuck you to my school for fucking up my scholarships

fuck you to osteoarthritis for making my knees grind

fuck you to my boss who sent a memo around complaining that people were arriving at work at 905 instead of 9 and leaving work at 4:55 instead of 5

fuck you to all the drama whores invading the NY board

fuck you to AOL for jacking up the price of Roadrunner

fuck you to my job (will probably miss shagfest because of it :(

fuck you to Merril Lynch for offering me an unpaid internship

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Fuck you to EZ-Pass for fucking up and thinkin i ran a toll plaza then becoming my bitch by sending me an apology letter for the mixup.

Fuck you to distance for making the heart grow fonder

Fuck you to eating like goddamn machine and not gaining a pound on my 6' 4" self

Fuck you to the aussie cheese fries i ate at outback tonight cause i feel sick.

Fuck you to the drama that has insued the boards lately.

Fuck you to verizon for chargin .55 a minute if u go over yer minutes which i went 64 minutes over..do the math.

Fuck you to myself for not paying attention to my cell phone minutes

Fuck you to the economy and my old job that i quit a few weeks ago cause they are bunch of non-union cocksuckers who stick forklift blades up theres ass while they give each other reach arounds.

Fuck you to all those who read my steamy sexy story and got off on it but didnt even have the common courtesy to say thank you.

Fuck you to not being 21 and being able to buy Arbor Mist and drink it ghetto style on my own.

Fuck you to AOL just for being AOL

Fuck you to aunt flo from red bank for ruining my fans times while tryin to read my story

Fuck you to myself for tryin to get together a resume cause i slack

Fuck you to ....aw hell fuck it alll...i was just want a nice juicy shaven tasty pussy to just HATE-FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right now cause im all horny built up on this rage....damn i think i might write another story....but i want a hate-fucking RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (um females only!! for the board freaks out there)

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Originally posted by quoth

Fuck you to distance for making the heart grow fonder

Fuck you to eating like goddamn machine and not gaining a pound on my 6' 4" self

Preach on Reverand. That distance factor never came into play as much as it is now. FUCK YOUUUUUU TO MY CAR, BECAUSE I CAN NOT FIX MY MIRROR MYSELF, THUS COSTING ME ANOTHER $80!!

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Fuck you to - my ex, I cant understand why she doesnt get the point, give me my shit back you bitch!

Fuck you to - my lawyer, if you didnt take so long to return my f'n phone calls maybe I would have gotten my shit back by now after the anullment!

Fuck you to - tax laws, you're going to f' me hard this year!

Fuck you to - my cousin, you steal from me again and I am going to break your f'n legs you little ghetto bitch!

Fuck you to - my boss, I work my ass off for you everyday and you dont give me anything for a Christmas bonus!

Fuck you to - my boss, talk to me like that again via email you pussy and I'm going to beat your ass one of these days!

Fuck you to - Cadillac, for not selling me an extended warranty because my STS had '200 miles' over the 50,000 mile limit!

Fuck you to - Osama Bin Laden, you almost took several friends from me and now you will not even show your face you f'n pussy!

Fuck you to - the government, you kill people every day with chemical filled cancerous cigarettes because you make money on them, but you will not legalize marijuana that is naturally grown!

Fuck you to - credit card companies, I've finally beat you fuckers, I am debt free to you and your rediculous interest rates!

Fuck you to - guys that feel women up in a club, you think you have a right to grab some ass because a girl looks good, have some f'n respect asshole!

Fuck you to - aging, I cannot recover from my weekends at Tempts and the Factory as quickly as I use to but you'll never bring me down!

Fuck you to - the City of New York, for closing Twilo down on a permit technicality!

Fuck you to - the security at Exit, relax and let the good times roll!

And finally my last fuck you goes out to - terrorists, the flag still stands for freedom and you cant take that away!

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~~~FUCK U to assholes that dont appreciate shyt:finger:


FUCK U to money...cause i dont have enough

FUCK U to fake friends:bigfinger

FUCK U to drama starters:finger: :bigfinger :finger:

FUCK U to finals at school

THE LIST IS ENDLESS.......................

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Fuck you to - life, its not fair that you could take my friend's life away the day after Christmas (in front of Abyss) when his girl is expecting a baby in a few months... that is so f'n unfair, only the good die young, RIP J.B.

Ah man, I am sorry to hear that.

Hearing those type of things make me feel terrible.

On a side not this is a very ventful thread. Good Job Rob :)

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Fuck you to - life, its not fair that you could take my friend's life away the day after Christmas (in front of Abyss) when his girl is expecting a baby in a few months... that is so f'n unfair, only the good die young, RIP J.B.

Sorry to hear about your friend :(

FUCK you to someone who I thought was one of my best friends and ended up doing something I never thought friends do to one another

Fuck you to people who like to talk shit without knowing me OR any facts

and fuck you to my friends who never go out to clubs

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Originally posted by misk


F-U....2.....the movie pearl harbor for making me cry and being way too long for me

F-U....2.....DG....just because i feel like it!!!!!!:D

FUCK YOU TO THE WRITERS OF PEARL HARBOR... FOR MAKING A DAMN GOOD MOVIE BUT A SHITTY ASS LOVE STORY... How fuck! can a guy get with his Best Friends widow? damn!~!~!~!

(tried to find my pearl harbor thread but had no luck damn!)

and as for me.. you can fucke me anyday...

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FUCK U to car dealerships for makin cars so fuckin expensive

FUCK ME for not bein able to afford one right now.

FUCK MY JOB cuz its been dead lately and im not makin enough $

FUCK CURFEWS AND STRICT PARENTS for not enabling me to go out every friday to nyc



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Fuck you to my boss who is a damned know it all bitch and the minute I find a job and get outta this dump I am gonna find you and tell you whose boss now

Fuck you to credit card companies for ruining my life

fuck you to student loans which i have been paying for the last 3 years and have 15 more to go

fuck you to commuting on the subway everyday

fuck rich people................


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