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The "what are you wearing to Factory for JP's BDay" thread?

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Originally posted by magilicuti

I'm sure everone loves you calling that girl a slut for no reason. Real mature of you, a real gentleman. You got a problem with everyone. I didn't sarcastically call you an authority figure. And if I did what would be so wrong with that? You have a problem with that but you call people sluts? And now I'm the bad guy? You are all fucked up man. If you read your posts you think you are better then people is what I'm saying. If you really were you wouldn't have a problem with every fucking little thing. You got problems man.

Listen you simple minded piece of b&t shit... Stop hiting the reply button so quickly and read what the fuck has been written before you add more nonsense to this already redundant thread; one that turned to shit the second you hit add reply for the first time... I wasnt calling you a bad guy for your "authority figure" statment... I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy by using that phrase and then speaking on behalf of the entire board...Listen son, I really can't sit here and go back abd forth with someone who needs to have everything spelled out for him... So, if you want to carry on, then please ask someone else for comprehension assistance before you reply.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

Heh, okay tough guy. Takes a big man to talk shit on a bulletin board.

Seriously, can't you combine your one line idiocies into one post instead of three...? Its not that fucking difficult. And if I recall..you came one here calling me out...so in essence, I think you are the "tough guy, big man talking shit on a bulletin board" What comes next, inviting me to take this up with you in person? Your just a fan...get off my fucking cock already and speak to me when you move out of your parents house. Child.

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again you think you got this superiority thing going. if i wanna hit the reply button all fucking day i'll hit the fucking reply button. you don't have to spell shit out for me. i came on here and saw you called the girl a slut for no reason and gave a couple ppl shit on here. i just wanted to know who the fuck you thought you were. i'm going to go on with my day, have fun harrassing people. you don't do it to well though

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a fan of the GREAT GRAVITY. THE MAN THAT HAS A BUG UP HIS ASS ABOUT EVERYTHING. if we were to meet in person i'm sure you wouldn't speak one fucking word of what you did here. i'm not gonna call you out like that because i'm sure you'd twist it to make me look like some brut for asking to speak in person. you are much tougher behind that keyboard anyway

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Originally posted by magilicuti

a fan of the GREAT GRAVITY. THE MAN THAT HAS A BUG UP HIS ASS ABOUT EVERYTHING. if we were to meet in person i'm sure you wouldn't speak one fucking word of what you did here. i'm not gonna call you out like that because i'm sure you'd twist it to make me look like some brut for asking to speak in person. you are much tougher behind that keyboard anyway

Thats about the 8th post where you've said exactly the same thing... And I pretty much gave you all of what you said anyway...so, in essence I could have had this entire conversation without you even being here. An enemy who's tactics are clear before battle even begins, isn't really an enemy...but merely target practice...

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Originally posted by misk

to tell u the truth...i think gravity says what a lot of people are thinking!!!! not just in this post..but in all of them....

:cool: Don't really know you, but good looking out...you'd be surprised by the # of pm's I've gotten over time from people thanking me for keeping it real...and saying shit that no one else would have the balls to say...

Hey Magillanuty or whatever the fuck your name is...feels great to get shit on, in your own home, huh?

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Originally posted by magilicuti

again you think you got this superiority thing going. if i wanna hit the reply button all fucking day i'll hit the fucking reply button. you don't have to spell shit out for me. i came on here and saw you called the girl a slut for no reason and gave a couple ppl shit on here. i just wanted to know who the fuck you thought you were. i'm going to go on with my day, have fun harrassing people. you don't do it to well though

Not for nothing but you're being very hypocritical, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't *YOU* come on this board calling a few girls "slut" and "whore"? It just didn't make any sense to me...you're here sticking up for the girl but yet you've done the same thing.

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Originally posted by vision

so misk...you think nycchick is a slut??

funny...i don't remember posting that!??! please don't put words in my mouth for the sake of causing drama!! however i did undersatand what gravity was trying to say...short skirt,halter top...not exactly the most creative and/or fashionable outfit...i don't know this girl so i have no reason to call her a slut!!! but u have to admit...gravity does say what is on a lot of people's minds...even if u do not agree with the way he says it

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Originally posted by vision

so misk...you think nycchick is a slut??

Um, I don't think she was saying that at all, you fucking germ. Don't get your knickers in a knot, as I will not respond to you again...you've already been destroyed...but I felt it necessary to stick up for Misk, who you are completely misguided in calling out. Look past the tip of your nose and realize that some people are able to correlate their thoughts and statements beyond the "right her, right now"...

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you called her a slut


she agrees with you


you speak what is on everyone's mind(so she sez)


nycchick is one really big slut

i didn't call her out..i asked her a question..her answer was sufficient..she wrote the nycchick has little fashion sense and is lacking in creativity

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Originally posted by vision

you called her a slut


she agrees with you


you speak what is on everyone's mind(so she sez)


nycchick is one really big slut

i didn't call her out..i asked her a question..her answer was sufficient..she wrote the nycchick has little fashion sense and is lacking in creativity

Ok, I changed my mind...you are just too much of a fucking jerk to ignore.

I called her a slut.


MisK said "to tell u the truth...i think gravity says what a lot of people are thinking!!!! not just in this post..but in all of them...." Having absolutely nothing to do with that one particular statement...she was clearly speaking in general terms.

Furthermore, her response which included "funny...i don't remember posting that!??! please don't put words in my mouth for the sake of causing drama!! however i did undersatand what gravity was trying to say...short skirt,halter top...not exactly the most creative and/or fashionable outfit...i don't know this girl so i have no reason to call her a slut!!! " Came after you called her out to begin with.

Seriously, lackofvision you need to move on.

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i didnt think i posted a thread n "who's wearing the most creative/fashionable, trendy outfit thread?"

no my outfit probably does not fall in that category but i am not dressing to stand out here. I started this thread because i figured that MAYBE since there was so many ppl going and we were trying to plan a meetup and not everyone has (or is willing to post pics)... it might be one way to ID all the CP ppl and the fact that i know so many ppl have had this event marked on the calendars for weeks so i am sure its been on their minds on what they are wearing on sat night/sun am i mean half of the posts on this board are random thoughts right?

but like i said before i kinda thought it would draw some comments -- obviously not expecting the 'slut" comment but it gave me a good laugh. :)

and to those who came to my defense thanks ;)

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i don't have any friends..not even on this board

mr gravity will you be my friend??

i promise that if you beat on someone i will do a search on that person to see what they posted to help reiterate your feelings!!

we can do sleepovers and play monopoly until 3 in the morning!!


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