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Your vote for most influential cp board member

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i just wish you didnt have to edit that, wouldve loved to have seen how clever your other post wouldve been.

Dude, why don't you get a life...seriously. Don't you have anything else better to do than write stupid shit on this board?I can give you a list of things to do that will occupy your time..otherwise, bugger off. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by magilicuti

yeah i'm a newbie around here, but that is my opinion. care to share yours instead of insulting me? damn getting bashed again on my own thread...

when your opinion differs why don't you express why you don't agree and express your own view? instead of calling me a "newbie"

newbie or not, you have no class

I already said I don't normally bash newbies; I said only a newbie would say something like that because... well see Somebitch's post because I agree w/what she says about D's posts 100%...

Anyway, to show how much class I really have... :rolleyes: ... I'm giving my vote to Mugwump and his alter-ego SBJ... who essentially turned the board upside with his lovers and haters... and who did a little more than just show up in the middle of all the pictures... :rolleyes: What a "classy" reason to say someone has influence!

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Originally posted by sassa

Dude (im a dyke), why don't you get a life...seriously. Don't you have anything else better to do than write stupid shit on this board?I can give you a list of things to do that will occupy your time..otherwise, bugger off.

obviously you and i have the same list of priorities since you reply to almost all my posts... and as my lil cousin says "you started it."

now im "buggering off" Bzzzzzzzzzz!!!

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Originally posted by dgmodel

obviously you and i have the same list of priorities since you reply to almost all my posts... and as my lil cousin says "you started it."

now im "buggering off" Bzzzzzzzzzz!!!

How about we end this, go fuck yourself.

I'm through with this.

Such immature idiots in here...I guess I can add one more to the list.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by tastyt

I already said I don't normally bash newbies; I said only a newbie would say something like that because... well see Somebitch's post because I agree w/what she says about D's posts 100%...

Anyway, to show how much class I really have... :rolleyes: ... I'm giving my vote to Mugwump and his alter-ego SBJ... who essentially turned the board upside with his lovers and haters... and who did a little more than just show up in the middle of all the pictures... :rolleyes: What a "classy" reason to say someone has influence!

using my own words against me, very original. i don't think if anyone else posted they were sick would get a bunch of replies telling her to get better. people actually care about her because she is probably a nice person. i don't think i can say the same for you. why do'nt you try it, go ahead and post you are sick, let's see if anyone gives a shit about a vet like yourself :D

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Originally posted by dgmodel

fuck you and your mom... (i know i did.)

:laugh: :laugh: Had to have the last word didn't you? I'm sorry but neither my mother nor I would ever go near someone as disgusting,ignorant,and stupid as you are. Try your luck on the street corner, I think you'll find some lovely young ladies there that will suit your taste better (and who would actually be desperate enough to fuck you).


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Originally posted by sassa

Try your luck on the street corner, I think you'll find some lovely young ladies there that will suit your taste better (and who would actually be desperate enough to fuck you).

awww how cute... you remember were we first met... ahhhh! and on our anniversary.

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Originally posted by sassa

How about we end this, go fuck yourself.

go fuck yourself, okay noted

Originally posted by sassa

Such immature idiots in here...I guess I can add one more to the list.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

what exactly makes djmodel immature? i dont think "mature" people tell people to go fuck themselves.

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seriously everyone just stop it. no last words because no one wins like this. there is really nothing to fight about anyway. if the world fought for ever little thing like this we'd all be dead. let's realize people have different views. isn't that what makes nyc the shit that there is a place for everyone? why not on this board?

sorry to sound sappy but its the truth

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Originally posted by magilicuti

seriously everyone just stop it. no last words because no one wins like this. there is really nothing to fight about anyway. if the world fought for ever little thing like this we'd all be dead. let's realize people have different views. isn't that what makes nyc the shit that there is a place for everyone? why not on this board?

sorry to sound sappy but its the truth

...and the voice of reason has spoken.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by magilicuti

using my own words against me, very original. i don't think if anyone else posted they were sick would get a bunch of replies telling her to get better. people actually care about her because she is probably a nice person. i don't think i can say the same for you. why do'nt you try it, go ahead and post you are sick, let's see if anyone gives a shit about a vet like yourself :D

hah. you should have just stopped replying before you made a complete fool out of yourself. Tasty didnt even mean to "bash".

Maybe if you knew the meaning of the word influencial you would understand why Dee couldnt influence anyone, especially without pictures (which are what influenced your decision to make this stupid thread).

Tasty is extremely intelligent, i can tell just from her posts, you are nothing. If anyone is influential, it is her. :rolleyes:

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good looking people have a lot more pull on this earth. sorry to break it to you. i'm not a stud myself, i'll be the first to tell you that. but it shows in studies that business men are usually taller and get more respect. in otherwise appearance means a lot. it has a lot of pull but its not everything. i believe dee is also a nice person, that is why she is friends with so many people on here like i have said before. i've just stated all facts the only thing the both of you can do is call each other smart and cp "vets" or whatever you think you are.

again i say why don't you girls post that you are sick and see how many ppl give a shit. that is really what made me think she had influence here. if you don't agree then that is you. prove me wrong

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Originally posted by saigray

ANd Clubkat for being the sexboard goddess and NY board connect, bringing the horny kids together, and popping up at various venues, always in her element.

wow! i dont usually blush...but this totally made me do so!


~your too sweet!~

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Originally posted by magilicuti

good looking people have a lot more pull on this earth. sorry to break it to you. i'm not a stud myself, i'll be the first to tell you that. but it shows in studies that business men are usually taller and get more respect. in otherwise appearance means a lot. it has a lot of pull but its not everything. i believe dee is also a nice person, that is why she is friends with so many people on here like i have said before. i've just stated all facts the only thing the both of you can do is call each other smart and cp "vets" or whatever you think you are.

again i say why don't you girls post that you are sick and see how many ppl give a shit. that is really what made me think she had influence here. if you don't agree then that is you. prove me wrong

lol. i never said i was some kind of cp guru...

i also dont care whether anyone on cp cares when im sick, thats the difference between me and you.

i think you have too much time on your hands. maybe if you had some real friends you wouldnt have to worry about who is in the most pics and start drama on a message board.

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again pulling shit out of your ass. saying i have too much time on my hands and saying i have no real friends. if you are going to keep arguing like that we'll be here all day. when you or your friend calls someone a newbie that pretty much says you think you are some sort of guru. pretty safe assumption i think. the point of this thread is who do you think is the most influential person on the board and now you are talking shit about the meaning of the thread? who cares what the ppl of cp think? obviously you and your friend do since you came on this thread all upset over god knows what. if you didn't care why are both of you so upset and feel you have to voice your bitchy views? give it a rest

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