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Getting Married


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So my father talks to my mom this morning and asks her why haven't I or my sister settled down yet. WTF? Shit I'm 21 years old, do I need a husband. :rolleyes: Why the fuck are parents like that. What are they concerned they won't be grandparents? Shit how can I get a husband if I don't even have a boyfriend. :confused: Why must parents feel the need to rush their children..my mom is against it but my father says I should be...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

the one thing htat makes me happy is having a girl to make happier...

well then i feel sorry for u

cause when u dont have someone u must be miserable

dg i think u need to hang out with positive people like me

maybe some of my happiness will brush off

or ill let u borrrow some


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If by happiness you mean drugs... i dont do any thank you!!!

LOL. J/K... nah its just i have everything i need right now... and im pretty much happy (id be happier if i was in show biz instead of stocks but thats a different story all together) just the one thing thats missing is that special someone.. .you know? the one thing that completes you and defines you as you... i dont know maybe this all sounds like farts or im just talking shit but i hope you understand what im saying or can relate to what im saying...

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Culture, family beliefs, and ethnic rules have to be taken into consideration.Do you belong to a culture where people marry early? I have the same shit from my family sometimes...they think I should have been married by now, but it all goes back to culture, how open minded you are, and where you're taking your life...I'd say tell your family to mind their own business and when you get married, you get married. I personally think it's all about fate.

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lol. my parents are the opposite way... they would be angry if i told them i was getting married. they dont even like me being too serious about any single person (at this point). i guess they just feel like theres so much out there to experience, why sell yourself short. I wanna travel, have a career, be an individual, do things which stimulate me mentally/physically, + i dont want to have to depend on anyone.

like glowdancer said, if you arent happy alone you wont be happy with anyone else. you cant depend on someone to make you happy. if you do depend on someone, you are not truly happy.

take your time, you will find someone and if not there is still happiness out there to be found.

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Well, yeah I mean I'm muslim. My parents got married when my mom was 17 and my dad was 21. But my mom is totally against. Shit, she had me when she was 20 and my sis at 21. Do you really think she wants to see my ass with a kid. As for my dad, well I mean I guess he just sees that I am nothing stable at this point in my life. I have been through serious relationships, and I need time to grow. Damn, I want a career and shit, I can't be no freakin housewife. I got hopes and dreams. I would rather or prefer to have children or get married when Im at least in my late 20's. But honestly, you never know, I could meet the man of my dreams and get married in a couple of years:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Well, yeah I mean I'm muslim. My parents got married when my mom was 17 and my dad was 21. But my mom is totally against. Shit, she had me when she was 20 and my sis at 21. Do you really think she wants to see my ass with a kid. As for my dad, well I mean I guess he just sees that I am nothing stable at this point in my life. I have been through serious relationships, and I need time to grow. Damn, I want a career and shit, I can't be no freakin housewife. I got hopes and dreams. I would rather or prefer to have children or get married when Im at least in my late 20's. But honestly, you never know, I could meet the man of my dreams and get married in a couple of years:rolleyes:


All that matters is YOU.No offense, but you shouldn't give a fuck what your father says...but they have to understand that you cannot force marriage on anyone,nor can you force what is meant to be sooner than it is meant to happen...I totally agree with what you said and would like to do the same for myself...good luck, don't let them get to you,and just live your life and be strong each step along the way...:)

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My mom is already planning me and my bfs wedding.

Even though me and him have our fights we still do love eachother and we both work things out. I mean im still young and I have a lot of things to see but hes like my best friend and we can do anything together so I think if it came down to it i would marry him because i know it would not really change anything it would jus be like we REALLY cant break up now lol

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

My mom is already planning me and my bfs wedding.

Even though me and him have our fights we still do love eachother and we both work things out. I mean im still young and I have a lot of things to see but hes like my best friend and we can do anything together so I think if it came down to it i would marry him because i know it would not really change anything it would jus be like we REALLY cant break up now lol

umm youre like 17 :laugh:

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Yes you are way too young for marriage, I agree completly w/ sassa. SexxybabyD, you're too young also to be thinking about marriage, enjoy life first.

My parents and immediate family tell us (my sis and I) the opposite, marry late!! But other family members *TRY* to pressure me into marriage/children. Of course I've put them all in their places whenever they try to give me that talk.

My response is "Kids?? Husbands?? What are you crazy, how about asking me when am I buying my house? Or when am I going on that safari? We're not in Colombia anymore and it's not 1950 either!":blown:

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I think personally marriage is for mid eivel times when people only lived to be 40 years old and wanted to get married.

I have seen so many marriages in my life and around crumble because of staleness. It's like when you were a kid and got that brand new toy you played with it and loved it but eventually got sick of it. I personally don't think I will ever get married because odds are it won't work but I can't control destiny here is what I would do to try to make it better.

1) Still go out but maybe monthly but really go out. I want my wife to work the main promblem is money promblems. I say we both contribute 50 bucks a week that's 400 dollars a month that we can spend on each other. Going out drinking then a room at the marriot for 100 bucks to crash and for me to deliver the magic lol

2) Both go to the gym nothing worst when your mate gets out of shape from getting old I think we should both stay attractive kids and all. I trully believe when my wife turns forty she should go in for a complete tune up boobs, tummy tuck, that redish dye older women color their hair no promblem

3) Communicate and stay happy nothing better then coming home to a smiley face, leave work at work it's our time now.


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Originally posted by bigmahs

[b2) I trully believe when my wife turns forty she should go in for a complete tune up boobs, tummy tuck, that redish dye older women color their hair no promblem


Woah woah woah- hold on here- and while your wife is going under the knife, what surgical procedures do you intend to subject yourself to in order to remain attractive to her???

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Originally posted by tastyt

Woah woah woah- hold on here- and while your wife is going under the knife, what surgical procedures do you intend to subject yourself to in order to remain attractive to her???

werd up... pump up that limp dick, get those hair plugs cause you know your ass is gonna be balding and shit... oh yeah... you better be dying the hair cause im not about the grey hair...

tummy tuck your nasty ass beer belly and get your lazy ass to a gym cause i'm not about to let no flabby weak bitch up in my bed....

so... when's the wedding??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by djmoonshine

werd up... pump up that limp dick, get those hair plugs cause you know your ass is gonna be balding and shit... oh yeah... you better be dying the hair cause im not about the grey hair...

tummy tuck your nasty ass beer belly and get your lazy ass to a gym cause i'm not about to let no flabby weak bitch up in my bed....

so... when's the wedding??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:laugh: :laugh: IS this guy for real? WHo the fuck would marry him anyway:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by djmoonshine

werd up... pump up that limp dick, get those hair plugs cause you know your ass is gonna be balding and shit... oh yeah... you better be dying the hair cause im not about the grey hair...

tummy tuck your nasty ass beer belly and get your lazy ass to a gym cause i'm not about to let no flabby weak bitch up in my bed....

so... when's the wedding??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I was just refering to when women get older they want these things I would not have a promblem

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Originally posted by bigmahs


I was just refering to when women get older they want these things I would not have a promblem

No you werent...

You said

Originally posted by bigmahs

I trully believe when my wife turns forty she should go in for a complete tune up boobs, tummy tuck, that redish dye older women color their hair no promblem

so who r ya foolin:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

No you werent...

You said

so who r ya foolin:rolleyes:


ook no promblem meaning I wouldn't mind even pay for it.

The meaning of the post was to illustrate ways to keep it new you jump down my throat about the appearence do you fear you one day you won't be pretty enough?

look if you don't like it fix it and it might just help your marriage I know it will help mine...

and don't roll your eyes at me lol

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